Heath Ledger – Evidence of Ritual Murder by the Illuminati

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Events & Assassinations, Human Traffic | 0 comments

Illuminatirex: “Heath Ledger rose to fame following his breakout role in 10 Things I Hate About You opposite Julia Stiles. He went on to star in The Patriot, Monster’s Ball and a Knight’s Tale before being recognize by the Hollywood elite for his role in Brokeback Mountain for which he received multiple nominations. The actor went on to play lucrative part in The Dark Knight and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Unfortunately, Ledger never got to see his last two movies. He was found dead in his SoHo apartment after taking a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs.

In late 2010, actor Randy Quaid, who had worked with Ledger on Brokeback Mountain, applied for asylum in Canada. Quaid claimed that he was fleeing from a group of Hollywood insiders that he called the Star Whackers. According to Quaid, the group routinely murders actors in order to benefit from related insurance settlements.

Randy Quaid specifically attributed Ledger’s death to the Whackers as well as David Carradine’s in Bangkok. He also said that Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan would be the group’s next targets.

Monarch Theories: The Monarch theorists claim that Heath Ledger was a mind control victim – a Monarch slave. His inability to sleep was due the sleep deprivation method used in his programming. Mary-Kate Olsen’s role in the affair was as a courier between the Illuminati and Ledger. (source)

“I remember Heath saying, ‘I’ve got a lot to do. I don’t feel like I have much time … I just don’t think I’m going to be around that long,’ ” his longtime friend, hip-hop artist N’fa Forster-Jones, says in Spike TV’s documentary I Am Heath Ledger, this quote appearing in people magazine. Now why would a healthy 28 year old feel like they are not going to be around that long? It is almost like he knew he was going to be taken out. Friends and family of his said that his mind was always busy, going at a hundred miles an hour, and like the guy never slept.

Max Spiers: Heath Ledger who played the Joker in Batman died on Jan. 22 2008, which is interesting because the number 22 is in sync with the Joker tarot card, and being a joker and all that. I’m suggesting that the batman movies have some kind of ritual magic involved….

His real father wasn’t the father who was shown to the public. His real father was a famous actor who did a lot of theater in the 50’s and 60’s. Can’t remember his name.

All the ritual murders are planned at the birth of the child anyway. So they already know at birth that this child is going to be murdered at a certain time, on the 19th birthday this child is going to be taken out. It happened with Eric Clapton and his child Conner Clapton who fell out the window. So there’s a price for fame and power.”

Could Heath Ledgers death be his price for fame, or even his father’s price for fame? Was it planned all along? Part of a ritual sacrifice to the wicked industry of Hollywood dark occultists? The strongest evidence for this comes from the last two movies of Ledger’s career before his death: The Dark Knight Rises (part of the Batman trilogy) and the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Both movies contain a lot of occult symbolism, some of which connect directly with each other (even though on the surface the two movies are unrelated). For example in the Batman movie he plays the Joker which is a tarot card (the fool), and in the Imaginarium he plays the Hangman, another tarot card. Tarot is a huge part of the occult.

If that isn’t enough of a connection, in his Joker role, there is a scene at the end where he is hanging from a rope by his leg, in the exact same way as the Hangman tarot card.


Here he is hanging from his neck under a bridge in The Imaginarium, where his character is first introduced. Notice the strange Satanic markings on his forehead. The most telling is the Illuminati triangle with the eye inside it.

According to Vigilant Citizen, “The hanging from a bridge scene is inspired by the actual 1982 hanging of Roberto Calvi (dubbed “God’s banker” due to his relations with the Vatican). The hanging took place under the exact same bridge. Although never publicly confirmed, there are strong theories that Roberto Calvi’s death was a symbolic and ritualistic murder carried out by the black masonic lodge called Propaganda Due.”

Vigilant Citizen also points out another link between the two movies: “At one moment the travelling show is parked in the area of Battersea power station (on the cover of Pink Floyd album ‘Animals’) , which was also a location for the film ‘The Dark Knight.’

His character “Tony” is revived from near death but has amnesia upon waking (a nod to MK Ultra split personalities perhaps?).

Tony then becomes a helper in Dr. Parnassus’ Imaginarium, a traveling side-show with surprises. People go behind the mirror and are transported to an alternate dimension of pure imagination. Notice the Masonic checkerboard symbolism here.ledger magic mirror

Vigilant Citizen: “The numerous references to death during the movie could be interpreted as a tribute to Heath Ledger, but, as (the director/writer) Terry Gilliam states, none of the script was rewritten after the tragedy. Here is an excerpt of the director’s interview with Last Broadcast:

The film is terribly poignant film to watch now because of the loss of Heath.

Yes, it is.

And there are the references to death in the film that seem terribly poignant in the light of what happened. Did you re-emphasise any of that after his death?

The references to death were all in the original script, which people don’t understand. They all thought we had written this stuff after Heath had died and no, we didn’t change any of the words. And that to me is what’s so kind of scary and spooky – why was it so prescient? It seemed to be all about death, it’s so much of it. There are forces at work on this film, don’t get me into my mystical mode … but the film made itself and it was co-directed by Heath Ledger!”



There is an eerie scene that takes place inside the Imaginarium where we see little boats with pictures of other celebrities who died young: Princess Diana, James Dean, and Rudolph Valentino.

“All these people … they’re all dead.”

Tony replies:

“Yes … but immortal nevertheless. They won’t get old or fat. They won’t get sick or feeble. They are beyond fear because they are … forever young. They’re gods … and you can join them.”

He then adds:

“Your sacrifice must be pure.”

All of this is said by Johnny Depp, the actor who replaced Heath Ledger after his premature death.

Gilliam: “Everyone said he died young, but I think he was about 150 when he died. This was not a kid. There was wisdom there. I didn’t know where it came from – none of us knew – but everybody that was close to him says the same thing.”

VC: “People close to Ledger observed a strange transformation in him during the filming of Batman: The Dark Knight.”

As we know, The Dark Knight Rises was the movie playing during the Aurora shooting massacre where James Holmes dressed up as the Joker by dying his hair red. Was Max Spiers right in suggesting that there may be some kind of black magic ritual involved with this movie? In an earlier post I laid out evidence linking the Aurora shooting and Sandy Hook, through a scene in the Batman movie here.


I believe the strange premature death of Heath Ledger is another piece of this puzzle.

Further Reading:

For Part 2 on what I call the “Batman Code” click here.

Check out Vigilant Citizen‘s thorough breakdown of The Imaginarium and Heath Ledger’s possible ritualistic murder here.

The ‘Star Whackers’ that killed David Carradine and Heath Ledger are after us, we’re out..”

Randy Quaid

Actor, Hollywood

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