US Space Command: The Proof is in the Patches

by | Jun 10, 2012 | Black Technology, Extra-Dimensional, Leaks | 3 comments

Written by David Wilcock

As you may already know, I have been fortunate enough to interact with multiple witnesses who have worked in various levels of the UFO cover-up — some at levels significantly above the need-to-know basis of the President of the United States.

When you speak with the top-level insiders in the black-ops community, you often hear them mention THE RULES.

These projects are so compartmentalized that only the high-level people are even aware that THE RULES exist — or of how far-reaching they are.

It has taken me years of interviews to explore and unravel this strange subject — particularly because of the potential for confusion.

Sometimes, when insiders talk about THE RULES, they are talking about guidelines their own group insists they follow — such as secrets they must keep, disinformation they are expected to pass along, who gets to know how much, what mistakes are bad enough to get you killed, et cetera.

However, over the course of many conversations, I increasingly realized there was another level of THE RULES — a level they have absolutely no control over.


In this greater cosmic sense, THE RULES are a set of principles that the insider black-ops community has felt, for at least the past century, were as fixed and unchangeable as the Universe itself.

They also believed THE RULES would continue, unaltered, for millions of years. Apparently they have time-viewing technology that led them to believe this was the case.

The idea that this was a manipulated timeline, and not necessarily the real future, was far too mind-blowing for them to ever consider — particularly since you have people living within these timelines, and you can go and visit them and live there yourself.

Nonetheless, all ETs visiting the Earth must operate within THE RULES. It is impossible for them not to.


One day, only a few weeks ago, I finally got smart enough to bluntly ask one of my main contacts, “Who makes THE RULES?”

The reply was: “Who makes gravity? Who makes the sun rise and set? Who makes the Galaxy spin?

“We don’t know who makes THE RULES, David, but we have no choice but to follow them. There is no workaround. There is no other way. That’s why they’re THE RULES.”

This is a strange subject, and will undoubtedly lead to some folks laughing and thinking I’m crazy… but this is what you hear about when you talk to these insiders yourself.

At the highest levels of the UFO cover-up, it is well-understood that events on Earth, and indeed throughout the inhabited galaxy, are being managed and controlled — by unseen forces.

Some things are allowed to happen… and others are not.



As one key example of THE RULES, our Earth is under a ‘Quarantine’ that prevents most ETs from being able to enter our airspace in a way that would be visible to the naked eye — except in rare, unpredictable and brief bursts of time.

This is the main reason why we don’t see more visible UFOs — particularly in the case of negatively-oriented ETs. In fact, without this Quarantine, negative ETs would have invaded and taken over this planet eons ago.

This Quarantine also appears to allow those planetary controllers here on Earth to do whatever they want. Or so they thought.

The Quarantine is maintained by a vast network of super-advanced, indestructible satellites surrounding the Earth — built by very high-level ETs. These satellites keep humanity locked in — and everyone else locked out.

The insiders do not know who built these satellites, nor precisely why they are there. It’s simply another part of THE RULES.

When you view the patches of US Space Command or Navy Space Command, they picture the Earth surrounded by two circles, similar to the typical depiction of electron orbitals around an atom.

This symbolizes the Quarantine — which protects us from the bad guys.



On this official military website, you can find a patch commemorating the 25th anniversary of Air Force Space Command — from 1982 to 2007. You can see the two rings around the Earth clearly depicted, as well as a stylized image of a back-engineered ET spacecraft in flight:



From what I’ve heard, these triangular craft are enormous in size — taking quite some time to walk from one end to the other — and are already in operation throughout the galaxy. The shape you see in these emblems is almost exactly what they look like.

There is an official website you can visit for the Naval Space Command and the US Space Command. There is also a Wikipedia page for the US Space Command, linked from an even more detailed Unified Combatant Command page.


If you read this US Space Command page, you will find very specific information about who was in charge, when they were in charge, and what they allegedly were up to… and it includes the following emblem, featuring the rings I’m talking about:


Notice the crosses on each of the rings. We’ll get back to that in a minute.

