CRYPT: origin-Latin, ‘crypta’ meaning hidden

Welcome to the Decrypted Matrix, where you can see Reality for what-it-is… and… what-it-is-NOT



YouTube Channel COOKED in March 2021

The entire library of Decrypted Matrix Podcast shows (dating back to 2012) was deleted one early morning in March of 2021.  In hindsight, this was likely due to the upcoming AI ‘boom’, and the powers-that-be did not want Large Language Models (LLM’s) trained on this genre of content.  We were caught in a mass-purge of many channels hosting UFO’s, Conspiracy, Cryptozoology, Freedom & Rights, Human Trafficking Activism, ect which were removed without cause within a matter of weeks.


Chances are, you tried sharing details the Matrix did not want de-crypted.


What is the Meaning of Life?

To learn, grow, experience, improve, love, and most importantly… to remember.  We assert more control of the hologram than we realize.  Use this power carelessly, or wisely. Creation doesn’t create pointless creations. Learn from mistakes and evolve… or cycle, rinse, repeat.  You’re here because you exist.  Get used to it, that means you always have, and always have-been.  You aren’t going anywhere – so relax. You’ve merely forgotten the fact that you can transform, and choose to limit yourself, when it is required in order to learn.

What is the nature of reality?

The actual basis of reality, beholds a Holographic construct with regard to the Mind, Body, Consciousness connection.

Read: The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

Through past control mis-direction of all media and info distribution, TPTB have successfully diverted understanding of this into a pseudo-scientific mockery in the subconscious of the masses. The intention here is to hide your own power from you, to make you more controllable. Isn’t that great news!?  We can fix it! 

We are matter, matter is energy, and our thoughts & belief systems implicitly shape the physical reality that we manifest into existence, moment to moment to moment. Why? Because Atoms and Sub-Atomic particles behave differently when we observe them, versus when we do not observe them. The human mind can actually change reality ‘out there’ with nothing more than a conscious thought.

The best place to start researching this is by reading The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, based on both rigorous scientific study & global human experience. Our minds are connected because consciousness is like ‘the internet’. Each of us creates a unique experience through this (one) consciousness, as does every other computer terminal ‘connected’ to the (one) internet. We are in the driver seat, at the keyboard, and we have connectivity to consciousness in order to create our own realities – it really is that simple.

The most intriguing of all, is that we seem to get what we deserve. Some would call it Karma, while others would call it Universal Balance between positive/negative, good/bad, yin/yang across many inter-connected lifetimes.  Within the Holographic Universe Concept, there exists a ‘paradox’ where both opposing truths, are true.  The Whole, contains all the pieces, but each individual piece, still contains ‘the whole’.  Interesting how we’ve all heard..  God is within us, but we are also an expression ‘of God’ or ‘Christ Consciousness’ or ‘The Great Spirit’ or  [  insert preferred label  ]

Why does the idea of God complicate Religious belief ?

So much time has passed, with so much real truth and history forgotten, lost, or overwritten.. Modern day religions have not only been manipulated and perverted, but evidence implies even highly controlled from origin.

In their purest forms, Existentialism, Tao’ism and Buddhism are lifestyles most inline with self-governance, and personal accountability as in direct accordance with universal law, harmony, balance, and love; & how our alignment with/against that is directly relative to what kind of reality individuals will ultimately manifest for themselves. In simpler terms, our own attitude, and belief system structure, determines what out ‘outside world’ will present for us.  The law-of-attraction concept is vastly over-simplified, but attempts to scratch this surface.

Right now, Jordan Peterson has by far, the best and most comprehensive breakdown of this from a Psychologist’s perspective, and his vast direct human experiences (via patient stories, etc) applied against his incredible knowledge and critical analysis of the most relevant [and misunderstood] psychological references of our time [Neitzche, Jung]

Is there an afterlife?

An extremely high percentage of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) live to tell of indescribable awareness, connectednessand love during this ‘in-between’ time while outside of the typical fabric of reality. The most puzzling of all is that the majority of individuals see what they ‘expect’ to see, with visions often aligning with their religious or spiritual belief system.


Why are countries always at war with each other?

Humanity as a united front against Tyranny could be incredibly effective.
Countries at war are controllable and profitable, for the international interests (TBTB) focused on controlling earth’s resources through globalization & technological domination.

America and Israel are only the chosen pawns to play ringleader and instigators of perpetual global conflict, by this incredibly small sadistic minority. This plays out for all to watch as an alternative reality on the Mainstream Media News Mafia.. a consolidated ‘Big Six’ of controlled propaganda.

What happened to the United States of America?

What we think we know about America is only illusion.
Generally people on Earth just want to be happy and keep their families & loved ones safe. It is the corrupt element within the global government framework that has bankrupted the financial & corporate sectors under the protection & direction of ‘TPTB’ (the powers that be).

Countries, and Nationalism are simply clever ways to control Humanity using ancient ‘Divide & Conquer’ techniques. We can produce ways to protect local cultures, but allow for safe travel & em/immigration.

Perpetual war (by way of doctrine Religious division) keeps this separation in place.  Investigate ‘the country which has the most military bases on foreign-soil, and ask yourself why would this be necessary.  What would other countries think about that, when aligned to (policy/action by) United States of America Inc’s Establishment narrative..?

Who Runs the World?

