Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Dream States, Creative Insurges – Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain

by | Jan 27, 2012 | Nature Body Mind | 0 comments

lright, I am going to propose something, and I do not know how many of you are going to be able to accept this.Again, we are going to have to do a little background on the science before I can suggest my theory.


Schumann Resonances
[link to]

The natural frequencies of the Human Brain are:
Beta waves (14 to 30 Hz),
Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz),
Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz), and
Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz).

Alpha frequencies have been associated with meditation and relaxation.
Theta frequencies have been associated with a dreamy, creative states.

The 1 Hz frequency of the Delta waves is 7.5 times lower than the 7.5 Hz natural frequency at the surface of the Earth. Since the radius of the Earth is about 6,400 km, the radius for a 1 Hz natural frequency is about 7.5 x 6,400 = 48,000 km.

Here are some natural frequencies that seem to correspond
to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain.

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz

Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km 2 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz

As to the following frequencies:

Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz

It is interesting that 0.125 Hz is about 8 seconds per cycle, which is roughly the same period as the 5 second delay that has been observed between the onset of a 1 to 2 millitesla magnetic field (about 100 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field) and the first bursts of brain activity responding to the magnetic field.
(See Science 260 (11 June 1993) 1590.)

Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of humans may be associated with Qi. If so, Qi may be detectable physically.

The Qi Field is one of the promising New Technologies. (more on Qi Field: Living beings, such as humans, may have an Energy Field called a Qi Field) [link to]

The microtubule structure of brains and other cells may
be the key to phenomena such as consciousness.

Human brain wave activity can be compared to that of Dolphins.

Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be “in tune” with Planet Earth.

Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.


OK, so here is what I am going to propose: What if this incoming magnetic ‘ribbon’, or field, or fluff lowers the Schumann Resonances of the planet? Remember, at normal Schumann Resonance the planet is at 7.5 Hz. Because of all the electrical activity that we surround ourselves in (electricty lines, cell phones, radios, ect.) we are surrounded by a Hz higher than 7.5 Hz, thus creating a ‘less relaxing’ and more anxiety prone atmosphere for us to live in.

What if this magnetic field:

1. Causes failure of all electric grids, thus putting our ground area atmosphere back to 7.5 Hz.

2. Causes the possibilty that the Earth gets submerged in it, thus lowering by volumes the Schumann Resonance.

3. And this affect was registered by our brain, which functions by electro-magnetic pulses. A lowered Schumann Resonance, one that would go beyond Theta, into Delta and
further… what would we experience!?

Spiritual rapture, dream states, creative insurges. Imagine it, the entire world population suddenly experiencing this!

Just another phenomenon of the approaching Golden Age!

Last Edited by SickScent on 08/31/2011 11:59 AM

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:07 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
Alright, I am going to propose something, and I do not know how many of you are going to be able to accept this.Again, we are going to have to do a little background on the science before I can suggest my theory.


Schuman Resonances
[link to]

The natural frequencies of the Human Brain are:
Beta waves (14 to 30 Hz),
Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz),
Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz), and
Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz).

Alpha frequencies have been associated with meditation and relaxation.
Theta frequencies have been associated with a dreamy, creative states.

The 1 Hz frequency of the Delta waves is 7.5 times lower than the 7.5 Hz natural frequency at the surface of the Earth. Since the radius of the Earth is about 6,400 km, the radius for a 1 Hz natural frequency is about 7.5 x 6,400 = 48,000 km.

Here are some natural frequencies that seem to correspond
to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain.

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz

Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km 2 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz

As to the following frequencies:

Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz

It is interesting that 0.125 Hz is about 8 seconds per cycle, which is roughly the same period as the 5 second delay that has been observed between the onset of a 1 to 2 millitesla magnetic field (about 100 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field) and the first bursts of brain activity responding to the magnetic field.
(See Science 260 (11 June 1993) 1590.)

Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of humans may be associated with Qi. If so, Qi may be detectable physically.