You can also read about US Space Command in this article on — in an interview with Gene McCall, chief scientist for the Air Force Space Command. Naturally, the article attempts to put a mundane spin on the story and does not include any real ‘juice’ of Disclosure.


You again see the rings around the Earth in the Air Force Space Command patch. This was originally featured on the official Air Force Space Command website, which has since been taken down.

However, at this website, there is a comprehensive series of mirrored links to what was originally on these official websites — along with the now-defunct links. I suggest saving your own copy in case it gets taken down.

When you go to this mirror site and sort through the images and text, this triangular metallic flying machine image appears over and over again on various badges and emblems — along with the two “quarantine rings”:



Also, again notice the two crosses on either side of the delta-shaped spacecraft — crosses that directly contact the rings.

These, I believe, are meant to be Knights Templar crosses.



In a Project Camelot interview, Gordon Novel revealed that these insiders like to refer to themselves as the Knights Temporal:

K: When you say “we,” who’s we?

The Knights Temporal

G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal.

The most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal.

We took a page out of the idea of the Templars, who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today.

Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all we know about it.

What Novel does not say here is that these international bankers did not merely “take a page out of the idea of the Templars.” These groups are the direct descendants of the Knight Templars — and have still kept all their secrets.



The same two “quarantine rings” appear in the emblem for the Naval Space Command, also mirrored at the above site:




This next patch can be found on the official Vandenburg Air Force Base website on Strategic Air

Again we see a cross on one of the Earth’s protective rings. The sword, as we shall see, appears to be a Knight Templar blade.

With the line “Strengthen the Shield,” there is a clear implication here that the two rings around the Earth could be some sort of ‘shield’ that we want to make sure stays strong.

Further, there is the suggestion that this shield may be at least partially enforced by that same weird delta-shaped craft:




Also check out this “AFSST 76th Space Ops” patch from the same site — the official Vandenburg Air Force Base website on Strategic Air

Again we see one of the “quarantine rings” as well as the same flying metallic triangle — this time with wings around it just in case you didn’t get the point that it flies.

Two smaller delta-shaped craft also flank the AFSST acronym at the bottom:


Here’s a shot of the original Strategic Air Command page in case it disappears. Notice the Knight Templar glove holding lightning bolts in the insignia at the top left:



The “quarantine rings” and flying metallic triangles show up again in the emblem for the Joint Functional Component Command for Space, which has its own official Wikipedia page here:


As it says on the Wikipedia page, according to Lieutenant General William L. Shelton, “Our prime mission directive in JFCC SPACE is to ensure our freedom of action in space, while preventing adversary use of space against us.”



These badges from Schriever Air Force Base follow the same theme — quarantine rings and peculiar aircraft operating far outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

Notice the difference in size between the small black delta-shaped craft and the larger metallic delta-shaped craft in the first badge below.

That size difference may not be an indication that one is closer than the other — it may acutally be a direct indication of how huge the larger craft is in comparison to the black one:


This next badge is particularly interesting because of the emblem that appears at the bottom:


I have been told this Pegasus “Master of Space” logo is worn by staff who have direct, high-level involvement with extraterrestrial human civilizations — typically those working for Space Command.

The Pegasus legend of the ‘winged horse’, used by the Gods to travel in Greek mythology, may well indicate some sort of extraterrestrial craft.

This follows the same chain of reasoning presented in Episode Two of this season’s Ancient Aliens on History Channel, which I am a repeat participant in.



There are so many goodies on the third page of badges from the Schriever AFB site — delta craft, Templar swords, Templar gloves, quarantine rings, et cetera — that I had to just post the whole thing:


There are many, many indications of the Knight Templars here — and indeed, many insiders have said the Air Force is much more involved in the UFO cover-up than other organizations.

You probably caught the Masonic compass in the image on the bottom right. There is a Templar glove below it holding a sword of fire.

I was particularly fascinated by the Templar Knight gloves that had a mysterious energetic force coming off of them on the 310th Communications Flight badge — suggesting the mastery of hidden Universal powers:




The fourth page of badges from the Schriever AFB contains additional enigmas — including a straight-ahead Templar skull and crossbones symbol:


The 50th Contracting Squadron badge at the top left may be a nod to the fact that human beings appear all over the galaxy — hence we see the image of a human body away from the Earth, and the Pegasus logo alongside it.