The core control group can not be easily proven. But behind the private Federal Reserve System sit many shadowy ‘royal’ families, groups, and ‘secret’ societies which fight among each other for ultimate control of Earth’s resources & Humanity’s fundamental usage of:

  • Energy
  • Technology
  • Military
  • Intelligence
  • Transportation
  • Communication
  • Medicine
  • Education
  • Space Travel
  • Time

A fantastic break down of this Hierarchy can be found here on

The modern day class division between the have’s, and have not’s has never been greater, and the control over this above list has never been tighter. The core controlling elite is estimated to boil down to 25-150 individuals. Some researchers would go so far to say ultimately one single individual decides all policy on Earth. ‘the Pindar’ ?
Follow the money is true, but it only gets darker the deeper you go, be warned. i.e. ‘Adrenochrome’, the ‘Jesuit Order’, ‘Zionism’, and the ‘Black Pope’ are topics to take you there.

Should I Get a Psychic reading so I know my future?

Maybe.   Understand what Psychics are, first.

Using the ‘internet’ analogy from above, so to say each human represents a unique connection to one universal mind/consciousness, then it isn’t hard to see how a variety of people with different ‘speeds of connectivity’ could use this to make contact with other inter-connected terminals (humans).  There is no single psychic skill that necessarily stands out.

Depending on one’s development, universal balance, body toxicity, etc the output, aka ‘Reading’ can be anything from ‘sensing deeper emotional states, or ‘visually identifying a disease/ailment’,

quite often…

These abilities are often mis-represented as ‘Predictions’ set in stone, within the historical record. NO.  Predictions are only relevant at the time in which the ‘prediction’ was made. A sensing of the current engergies present.

Comparison:  Is it going to rain?  Well, look outside, and look for the indicators we’ve been trained on.  What do you see? Is the weather, ever guaranteed?  Nope, anything could change it really.

Simply the existence of a ‘prediction’ can alter the course of reality, which is indeed sometimes the reason for its actualization. i.e. The Subconscious(unfocused) self, saves the Conscious(focused) self from repeating a pattern of behavior it wants to change by raising into full awareness.

To learn, grow, experience, improve, love, and most importantly… to remember. We assert more control of the hologram than we realize. Use this power carelessly, or wisely. Creation doesn’t create pointless creations. Learn from mistakes and evolve… or cycle, rinse, repeat.

Technology seems limited, but how?

Because weaponization #1, until system crash/reset.

Technological advancement depends on weaponization weighed with profitability, for them not us. Some technology can reach commercial application for positive benefit on humanity, but the majority does not. ie, Wireless Free Energy, Teleportation, Unlimited Water Filtration, etc

The earth has more than enough space for billions, billions, and billions of people. .. When you have the ability to generate energy anywhere needed, forever. Previously inhospitable environments, become a none issue, when you have unlimited energy. Building, Heating, Filtering, Moving, Growing, all becomes painless, in a rocky Mountain, Snowy hillside or Desert plains farther than the eye can see. None of that would matter anymore.

Whats the deal with Aliens, are we alone?

What if we are the aliens? A large variety of evidence indicates we have never been ‘alone’, and have simply forgotten our history (either by accident or intentional). A combination of ancient genetic engineering, and evolution has brought about the current variety in human racial distribution.   Investigate the complexities (some ‘impossible’ in today’s technology) found within our Hidden History, the things our corporate textbooks chose to leave out.

Evidence?  Over 500 government contractors and witnesses dating back to the 1940’s have gone on record to various levels of experience working with such top secret projects and hidden programs to exploit the advanced technologies. Army Intelligence officer Clifford Stone told the Washington Press Club (May, 2001) that the US Military, at his time in service, had cataloged 57 different types of -ironically hominid, like us- off world beings.

Let me help you out.   NASA at the highest levels is a ‘front operation’ using legacy technology, simply to keep the tax money flowing (while hiding alternative agendas, from the public).  100 years later.. Rockets. That burn fuel?  Really?  Are we stupid?

The Secret Space Program has been described by countless whisteblower’s to date. i.e. Gary McKinnon, Randy Cramer, Mark Richards, James Casbolt, among others..

Are Humans the highest evolved species on Earth?

Unlikely. Even putting aside the taboo / hidden / unacknowledged Alien presence, the oldest cetacean mammals (ie Dolphins, Orcas and Whales) are arguably more advanced on the evolutionary scale than humans. ~100 million years head of Humans on the timeline soo….

Existing many many millions of years longer on earth than Homo Sapiens, these creatures have full natural balance within their ecosystem. Dolphin/Orca/Whale brains also cycle (process data) a minimum of 100,000 times faster than the average human.

Ghosts! Legit, or nah?

Evidence suggests there has always been more to reality than meets the eye. If people and things (matter) are all just abstract energy… then it isn’t that hard to consider a person’s soul, or personal essence ‘energy’ can be left imprinted in the ‘fabric of reality’, during or after ones lifetime.   Extoplasma , Ghosts, Paranormal, Harmonic Resonance, are good keywords to dig-in there.

This para-normal effect seems to be connected and/or most evident when extreme pain, emotion, or agony was actualized at the time of physical death.  The sensitivity of the individual who ‘observes’ this energy / plasma

Why bother? How can we every really know?

We probably can’t, know it all.  But we can absolutely learn more than we know now.   We can be, more than we are.

We focus on what we can best understand, and control within our own immediate sphere of influence.

What happens ‘out there’ really only matters in accordance to how you need to feel ‘in here’.  Pay attention, while keeping it light and laughing at the Bull$#* that comes up to test your mettle.   Its why that happens, you’re here playing a game with yourself, that you’ve chosen to forget, so its actually a challenge, spiritually.

Make better educated decisions for your family, loved ones, and avoid the traps.  Reduce the suffering in the world in small meaningful bites, and stop making things worse is a fantastic start.