Leak Site Directory

by | May 15, 2012 | Activism


Whistle blower leaking Sites

Official and Community based sites that actively support whistle blowing / leaks about various topic

You can edit the wiki without having your ip address displayed by logging with the following Anonymous profile.

Username: Anonymous
Password: leaked

You may use that template in making leak site profiles:


WikiLeaks-Like Whistle blowing Sites

Leak Sites that publish leaks and accept submission of leaks, inspired by the original WikiLeaks.org concept.

New Concept Leak Sites

Different approaches and leaking methodologies

Established Leak Sites

Websites which have been publishing censored or leaked material before, or independently in parallel with WikiLeaks

Mainstream Media Whistle blowing Sites

Leak Sites that are operated by the media organizations directly

Environmental Protection Whistle blowing sites

Leak Sites and Organization that accept reporting about environmental issues

National Security or Serious Crime anonymous tip off / whistleblower sites

Tax Whistleblowing

Financial Whistle Blowing

Whistle Blowing for Censorship and Net Neutrality

Leak friendly websites

Websites which have a specific topic, audience and editorial position and as part of their reporting have frequently published high level unpublished documents

Public, USA FOIA and/or historical document release sites

Sites about whistleblowing and leaking

Leak Support Sites

Sites that support leaking in the editing and publishing processes, providing news, commentary or other stuff

Sites Commenting Leaks

Whistle Blowing Organizations

Organizations around the world that support Whistleblowing by promoting it as a transparency practice is public and private sector.

Whistle Blowing Consulting Businesses

Organization that do business related to WhistleBlowing and leaking (Consulting, Services, Press Agency middle men etc).

Whistle Blowing Hot Line Services

Charity and Profit organization that provide to public agencies and private corporation hotline services for whistleblowing in order to outsource the internal reporting service.


Whistle Blowing Software as a Service

The commercial services are typically known as Whistleblowing reporting systems, or anonymous internet reporting systems.

Whistle Blowing Software

Software used by public and private organization to manage whistleblowing sites (We need more free software!)

Open Source Whistleblowing Software

  • Honest AppalachiaHonest Appalachia website – uses Tor Hidden Service and PGP and publishes its own Open Source documents submission website software and configuration scripts to help other similar whistleblowing projects

Whistle Blowing in Corporations

A Directory of corporations that implemented corporate transparency by implementing whistleblowing through the organization:

Whistle Blowing Laws, Study and Regulations

A directory of laws, study, regulations and assessments on Whistle Blowing laws and practice in various countries.

Whistle Blowing Cases

Possibly Defunct/Dead websites

Encryption / Anonymity infrastructure services/ software used by some Whistleblower Sites


LeakDirectory related

Here misc stuff on Leak Directory initiative

Leak Directory backup wiki

A spam protected backup wiki mirror of this website is available at:



External opinions/reportage on LeakDirectory


LeakDirectory workshop at 28C3 Chaos Computer Congress

There will be a workshop about the LeakDirectory project at the

28C3: Behind Enemy Lines
28th Chaos Communication Congress
December 27th to 30th, 2011
Berliner Congress Center, Berlin, Germany,

See http://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/SocialHacking_LeakDirectory:

The Workshop has been glued together with GlobaLeaks one, you can download slides here

SocialHacking LeakDirectory Social Hacking

We will give an overview of what whistle blowing is and how it can be applied a wide array of different situations. Hopefully by the end of the workshop you will understand that whistle blowing is a fundamental tool for a democratic and transparent society.

We will focus in particular on the Leakdirectory Project, a shared crowd based initiative to represent most of the world of whistleblowing with the goal to became a reference for all the whistleblowing initiatives.


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