The 50th Space Communications Squadron badge at the top right has the Templar glove, again with the suggestion of a “Thunderbolt” coming out of it.

According to the second episode of this season’s Ancient Aliens, which I did plenty of research for but didn’t get in fast enough to make the cut, the many ancient ‘Thunderbolt’ legends appear to refer back to a working ET weapon that was used in historic times.

Such a weapon then later became mythologized in such stories as Zeus’ Thunderbolt, Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Spear, Poseidon’s Trident, Vajra’s Spear, et cetera.



The nasty-looking hooded being on the 23D Space Operations HQ badge, second over from the bottom left, clearly seems to represent the “Thoughtform Entities” I have been told these guardians of Earth are actively defending us against.

Notice the being has at least two faces — one made by the two winglike eyes in the middle, and another in profile view on the left-hand side, where a pointy nose, brow and chin are all clearly visible.

The rear of the head, in profile view, suggests pointy ears. I have indeed heard from an insider, recently, that at least one ET group does in fact have pointy ears — and looks very similar to certain ‘gargoyle’ faces we see on many Templar-designed buildings.


Whether you agree with what they’re doing or not, the people I speak to are absolutely convinced that the Earth would be much worse off if they were not doing their jobs.

This desire to protect humanity from outside negative forces is a strong rationale for why they continue to stay involved in these jobs, even though there are many questionable ethics involved.

It is certainly interesting to see a hooded being looming over the Earth on a badge dedicated to “space operations.”


The fifth and final page of badges from Schriever AFB has even more goodies. First, here’s the full view:


Notice the two stylized birds flanking the star on the bottom-center image. They most definitely appear to be depictions of the Phoenix.

What better symbol to choose if you’re describing a journey through a stargate — where you appear to ‘die’ and dematerialize on one end, only to be ‘reborn’ from the other?

As you’ll see in a minute, this was the original Air Force logo!

Now let’s explore some more of these images in detail.


First of all, as we see below in its larger form, we have a badge that may very well be showing us a pentagonal Stargate vortex emerging from the Northwest United States:


More than one insider has told me that the ‘ancient’ stargates look like tunnels lined with individual points of light, in a clear geometric relationship to each other, and which spiral in on themselves as you look more deeply into the wormhole.

The points of light may very well be in a pentagonal relationship to each other along the circumference of the circle, though no one has told me this. I also never thought to ask until now — but it may very well be.

A slight hint of this stargate pattern appears in the movie Minority Report, when you look off to the right in this particular shot:


Getting back to this 21st Space Operations badge, it even features the words ‘gate’ and ‘star’ right in the description — Gateway to the Stars.



The five-pointed star with a circle inside of it is a common feature of the basic Air Force badge, which went through two different stages of development. This is apparently another homage to the stargates or ‘portals’ being used at the insider levels.

I already pointed out the original Air Force logo, where the pentagon is flanked with stylized Phoenix birds on either side. This logo then went through an evolution into its current form, as these images depict:







Check this one out from the Air Force Communicators and Air Traffic Controllers Association.

In the center you have the pentagonal Air Force / stargate logo — flanked with the Phoenix birds of fire.

Then you’ve got a jet on the right and “something else” on the left — our delta-shaped craft once again — protecting a triangular-shaped Earth in the same ‘quarantine loops’ I’ve been showing you:


The triangle shape appears to indicate the tetrahedral energy signatures that run through the Earth and other planets, as Richard C. Hoagland has been asserting since at least 1993.

The tetrahedral energy appears at the 19.5-degree latitude, north or south, on any given planet.

On solid planets it emerges as volcanoes, such as Hawaii on Earth and the enormous Olympus Mons on Mars.

On gas planets we have the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, the Great Dark Spot of Neptune, cloud bands on Saturn, et cetera — all at the magic 19.5-degree latitude.



