Tag: Conspiracy Theory

  • Jesse Ventura – Military, Entertainer, Investigator

    Jesse Ventura – Military, Entertainer, Investigator

    James George Janos Governor, Veteran, Actor, Author, Wrestler, Activist  Jesse Ventura About.com 3/10/10 “I would say the biggest one to me was the killing of John F. Kennedy because of what happened after that. Imagine if you can kill the president and get away with it. Well, then you are going to be bold enough…

  • Anderson Cooper CIA Puppet Attemps to Discredit Independent Sandy Hook Investigations

    Anderson Cooper CIA Puppet Attemps to Discredit Independent Sandy Hook Investigations

    Anderson Cooper (known by well researched individuals to be a Central Intelligence Agency operative embedded in within the mainstream media) has seemingly been ordered by his masters to launch a massive disinformation campaign (cover-up) of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. In fact, Cooper uses many intelligence agency tactics during the broadcast in question that…

  • 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

    9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98 Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes. (Watch French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese translations of this video.) TRANSCRIPT: On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using…