How Online Privacy Tools Are Changing Internet Security

How Online Privacy Tools Are Changing Internet Security

How online privacy tools are changing Internet security and driving the (probably quixotic) quest for anonymity in the digital age. For many of us, the Internet is like a puppy—lovable by design and fun to play with, but prone to biting. We suspect that our digital...
Whonix: The Anonymous Operating System

Whonix: The Anonymous Operating System

Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible. Not even malware with root rights can find out the user’s real IP/location. Whonix consists of two...
How To Secure Your Android Phone Like the NSA

How To Secure Your Android Phone Like the NSA

Rejoice, paranoid security fanatics! There’s finally a version of Android that enables your obsessive need to lock and control each and every file on your mobile device. There’s just one catch: you’ve got to trust the National Security Agency to use it. The NSA has...
An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System

An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System

Bitcoin is not inherently anonymous. It may be possible to conduct transactions is such a way so as to obscure your identity, but, in many cases, users and their transactions can be identified. We have performed an analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system and...