One of the most compelling pieces from Schriever AFB is this next badge below.

Here, we see a simplified but undeniable diagram of the Global Grid I have written about for so many years.

The real Grid is not made of a square pattern like this, but is otherwise extremely similar — including the spherical ‘nodes’ where the lines cross.

We also see a Knight Templar in full royal regalia:


Even the clovers carved into the knight’s mask are obvious, stylized versions of the Templar cross:




The official NORAD logo (NORth American Aerospace Defense command) also contains the ‘quarantine loops’ around the Earth.

This time the loops appear stylized as wings — and we also see the Templar sword with stylized ‘thunderbolts’ coming off of it:




More goodies can be found on the official page for the 310th Space Wing:


This next badge from the above website caught my eye in particular.

It is a seemingly earlier version of the same 310th Communications Flight badge I showed you before. Again we see the delta-shaped craft and the Earth with quarantine rings in the middle.

We also prominently see the knights’ gloves with thunderbolts coming off of the fingers.

Again, this badge suggests the Templar Knights may have possessed mystical capabilities to manipulate energy — either by thought alone, or with some form of ‘thunderbolt’ technology, as we see in many ancient myths:




Of course, none of this is absolutely conclusive proof that there is any off-planet work going on within Space Command, nor that they have access to stargate ‘portal’ technology or interstellar delta-shaped craft.

However, I have spoken to several different insiders who have given me various pieces of this puzzle — and they all fit together very well.

When independent witnesses keep telling you the same things, you start paying attention.

It is highly, highly interesting that we see so much redundancy in the symbolism of these various military badges — over and over again. I’ve only given you a brief sample of what you can uncover with your own research.



Everyone ‘in the know’ is well aware of THE RULES, and the Quarantine that exists around the Earth.

Apparently you can’t just fly a ship out of Earth’s atmosphere without opening a hole in the Quarantine first. This had to be done for all the Apollo missions, I am told, as otherwise they would have never made it out of here alive.

The ETs that have been working with the US and other governments for the past century apparently possess technology that allows for short-term openings to be made in the Quarantine.

Space Command is very glad we have the Quarantine, as it protects us from outside invading forces. When random holes occur, Space Command uses their own ships to further defend the Earth — as their badges indicate.

Another very interesting point I’ve been told is that Space Command and its affiliates have reason to believe the Quarantine will drop some time after 2012. This is a significant part of the transformation we are now going through.

At this point, the Earth will enter into open contact with its ET neighbors.

There is also the implication or suggestion that the dropping of this Quarantine will also enhance the mystical and psychic abilities of the average person as well.



The ‘Quarantine’ is one of a variety of very specific data points that were revealed in the Law of One series, most of which came through in 1981 to Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty of L/L Research.

The best way to introduce yourself to this staggeringly complex body of information — all of which is now free to read online — is to consult the Study Guide I have posted at this site. I highly recommend you explore this research, and feel it is one of the best possible uses of your time.

I have pointed out to several insiders now that everything they’re telling me — all the most significant data points — can be found in this one series from 1981.

I consistently urge that they read it, as they would be shocked to discover how well the material lines up with what they already know.

However, everyone is ‘too busy’ — and the big discovery still remains waiting in the wings.


If you feel you have the time, here’s a full list of all the places where the ‘quarantine’ is discussed in the Law of One series — and it is a fascinating read:

These two sets of quotes from Sessions Six and Twelve really stand out for me:

6.25 Questioner: Do any of the [positive Confederation ETs] come here at this time in spacecraft? In the past, say, thirty years?

Ra: I am Ra. We must state that this information is unimportant. If you will understand this, we feel that the information may be acceptably offered. The Law of One is what we are here to express. However, we will speak upon this subject.

Each planetary entity which wishes to appear within your third-dimensional space/time distortion requests permission to break quarantine, as you may call it, and appear to your peoples.

The reason and purpose for this appearance is understood, and either accepted or rejected. There have been as many as fifteen of the Confederation entities in your skies at any one time; the others available to you through thought.

At present [1981] there are seven which are operating with craft in your density.

