Humanists, Autobots, Scholoars, Monks, Patriots and those playing for the Good Guys. Plenty of men and women have traveled this road before us. These secrets are not secrets anymore, and thanks to them, we have information available that would otherwise never see the light of day. Look closely at what these have to share, and you will see they are each telling a very small piece of the same overall story.
Short Version: There are other events in play on this planet, that you are not being told about. Those things would completely change the way you view yourself, and the world, if known. This is all just a dream, and reality is whatever you decide. Still hungry? Keep reading.
Disclaimer: We will be the first to admit.. a few of these could easily be ‘wolves’ disguised well, in ‘whistleblower’ clothing. but who… and why..?
This is intended to evolve into a quick and efficient resource/database/archive. Check back frequently for updates….
Alex Colier Contactee
Alex Jones Historian
Alfred Weber ET Politics
Benjamin Fulford Financial/Political
Bill Deagle Historian, Nature, Secret Space
Bill Hamilton Contactee, Secret Space
Bob Dean Military, Contactee, Secret Space
Bradley Manning Document Leaker
Brian O’leary NASA, Free Energy
Chris Everard Historian, Filmmaker
Clifford Stone Military, Contactee, Secret Space
Credo Mutwa Shaman, Historian, Zulu Nation
Dan Burisch Private Sector, Contactee
Daniel Ellsberg Document Leaker, Activist
Daniel Hopsicker Investigator, Drug War
David Icke Historian, Writer
David Wilcock Metaphysics, Spirituality
Duncan O’finionan Mind Control, Elite/Psy-Military
Edgar Mitchell Military, NASA
Fintan Dunne Journalist, Blogger
George Green Finance
Gordon Cooper Military, NASA
Gore Vidal Political Activist
Jaime Maussan Journalist, UFOs
James Casbolt CIA Defector, Mind Control (currently MIA)
Jesse Ventura Military, Historian, Filmmaker
Jim Humble Natural Medicine, MMS
Jim Marrs Historian, Journalist
Jim Sparks Contactee
Jim Tucker Historian, Occult
John Hankey Historian, JFK
John Lear Military, Pilot
John Young Leak Facilitator, Cypherpunk
Jordan Maxwell Historian, Occult
Julian Assange Leak Facilitator, Hacker
Kurt Nimmo Journalist
Kurt Sonnenfeld Journalist, FEMA
Leo Zagami Illuminati Defector
Michael Meacher British Parliament, Former
Michael Schratt Investigator, Black Projects
Mike Rivero Journalist
Mike Ruppert Historian, Police Corrupption
Nikola Tesla Scientist, Inventor
Paul Craig Roberts Journalist
Phil Schneider Underground Bases Expert
Richard Dolan Secret Space
Richard Simkanin Activist, IRS
Robert Baer CIA Defector
Rosalind Peterson Chemtrails
Scott Stevens Chemtrails, Weather Modification
Stephen Greer Secret Space, ET/UFO, Black Budget
Stewart Swerdlow Mind Control, Body, Hyperspace
Valery Uvarov Cosmonaut, Russia, ET Contactee
Webster Tarpley Historian
William Cooper Military, ET Contactee, Secret Space
David Adair Scientist, Area 51
Werner Von Baun Scientist, Rocketry
Carol Rosen Scientist, Rocketry, Gov’t Contractor
David Shayler Intel, MI6
Pete Peterson Intel, Underground
Ray McGovern CIA Defector
Kenneth O’Keef ExMilitary, Activist