The Qi Field is one of the promising New Technologies. (more on Qi Field: Living beings, such as humans, may have an Energy Field called a Qi Field) [link to]

The microtubule structure of brains and other cells may
be the key to phenomena such as consciousness.

Human brain wave activity can be compared to that of Dolphins.

Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be “in tune” with Planet Earth.

Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.


OK, so here is what I am going to propose: What if this incoming magnetic ‘ribbon’, or field, or fluff lowers the Schumann Resonances of the planet? Remember, at normal Schumannn Resonance the planet is at 7.5 Hz. Because of all the electrical activity that we surround ourselves in (electricty lines, cell phones, radios, ect.) we are surrounded by a Hz higher than 7.5 Hz, thus creating a ‘less relaxing’ and more anxiety prone atmosphere for us to live in.

What if this magnetic field:

1. Causes failure of all electric grids, thus putting our ground area atmosphere back to 7.5 Hz.

2. Causes the possibilty that the Earth gets submerged in it, thus lowering by volumes the Schumann Resonance.

3. And this affect was registered by our brain, which functions by electro-magnetic pulses. A lowered Schumann Resonance, one that would go beyond Theta, into Delta and
further… what would we experience!?

Spiritual rapture, dream states, creative insurges. Imagine it, the entire world population suddenly experiencing this!

Just another phenomenon of the approaching Golden Age!

 Quoting: Sickscent

now you’re speaking my lingo, now you are



THIS is useful

User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:09 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
> 40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13–39 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition
7–13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness
4–7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep
< 4 Hz Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness???

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:09 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
now you’re speaking my lingo, now you arebookmarked


THIS is useful

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

I’ve been waiting to start presenting this aspect of my material. It is the piece that brings it all together.

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:14 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
> 40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13–39 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition
7–13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness
4–7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep
< 4 Hz Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness???

 Quoting: ??? 1143533

Heh, heh…now, imagine the Schumman resonance of 7.5 Hz (being in a mental state of one with Earth’s natural environment), and lower it (due to incoming frequency changes coming from interstellar bodies that have penetrated our heliosphere).

As it lowers, it is putting the brain/consciousness into deeper and deeper ‘meditative’ states. Once you get to certain frequencies, spiritual experiences begin occurring that are REAL to the person experiencing them.

Last Edited by SickScent on 11/04/2010 10:14 AM

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:16 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming

The Qi Field
The Qi Field is called a biofield by A. Detela in his work that describes it as a three-dimensional web woven of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. Lines of these fields are like tiny threads in a three-dimensional textile. These electromagnetic fields display very complex internal organisation. We find a peculiar kind of chiral solutions to Maxwell equations, which do not dissipate energy and lead to stable field structures. This is the so-called informational basis of the biofield. The simplest structures of these kind are toroidal knots. When electric charge with very light mass enters the informational biofield, non-linear phenomena take place. These non-linear phenomena are based upon bifurcations in internal electric currents and upon resonance effects between currents and fields. We find an evolution of the field structure. This evolution is a syntropic process, oriented in time. There are several obvious conditions for syntropic behavior and one of them is quantum coherence in the states of electric charge. Biofield always comprises both : the informational basis and the evolutionary component. Both are necessary. The first obeys the linear Maxwell equations and preserves the structural form of the biofield. Linearity leads to superposition of many different non-local states, therefore to a great capacity of information storage. The second is responsible for evolution of the biofield from primitive toroidal knots to very complex forms (with many knots) which show all the features of life. The structure of biofield is in close correspondence with the molecular structure of living organisms. The discrete knots in the biofield web are in interaction with discrete atoms and molecules in living cells, therefore biofield can regulate many processes in living cells. The most probable candidates for this interaction are chiral molecular structures of proteins and nucleotides, for example microtubules and DNA helices.
[link to]

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1134250
United States
11/04/2010 10:16 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:16 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
Alright, I am going to propose something, and I do not know how many of you are going to be able to accept this.Again, we are going to have to do a little background on the science before I can suggest my theory.