Their purposes are very simple: to allow those entities of your planet to become aware of infinity, which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown.


12.3 Questioner: Is there any effort on the part of the Confederation to stop the Orion chariots [piloted by negative, “service to self” ETs] from arriving here?

Ra: I am Ra. Every effort is made to quarantine this planet.

However, the network of guardians, much like any other pattern of patrols on whatever level, does not hinder each and every entity from penetrating quarantine — for if a request is made in light/love, the Law of One will be met with acquiescence.

If the request is not made, due to the slipping through the net, then there is penetration of this net.

12.5 Questioner: I don’t understand how the Confederation stops the Orion chariots from coming through the quarantine?

Ra: I am Ra. There is contact at the level of light-form or lightbody-being, depending upon the vibratory level of the guardian.

These guardians sweep reaches of your Earth’s energy fields to be aware of any entities approaching. [DW: The satellites I have heard about from the insiders appear to be the automated detection system that alerts these ‘Guardians’.]

An entity which is approaching is hailed in the name of the One Creator.

Any entity thus hailed is bathed in love/light, and will of free will obey the quarantine due to the power of the Law of One.

12.6 Questioner: What would happen to the entity if he did not obey the quarantine after being hailed?

Ra: I am Ra. To not obey quarantine after being hailed on the level of which we speak would be equivalent to your not stopping upon walking into a solid brick wall.

12.7 Questioner: What would happen to the entity if he did this? What would happen to his chariot?

Ra: I am Ra. The Creator is one being. The vibratory level of those able to breach the quarantine boundaries is such that upon seeing the love/light net it is impossible to break this Law.

Therefore, nothing happens. No attempt is made. There is no confrontation.

The only beings who are able to penetrate the quarantine are those who discover windows or distortions in the space/time continua surrounding your planet’s energy fields.

Through these windows they come. These windows are rare and unpredictable.


This is only one of many hundreds of examples where I have found a perfect correspondence between what the top-level insiders tell me and what we find written in the Law of One series.



I have worked for years to flesh out the Law of One’s cosmology into a scientific thesis — with stunning results, as you can find in my videos, conferences, radio shows, articles and books.

A window of 2011 to 2013 was given in the Law of One series as a time where a ‘quantum leap’ would occur in Earth’s history, propelling us into an amazingly beautiful new Golden Age.

Once this shift fully takes place — which may involve 100 to 700 years for the full transition to complete — the average human being will have all the abilities attributed to Jesus and other ‘Ascended Masters’ — and more.

Even though it may take some time for this transformation to occur, there is no question that the initial ‘quantum leap’ in 2011-2013 is something absolutely remarkable, breathtaking and unprecedented in Earth’s history.


This ‘quantum leap’ is the result of our Solar System traversing into a more highly-charged region of the galaxy — wherein the actual physics of matter, energy and consciousness irreversibly shift.

This galactic transformation propels the Earth into an energetic state called ‘Fourth Density’ — as opposed to our current ‘third.’

These same energy states appear in the human body as the seven chakras. They also constitute what most people mistakenly call “dimensional levels”, which apparently exist as planes of existence throughout the entire Universe.

The shift into fourth-density is essentially a graduation from the yellow, self-oriented center to the green, heart-oriented perspective.

No mention of the Mayan Calendar ever occurred in The Law of One, as Dr. Don Elkins knew nothing about it — nor the importance of the 2012 date in many ancient prophecies.

It is highly ironic that the most accurate and comprehensive body of 2012 prophecy information makes no mention of the Mayan Calendar whatsoever… nor any of the other common talking points related to 2012.



Obviously, until this shift actually happens, we cannot be certain of what will occur — nor of exactly how it will occur.

Nonetheless, there are hundreds of specific, highly technical scientific data points in the Law of One series that have since been proven correct.

This makes it highly unlikely that the whole model will fall apart when it comes to the Fourth-Density Shift.

I have yet to find a single contradiction or error in the Law of One cosmology. In fact, the more I follow up on the leads we were given, the more advanced and beautifully perfect the model becomes.

