Bitcoin Currency Value Reaches Record High of $147

Bitcoin Currency Value Reaches Record High of $147

Interest in digital coin system spikes dramatically after banking crisis in Cyprus, nearly tripling in value since last month The value of individual Bitcoins has hit a record high of almost $147 as interest in the cryptographic currency, which has no central issuing...
LOBBYING: Closer to Bribery, or Extortion?

LOBBYING: Closer to Bribery, or Extortion?

We’ve certainly talked quite a bit about the institutional-level corruption of the way Congress and lobbying works, but a recent This American Life episode, done in partnership with thePlanet Money team takes a much deeper dive into how lobbying works. You...
Sanders Releases Explosive Bailout List

Sanders Releases Explosive Bailout List

More than $4 trillion in near zero-interest Federal Reserve loans and other financial assistance went to the banks and businesses of at least 18 current and former Federal Reserve regional bank directors in the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse, according to...


Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). The UNITED STATES is a corporation U.S. Code 3002. Definitions . . (15) “United States” means- a Federal corporation; Obama is the President of the Corporation, and the citizens are the employees of the corporation America...

VATICAN: One Planet, One Monetary System

Vatican urges economic reforms, condemns collective greed * Document also calls for “Central World Bank” * Condemns “idolatry of the market” * Urges Wall Street to examine its impact on humanity * Says reform should start under U.N. auspices...