Schuman Resonances
[link to]

The natural frequencies of the Human Brain are:
Beta waves (14 to 30 Hz),
Alpha waves (8 to 13 Hz),
Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz), and
Delta waves (1 to 3 Hz).

Alpha frequencies have been associated with meditation and relaxation.
Theta frequencies have been associated with a dreamy, creative states.

The 1 Hz frequency of the Delta waves is 7.5 times lower than the 7.5 Hz natural frequency at the surface of the Earth. Since the radius of the Earth is about 6,400 km, the radius for a 1 Hz natural frequency is about 7.5 x 6,400 = 48,000 km.

Here are some natural frequencies that seem to correspond
to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain.

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz

Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz

Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km 2 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz

Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz

As to the following frequencies:

Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz

Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz

It is interesting that 0.125 Hz is about 8 seconds per cycle, which is roughly the same period as the 5 second delay that has been observed between the onset of a 1 to 2 millitesla magnetic field (about 100 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field) and the first bursts of brain activity responding to the magnetic field.
(See Science 260 (11 June 1993) 1590.)

Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of humans may be associated with Qi. If so, Qi may be detectable physically.

The Qi Field is one of the promising New Technologies. (more on Qi Field: Living beings, such as humans, may have an Energy Field called a Qi Field) [link to]

The microtubule structure of brains and other cells may
be the key to phenomena such as consciousness.

Human brain wave activity can be compared to that of Dolphins.

Some experiments show connections between the brain states and resonant electromagnetic waves, raising the possibility that the Human Brain has evolved to be “in tune” with Planet Earth.

Dolphin and Human Brains may contain BioMagnetite that could give them an electromagnetic sense that could provide a link between Brains and many types of electromagnetic phenomena, including but not limited to Schumann Resonance Phenomena.


OK, so here is what I am going to propose: What if this incoming magnetic ‘ribbon’, or field, or fluff lowers the Schumann Resonances of the planet? Remember, at normal Schumannn Resonance the planet is at 7.5 Hz. Because of all the electrical activity that we surround ourselves in (electricty lines, cell phones, radios, ect.) we are surrounded by a Hz higher than 7.5 Hz, thus creating a ‘less relaxing’ and more anxiety prone atmosphere for us to live in.

What if this magnetic field:

1. Causes failure of all electric grids, thus putting our ground area atmosphere back to 7.5 Hz.

2. Causes the possibilty that the Earth gets submerged in it, thus lowering by volumes the Schumann Resonance.

3. And this affect was registered by our brain, which functions by electro-magnetic pulses. A lowered Schumann Resonance, one that would go beyond Theta, into Delta and
further… what would we experience!?

Spiritual rapture, dream states, creative insurges. Imagine it, the entire world population suddenly experiencing this!

Just another phenomenon of the approaching Golden Age!

 Quoting: Sickscent

This phenomenon is about the noosphere.

Similarly speaking, you could take into account the ionosphere, responsible for what have coined as “collective consciousness”, contained within the electromagnetic field of the planet.

However, take this in to consideration:

[link to]

that should be of use

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:17 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1134250

synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:18 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

when you do so, your vibration or frequency or cycles per second will come closer to matching that of the planet…creating synchronicity

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1080443
United States
11/04/2010 10:19 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I am too dumb for this thread.
Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:19 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
The God Helmet
I want to post this because it shows that magnetic fields have an affect on the brain and spirituality.Note: there is no scientific reference that the Magnetic Ribbon would have an effect like this on the human brain, but it is definitely something to think about, especially those interested in the consciousness shift that is talked about during the 2012 timeframe. – SickScent

The term God Helmet refers to an experimental apparatus in neurotheology. The apparatus, placed on the head of an experimental subject, stimulates the brain with fluctuating magnetic fields. Some subjects reported experiences using the same words used to describe spiritual experiences.[1] The leading researcher in this area is Michael Persinger. Persinger uses a modified snowmobile helmet (the “Koren Helmet”) that contains solenoids placed over the temporal lobes, or a device nicknamed the Octopus that uses solenoids, both of which output “weak but complex” magnetic fields. The Octopus uses solenoids around the whole brain, in a circle just above subject’s ears, eyes and the bony ridge at the back of the skull, a region that includes the temporal lobes. Persinger reports that at least 80 percent of his participants (working with the Koren Helmet) experience a presence beside them in the room, which ranges from a simple ‘sensed presence’ to God. About one percent experienced God, while many more had less evocative, but still significant experiences of ‘another being’.

The apparatus uses magnetic fields, and not EMF emissions, as is sometimes thought. Much of the controversy surrounding the ‘God Helmet’ is due to this misunderstanding. The distinction is important because alterations in consciousness have been noted during changes in the Earth’s magnetic field (the earth is not a source of EMF emissions, but is a source of magnetic fields), an effect that the ‘God Helmet’ experiments have helped to

…more on the God Helmet
[link to]

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:20 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

when you do so, your vibration or frequency or cycles per second will come closer to matching that of the planet…creating synchronicity

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

when that synchronicity is in your control, through your mind, your life is in your control, essentially

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1143533
United States
11/04/2010 10:20 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I am too dumb for this thread.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1080443

i highly doubt it

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:21 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

when you do so, your vibration or frequency or cycles per second will come closer to matching that of the planet…creating synchronicity

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

But, keep lowering it past our natural resonance (Schumman Resonance)…when that happens, we begin to experience COLLECTIVE dream and spiritual states (if we are including the noosphere theories)!

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.


User ID: 1131894
11/04/2010 10:22 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming

I believe sound, along with magnetic fields, are also linked to this. Music and language alike can also create anxiety, and stress or peace and relaxation.

In fact I believe sound/vibrations is the language or code of the Universe.

I don’t know if this is completely related to what you are saying, but since you are talking frequencies and vibrations, I thought I’d add it in.

I just want to go home.
Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:23 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I am too dumb for this thread.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1080443

No you’re not. Stop worrying about the numbers so much. The reason I present the numbers is that I am providing scientific validation for this process. If the numbers make things too convoluted for you, just ignore them and read the summaries.

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:23 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I believe sound, along with magnetic fields, are also linked to this. Music and language alike can also create anxiety, and stress or peace and relaxation.In fact I believe sound/vibrations is the language or code of the Universe.

I don’t know if this is completely related to what you are saying, but since you are talking frequencies and vibrations, I thought I’d add it in.

 Quoting: Homesick

Yep, all connected when we begin to understand…

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:25 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I read somewhere, though I’ve forgotten where, that when the astronauts went to the moon (outside earth’s belts) they had to make a false resonant field in order to keep them grounded.Anyone hear about this?

Last Edited by SickScent on 11/04/2010 10:25 AM

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.


User ID: 725371
United States
11/04/2010 10:27 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I thought ‘ascendance’ was correlated with higher frequencies, not lower?Have you been reading Hameroff? He talks about quantum process in the microtubules of the brain creating consciousness and talks about frames of consciousness occuring 40 times/sec or every 25 ms = 40/sec.

Does 40 x/sec correspond to 40 Hz??

Enigmatic features of consciousness and their explanation by conventional approaches and Orch OR

Enigmatic Feature of Consciousness — Unitary binding, e.g., in vision, “self”
Enigmatic Feature of Consciousness — Temporal correlation, e.g., coherent 40-Hz synchrony
Enigmatic Feature of Consciousness — Unity of quantum state reduction; coherent 40-Hz-synchrony

In our model, microtubule-associated proteins “tune” the quantum oscillations leading to OR; we thus term the process “orchestrated objective reduction” (Orch OR).

[link to]

Last Edited by phizzycyst on 11/04/2010 10:28 AM


User ID: 1131894
11/04/2010 10:27 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I believe sound, along with magnetic fields, are also linked to this. Music and language alike can also create anxiety, and stress or peace and relaxation.In fact I believe sound/vibrations is the language or code of the Universe.

I don’t know if this is completely related to what you are saying, but since you are talking frequencies and vibrations, I thought I’d add it in.

Yep, all connected when we begin to understand…

 Quoting: Sickscent

Do you believe sound alone can draw in altered states of consciousness? Kind of like a psychedelic drug? Perhaps a range of tones or frequencies being played simultaneously at certain hz.

I wish I had a machine that could do this. My friend has a frequency generator for testing electronics, maybe if you fired a bunch of those up at once on different frequencies you could tap in to other states.

However I suppose it could be potentially harmful as well.

I just want to go home.
Smilin’ Irish Eyes

User ID: 656642
United States
11/04/2010 10:29 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I am too dumb for this thread.i highly doubt it

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

yep I doubt it as well.

Hey if I can get it anyone can; it just takes time and reading a lot of articles on electromagnetics.

First, familiarize yourself with how magnets work; next find out the basics of electricity; now learn how there is a “pulse”…a vibration…in all forms of energy. Everything we know has some type of energy.

The different tones, sounds, electromagnetism affect energy in different ways.

I’m sure others can explain it better but this is the basics I’m working with.

Great thread Sickscent, glad it caught my eye before I logged off so I started reading from the start and not 6 pages later.


Last Edited by Smilin’ Irish Eyes on 11/04/2010 10:32 AM

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom. — Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIn seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it – thou art a fool. — Lord Chesterfield

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1134250
United States
11/04/2010 10:30 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1143533

Ok then….then what happens to those who don’t?


User ID: 1131859
11/04/2010 10:31 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
So who gets to experience this golden age?synchronize with the heart, to this planet

you can do so by acts of sincere compassion, and relieve yourself from all things “negative” that is to, love past enemies…release guilt, fear and material attachments

get ready to share

Ok then….then what happens to those who don’t?

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1134250

Fade in to obscurity? A new form of evolution?

Tune in or fizzle out.

I just want to go home.
Smilin’ Irish Eyes

User ID: 656642
United States
11/04/2010 10:31 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I believe sound, along with magnetic fields, are also linked to this. Music and language alike can also create anxiety, and stress or peace and relaxation.In fact I believe sound/vibrations is the language or code of the Universe.

I don’t know if this is completely related to what you are saying, but since you are talking frequencies and vibrations, I thought I’d add it in.

 Quoting: Homesick

Wow, very well put. Agreed.

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom. — Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIn seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it – thou art a fool. — Lord Chesterfield

Sickscent (OP)
Swinging on the Spiral of Our Divinity

User ID: 865798
United States
11/04/2010 10:32 AM

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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming

Want more?

There is a subject in my work that concerns a sustained plasma event due to being submerged in the magnetic/plasma field that is incoming.

What if it has an effect on our consciousness as well? What if this theory below is true, and we experience a sustained consciousness field between humans when submerged in this magnetic ribbon field? A COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS EVENT!

Check out this theory. It is called the CEMI Theory, the electromagnetic field theory of consciousness.

CEMI Theory
The starting point for McFadden and Pockett’s theory is the fact that every time a neuron fires to generate an action potential, and a postsynaptic potential in the next neuron down the line, it also generates a disturbance in the surrounding electromagnetic (EM) field. McFadden has proposed that the brain’s electromagnetic (EM) field creates a representation of the information in the neurons. Studies undertaken towards the end of the 20th century are argued to have shown that conscious experience correlates not with the number of neurons firing, but with the synchrony of that firing.[7] McFadden views the brain’s EM field as arising from the induced EM field of neurons. The synchronous firing of neurons is, in this theory, argued to amplify the influence of the brain’s EM field fluctuations to a much greater extent than would be possible with the unsynchronized firing of neurons.

McFadden thinks that the EM field could influence the brain in a number of ways. Redistribution of ions could modulate neuronal activity, given that voltage-gated ion channels are a key element in the progress of axon spikes. Neuronal firing is argued to be sensitive to the variation of as little as one millivolt across the cell membrane, or the involvement of a single extra ion channel. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is similarly argued to have demonstrated that weak EM fields can influence brain activity.

McFadden proposes that the digital information from neurons is integrated to form a conscious electromagnetic information (cemi) field in the brain. Consciousness is suggested to be the component of this field that is transmitted back to neurons, and communicates its state externally. Thoughts are viewed as electromagnetic representations of neuronal information, and the experience of freewill in our choice of actions is argued to be our subjective experience of the cemi field acting on our neurons.

McFadden’s view of freewill is deterministic. Neurons generate patterns in the EM field, which in turn modulate the firing of particular neurons. There is only conscious agency in the sense that the field or its download to neurons is conscious, but the processes of the brain themselves are driven by deterministic electromagnetic interactions. The feel of subjective experience or qualia corresponds to a particular configuration of the cemi field. This field representation is in this theory argued to integrate parts into a whole that has meaning, so a face is not seen as a random collection of features, but as somebody’s face. The integration of information in the field is also suggested to resolve the binding problem.

Susan Pockett[8] has advanced a theory, which has a similar physical basis to McFadden’s, with consciousness seen as identical to certain spatiotemporal patterns of the EM field. However, whereas McFadden argues that his deterministic interpretation of the EM field is not out-of-line with mainstream thinking, Pockett suggests that the EM field comprises a universal consciousness that experiences the sensations, perceptions, thoughts and emotions of every conscious being in the universe. However, while McFadden thinks that the field is causal for actions, albeit deterministically, Pockett does not see the field as causal for our actions.
[link to]

[link to]Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in, broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW, What a ride!

Knowledge is wisdom, without experience.

I do not die…I awaken to the dream that I lived.

Smilin’ Irish Eyes

User ID: 656642
United States
11/04/2010 10:34 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
sie for youLove it ^^^ Sickscent. But now I have more rabbit holes to delve down and explore!! I have to go, glad this will show in my active threads.

Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom. — Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIn seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it – thou art a fool. — Lord Chesterfield


User ID: 1049247
United States
11/04/2010 10:35 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
Ive always felt that magnetics, radio waves “of all kinds”, and any other types of frequencies do alter, control, or change in some way the human mind.Thoughts, actions, and maybe even DNA in even the smallest manners.

I dont really understand all you posted….but Im assuming after reading it 3 times and trying real hard to soak it in, thats what youre getting at?

“Majority of Amerika is too awash in its own mediocrity to commit to fighting for freedom” Mojo
User ID: 1152192
United States
11/04/2010 10:35 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
This is an exciting concept, but I wonder how much control we humans would have of our concious minds and actions in these circumstances for taking care of routine mundane daily activities. Would we be functional in such a dream state? Or zoned out to the point of allowing major disasters to occur?BTW,I have used several brain wave altering machines and have found them to be a positive thing and very relaxing. I just don’t know about being in that state all the time with it out of my control.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1152263
United Kingdom
11/04/2010 10:36 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
Have found the Schummann resonance interesting from binaural beats (brainwave entrainment) I have listened to – you may want to check it out, thanks for this post

User ID: 1129677
United States
11/04/2010 10:38 AM
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Re: Spiritual Rapture, Dream States, Creative Insurges – Schumann Resonance and the Natural Frequencies of the Human Brain…and the Incoming
I was just talking to others the other day as to when was the last test done on the brain % we use now a days? The only one I can recall with out searching would be when they tested Einsteins to be some where around 11-12% I think. As the common human uses 10%. Seems a waste?Maybe this 10% = 10hz and with a little overclocking, one could boost there system to 11-12% on air, With out the need for a liquid cooled alum. foil hat mod.

This incoming fluff would be like turning on the lights/ similar to one booting there computer with a fully functional CMOS or COS-MOS?

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