Tag: Socialism

  • 85yr old Austrian-American Describes Hitler’s Police State

    85yr old Austrian-American Describes Hitler’s Police State

    “If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries. “As for healthcare, our tax rates went up…

  • Famous World Ideologies, as explained by references to Cows

    Feudalism: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk. Pure Socialism: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s.  You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you all the milk you need. Bureaucratic Socialism: Your cows are cared…