Everything is a Contract.
All contracts must be consensual.
Knowledge of US Code, UCC, Trust & Common Law…
Sets us Free.

(REMASTERED: The ‘Strawman’ Episode YouTube deleted from the 2011 Channel)
The Google-Docs Vault Includes:
The Best Quality Templates FREE to Download, instilled with the knowledge and experience of those brave Patriots who first helped lead our charge toward Freedom. (Jean Keating, Patrick Devine, Jordan Maxwell, Joe Banister, Sherry Jackson, Michael Tellinger)

Master Your Matrix
Never Forget Your True Power as Master, Executor, Beneficiary.. of Your Vessel-in-Commerce.

COURT: Defense
All courts are Admiralty, until Common Law is invoked, Knowledge of core process can allow for control or avoidance of hidden obligations.
Resources to Investigate:
Christopher Hauser, Tracey Ellen Shaw, Carl P. Miller

COURT: Offense
Attorney in Fact can litigate for Non-Performance, Breach of Contract, Harm, Flipping same script back on Predatory Creditors.
Resources to Investigate:
Brandon Joe Williams

Family Court Exists because the child was volunteered by informant mother upon the State as Registered Property. Did you know the original contract can be Rescinded? Did you know Child Support Warrants and Orders can be ‘performed upon’ and Satisfied with the correct Administrative Process?
Resources to Investigate:
State Nationals Rock, Court Bonds, Decrypted Matrix Consultation

14th Amendment Created 2 Citizen Classes. State Citizens & U.S. Citizens. Desired protections exist at the State Citizen level, but most give them up by claiming US Citizenship.
Top Resources to Investigate:
Carl P. Miller, Brandon Joe Williams, State Nationals Rock
VIDEO: Carl Miller on Civil Traffic Tickets

Credit Reporting is Voluntary information. Anything can be updated, removed, due to ‘harm’ from inaccuracy. US Code Protects the Consumer, all Credit Reporting is VOLUNTARY. This means you can correct it, using Affidavits and Administrative Process.
Resources To Investigate:
USC 1581, C.F.P.B., Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

There is No Money & the IRS doesn’t obtain revenue. It is the world’s largest, most sophisticated money laundering operation; as they re-Venue debt instruments from Public to Private and vise versa. Welcome to Bankruptcy.
Resources to Investigate:
Patrick Devine, Jean Keating, Yusef El, CoachMT

Money, what money? Humans are the source of ALL credit. Sign-of-Nature pays/performs or moves credits in the Bankrupt System. Thats all.
Resources to Investigate:
Patrick Devine, Jean Keating, Yusef El, CoachMT, Brandon Joe Williams
VIDEO: Promissory Note Funds Loan

Earth can be a Poisoned Prison for the Modern Human. Complete holistic knowledge of our surroundings sets the foundation for a happy, healthy Human-Body. Mother nature is a self contained system, offering solutions to every problem.
Resources to Investigate:
Herbal Medicine, Banned Cancer Treatments, MedBeds, Dr Sebi, Dr. Dave Champion

All things are sentient, Life-forms in the Universe are Plentiful
Resources to Investigate:
Santos Bonacci, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Teal Swan, Delores Cannon

Simulation Matrix Build Out Video Game Control of Core Reality; You are the Main Character; The Obstacle Becomes the Path
Resources to Investigate:
Bashar, The Law of One, Delores Cannon