Mar 13, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Tons and Tons of Heroin Shipping from Afghanistan – Stopped by Russia? Bradley Manning gets support from Afghans in Kabul! Facebook Spying – Exposing Personal Details you don’t even share with the service! James Holmes Trial & Gag Order...
Jun 5, 2012 | Government Agenda
What keeps the drug industry going is its huge profit margins. Processed cocaine is available in Colombia for $1500 dollars per kilo and sold on the streets of America for as much as $66,000 a kilo (retail). Heroin costs $2,600/kilo in Pakistan, but can be sold on the...
Apr 27, 2012 | Extra-Dimensional, Taboo Terminology
Few understand the American election, even those who live here. I am forced to write for an international audience, which may actually make more sense to Americans. President Obama inherited two wars, a collapsed stock market and massive debt. We look at the market...