Feb 25, 2015 | Black Technology, WAR: By Design
An unnamed scientific researcher walks out to her mailbox, shuffles through some bills and advertisements, and pulls out an envelope containing a CD of pictures from a recent scientific conference the researcher had attended in Houston. Excited – though maybe a bit...
May 14, 2014 | Globalist Corporations, Video, WAR: By Design
War For those who are completely new to the Palantir Platform or could simply use a refresher, this talk will start from scratch and provide a broad overview of Palantir’s origins and mission. A live demonstration of the product will help to familiarize...
Mar 13, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Tons and Tons of Heroin Shipping from Afghanistan – Stopped by Russia? Bradley Manning gets support from Afghans in Kabul! Facebook Spying – Exposing Personal Details you don’t even share with the service! James Holmes Trial & Gag Order...
Aug 14, 2012 | Abuses of Power, Government Agenda
Big Brother is watching. No kidding. And the warning is coming from none other than Google, which says government spies may be spying on you. Some believe the Google announcement may be related to the recent discovery of the data-mining virus named...
Aug 14, 2012 | DCMX Radio
The Conspiracy driving Private Contractors, Private Security, and Privatized CyberSecurity. Major Players trying to remain Name-less. Government influence on outsourcing, etc. Every Week Night 12-1am EST (9-10pm...
Sep 22, 2011 | Anonymous, Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8HRFBviUDs Good evening, NATO. We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that a NATO draft report has classified Anonymous a potential „threat to member states’ security”, and that you seek retaliation against us. It is...