May 15, 2014 | Government Agenda, News
Director Errol Morris’s ‘The Unknown Unknown’ shows Rumsfeld as unapologetic. April 5, 2014 So what do we know now that we didn’t after documentarian Errol Morris’s 100-minute Q&A with Donald “I Don’t Do Quagmires” Rumsfeld in “The Unknown...
Feb 8, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Caught On Camera ~ Joe Biden Admits Gun Control Will Not Stop Mass Shootings Or Save Lives Prepping for Freedom Day Instead of “Doomsday” Disney UFO Documentary Admits Aliens Are Real, Prepares Humans For Contact DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for...
Oct 24, 2012 | Anonymous, Video New documentary We Are Legion puts an actual human face on Anonymous, the hacktivist group whose members usually are seen wearing Guy Fawkes masks — if they are seen at all. Considering Anonymous’ retaliatory acts against...
May 23, 2012 | Government Agenda, Video This documentary explains how CIA pioneered, developed, manipulated prisoner abuse, sold drugs, changed regimes and killed millions of people worldwide Secrets of the CIA documents exactly what the title suggests it would. With $50...