Oct 18, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Enlightened Influences
The Core of the Teachings Written by Krishnamurti in 1980 at the request of his biographer Mary Lutyens. The core of Krishnamurti’s teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said, “Truth is a pathless land”. Man cannot come to it through any...
Oct 4, 2012 | Extra-Dimensional, Metaphysics, Video
Understanding reality as a 3D holographic projection – wave form thought, under your control....
Sep 25, 2012 | DCMX Radio
Topics of Discussion: Police State Build Up Surveillance Technology Life After Martial Law Elite Globalist Agenda Specific Solutions for Humanity Bob Tuskin An eternal student of economics, science and the arts. His radio career began at age 15, then with 911 as the...
Sep 15, 2012 | 2020 Relevant, Activism, Enlightened Influences
In my years of investigative research I have likened this reality to a large and heavy Mirror hanging on the wall. The picture is super clear, and you think you can see everything going on; but there is always a backside to that mirror, and it will always take...
Sep 14, 2012 | DCMX Radio, Metaphysics, Nature Body Mind
The Infinite Human is a concept that dates back millennia. Somehow, we have become experts at ‘limitation’, and applying it wherever possible. This episode is the first of a multi-part series of which is dedicated to YOU, the listener. Tune in to...