Tag: Twitter

  • The Fight for @YourAnonNews and the Missing $35,000

    The Fight for @YourAnonNews and the Missing $35,000

    “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.” – John F. Kennedy Anonymous is just such an idea. However details about in-fighting, backstabbing and missing fundraising donations which were made public over the weekend, threaten to undermine the trust people have in the movement…

  • Twitter, the FBI, and You

    Twitter, the FBI, and You

    In the future, if you tweet out a photo of a hilarious, meme-tasticĀ kitten, it might be best not to include terms like “white powder,” “dirty bomb,” or “Death to America.” Since late January, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been asking the IT industry to help it develop an open-source social-media application that would provide…