Tag: Oil
Eddie Griffin – Entertainer, Activist
Comedian Eddie Griffin Talks The Truth On China & Americas Covert War Through Afghanistan’s Opium. TV ‘Programming’. Freedom, Thinking, Control Sysmtems, Total Collapse – The Build up to World War III & The New World Order.
A Quick History: Illuminati, Nazis and the Illegal State of Israel
If we wish to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, we need to know who created Israel and why. In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands in the Middle East. This Balfour Declaration justified the…
The Bush Family’s Project HAMMER
Hammering the USSR’s Economy In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup against Gorbachev in August 1991 and the…
Veterans Today: Intelligence, Disclosures, and Gossip
Few understand the American election, even those who live here. I am forced to write for an international audience, which may actually make more sense to Americans. President Obama inherited two wars, a collapsed stock market and massive debt. We look at the market today at 13,000 plus and still wonder why our pension funds…
BUSH’S PROJECT HAMMER [Lee Wanta is not mentioned here but he was pivotal in the intelligence operations against the Soviet ruble from 1988!] Deanna Spingola February 8, 2010 In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet…