Sep 28, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Abuses of Power, News
Remember that time the Supreme Court ruled that our DNA is basically just like our fingerprints, and cops can snatch it from us subsequent to arrest? Remember the giant biometrics project the FBI has been spending at least a billion dollars of our money building (with...
Oct 15, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
Wikileaks Statement, Anonymous Responds – A parting of ways..? Fact of the Day – Bin Laden family makes millions on defense industry Boom! Facebook Spying Methods, Secrecy Apples new i06 includes new (ad?)tracking Drone Strikes Super Tech Double-Tap...
Sep 21, 2012 | Abuses of Power, Globalist Corporations
Book Description Publication Date: May 12, 2009 For the faction controlling the Pentagon, the military industry, and the oil industry, the Cold War never ended. They engineered an incredible plan to grab total control of the planet, of land, sea, air, space, outer...
Sep 7, 2012 | Government Agenda, News
The Next Generation Identification programme will include a nationwide database of criminal faces and other biometrics “FACE recognition is ‘now’,” declared Alessandro Acquisti of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in a testimony before...
Aug 14, 2012 | Abuses of Power, News
The FinFisher spyware made by U.K.- based Gamma Group likely has previously undisclosed global reach, with computers on at least five continents showing signs of being command centers that run the intrusion tool, according to cybersecurity experts. FinFisher can...
Jul 14, 2012 | Black Technology, News
Most of us don’t think much about it, but the truth is that people are being watched, tracked and monitored more today than at any other time in human history. The explosive growth of technology in recent years has given governments, spy agencies and big corporations...