I struggled for many years with the frequently-mentioned concept of a parallel universe where time is three-dimensional — but finally this year I solved this greatest of all mysteries, and truly understood how and why it was the key to everything.

My upcoming book The Source Field Investigations — due for release next May — is significantly more evolved than any other presentation I’ve given on this subject.

The CONVERGENCE film script has now been brought fully up to date with these latest breakthroughs as well, and we hope to have a finished draft ready to show directors, actors and investors by early January.





Who dumps technology more advanced than NASA on to NASA and thinks nothing of it? This admission of at least this segment of a secretive space program is quite revealing. It will probably slip by mainstream media, but sit up and take notice, this is a serious admission here.

NASA gets two military spy telescopes for astronomy

(Washington Post) The secretive government agency that flies spy satellites has made a stunning gift to NASA: two exquisite telescopes as big and powerful as the Hubble Space Telescope. They’ve never left the ground and are in storage in Rochester, N.Y.

It’s an unusual technology transfer from the military-intelligence space program to the better-known civilian space agency. It could be a boost for NASA’s troubled science program, which is groaning under the budgetary weight of the James Webb Space Telescope, still at least six years from launch.

Or it could be a gift that becomes a burden. NASA isn’t sure it can afford to put even one of the two new telescopes into orbit.

The telescopes were built by private contractors for the National Reconnaissance Office, one of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies. The telescopes have 2.4-meter (7.9-foot) mirrors, just like the Hubble, but they have 100 times the field of view. Their structure is shorter and squatter.

They’re “space qualified,” as NASA puts it, but they’re a long way from being functioning space telescopes. They have no instruments — there are no cameras, for example. More than that, they lack a funded mission and all that entails, such as a scientific program, support staff, data analysis and office space. They will remain in storage while NASA mulls its options.

“It’s great news,” said NASA astrophysics director Paul Hertz. “It’s real hardware, and it’s got really impressive capabilities.”

The announcement Monday raised the obvious question of why the intelligence agency would no longer want, or need, two Hubble-class telescopes. A spokeswoman, Loretta DeSio, provided information sparingly.

“They no longer possessed intelligence-collection uses,” she said of the telescopes.

She confirmed that the hardware represents an upgrade of Hubble’s optical technology.  MORE HERE

Anything fishy here? Two telescopes on mothballs better than Hubble? Are they toying with us? This is just nuts news.

Secret Space Program?

You really think we get the whole story about anything, especially regarding military or technological advancements?

I personally met a man in New Mexico who used to work at the infamous Area 51. You can imagine how I tried to wangle information out of him, but he was tight-lipped. When I came back at him the third time after trying to act indifferent he finally said, “Let’s just put it this way. The stuff I worked on back in the 60′s still hasn’t come out.”

And my impression was he was a low-level tech.

There’s a lot of testimony as well as conjecture about Moon and Mars missions and the like you can read about on line, as well as many other “forbidden” realms of research. That we’re surrounded by technology that far surpasses what has been introduced into the mass mind is a no-brainer, so to speak.

It’s thought that black-op advances are decades if not centuries ahead of “known” technologies.

So What.

These psychos are on a path of self destruction—-hence—psycho-path.  We just don’t want it to be at the expense of the innocent. Nice thing is we can’t be eliminated, we’re multi-dimensional eternal consciousness.

Now THAT has their knickers in a twist!

Be well, be aware. But this tech stuff we do need to keep an eye on to see what these wackos are up to.

Keep on informing, helping others find out who they truly are, and keep the wake up rolling.

Love, Zen


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  1. gordon

    that hooded entity is known as a ‘shadow person’. I dont know what they are really called though -what they call themselves. I found this site because after seeing them I knew that govts and military must know about or of them.

  2. Fred findtone

    Shadow person. Yur in the wrong dimension. They’re spiritual

  3. mari

    I have personally seen one of the large white delta/dart craft. There’s nothing stylized, its exactly as portrayed on the patches. And also can make turns quite unlike normal craft. Not sure whether it was a drone or piloted. Flew over Belfast n.i.2011 around 02.30 am. Very beautiful and graceful craft.