Oct 12, 2012 | Events & Assassinations, Video
There have been numerous videos that show a missile hitting WTC 2. The UFO or whatever it is is also seen in many of them. UPDATE: Flight 175, according to pilotsfor911 truth, was a Boeing 767-222. The length was 159 ft. 2″. The object in this video was much shorter...
Sep 11, 2012 | DCMX Radio, Events & Assassinations
9/11 Events Decrypted: How is it possible that a rag-tag band of half-baked ‘terrorists’ penetrated the most sophisticated military airspace defense system in the WORLD, four times in a single morning? Take a closer look at the actual conspiracy-theory...
Sep 11, 2012 | DCMX Radio, WAR: By Design
Osama Bin Laden Background & History: CIA Puppet Code Named Tim Osmond, OBL Death in late 2001 – As Reported in Multiple Foreign/Arabic Newspapers, Known Kidney Issues, Mysterious Tapes Showing Bin Laden Growing YOUNGER, His Personal Statements on 9/11...