Aug 9, 2020 | Human Traffic
The Dutch police uncovered a torture chamber inside one of several shipping containers near a small village in the Netherlands. Six other shipping containers were found with handcuffs and chemical toilets. The police found instruments at the site that could be used for torture.
Aug 4, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Leaks, Video
This documentary was made by researcher and author Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands with the aid of countless anons across the world. It Contains thousands of hours of research. Accept nothing as the truth. DO your own research, and double-check everything presented. This is the only way we become independent thinkers.
Aug 4, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Abuses of Power, Human Traffic
#GiselleMaxwell’s list became unsealed some time yesterday and here’s what happened WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORED COMPLETELY Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on...
Aug 4, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Human Traffic
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II, Tom Hanx WATCH NOW, Before It Gets Censored (Video) Toddlers & Tiaras with Tom Hanks Jimmy & Tom, Both on the Epstein Flight Logs can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Toddlers &...
Jul 29, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Human Traffic, Video
I wonder how many people are actually aware of the nasty details of what Epstein was up to? When Ricky Gervais made that Golden Globes speech, how many people thought he was being serious?
Jul 28, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Human Traffic, Whistleblowers & Dissidents
It would seem that June 2018 culminated a lengthy ritual involving the sacrificing of 12 well-known celebrities and members of royal families. Whereas this will only be news to normies, there has definitely been a lack of coverage on the occultic aspects of...
Jul 28, 2020 | 2020 Relevant, Human Traffic, Whistleblowers & Dissidents
MEL GIBSON’S SHOCKING REVELATION ON HOLLYWOOD …(No wonder he’s blacklisted)In a shocking exposé, movie star Mel Gibson has blown the whistle on the epidemic of “parasites” who “control Hollywood” that are involved in #childSacrifice and. #pedophilia. The...