Tag: Bees
March 12, 2013 – Decrypted Matrix Radio: Brad Manning Audio Leak, Police State Expert Speaks, Prison Industry Profiting, GMO Vitamin Warning, Liar Cheney, Monsanto’s Bees
Bradley Manning Speaks! Leaked Audio from Trial An Interview with Police Militarization Expert Radley Balko:How Cops Became Soldiers Non-Violent Marijuana Arrests surpass Violent Crime Arrests- Prison Industry Profits Running Wild! GMO’s making it into ‘Natural’ vitamins & supplements Monsanto (the Fox) buys Beelogics (The Henhouse). Nature in jeopardy of getting Hi-jacked! Dick Cheney finally admits…
Monsanto Thugs Likely Behind Bee Poisonings In Australia
Beehives poisoned Beekeepers on the south coast have lost up to a thousand hives in a series of poison attacks. South coast beekeepers are reeling from the senseless destruction of hundreds of hives across the region yesterday. A toxic poison was sprayed into over 740 honey producing hives in the Batemans Bay area, decimating the…
Occupy Monsanto Poland Dumps Thousands of Dead Bees in Protest
On March 15, over 1,500 beekeepers and anti-GMO protesters marched through the streets of Warsaw, depositing thousands of dead bees on the steps of the Ministry of Agriculture in protest of genetically modified foods and their pesticides which are together largely responsible for the killing off of bees, butterflies, moths and other beneficial pollinators in…
Bee’s Get GMO Treatment: Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm For Pollination Control
Monsanto only cares about bee’s so they can figure out how to make them only pollinate Monsanto GMO crops. Whistle-blower testimony and supporting evidence will confirm that Monsanto seeks ultimate agricultural world domination through most incomprehensible and nefarious means. -Anonymous Monsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has…