Jun 25, 2012 | Activism, Leaks
“To whom it may concern: I, Oliver Kenneth Goff, was a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League from May 2, 1936 to October 9, 1939. During this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats and the number 18-B-2. My testimony...
Jan 27, 2012 | Taboo Terminology
(or what every Mother should know) by A. True Ott [email protected] © August 2000 Fluoride used by Nazis to sterilize inmates and make them docile. Fluoride a key dumbing down ingredient of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas — poisons of choice for tyrant rats....
Sep 26, 2011 | Nature Body Mind, Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TskdiL_YqRw TV NEWS show exposes Fluoride for what it is – poison!