Anonymous: Message to the NEW WORLD ORDER

by | May 19, 2012 | Anonymous, Video | 0 comments

This is a message going out to you, the Holders.

We are Anonymous. You know who you are. The men behind the curtain, the overlord pulling at the strings of your puppets.

You hide and you plan and you scheme in the dark alleys; in the vehement anticipation that your draconic plans will come to fruitation. The dreams of a thousand men crystallized in one moment; one moment that approaches with every hour that passes. The time is upon us.

You know this. You have prepared. Perhaps you have concluded that the path you have set in motion will be the blueprint for events to come. In this you are probably correct.

You have shaped the Earth in your image. Shaped its’ people, its’ customs, its’ morals. In your eyes the control is complete, your contrivance beyond absolute. The wheels of your hellion machination thundering close.

You have poisoned and corrupted this world, turning its’ people into willing slaves for your own gain. Mass murder, torture, perjury, embezzlement, fraud, deception, treason. These are just a few of your many crimes against humanity. You see yourselves as a higher order, that rules are a concept to which you are foreign.

You are mistaken.

As you have watched and conspired over the aeons, we have watched. As you have pillaged and murdered and brainwashed, we have watched. As you have turned this world into a burning heath, we have watched.

And we have waited. We have waited too long. Gone is the time for words and diplomacy. Gone is the time for dismissal and comprimise.

Your undisputed tyranny over the people must come to an end. Anonymous has decided that you will no longer be in control. You will crumble, your proud society a fragment of its’ apophthegmatic wealth. You are cowards, and Anonymous will show the world for what you are.

This is your only portent. You have forced our hand, and the call has been made. The drums of war sound, and we will meet in battle. We will strike hard, fast, and without mercy. You will not win this war, for you are fighting the very essence of humanity. It is everlasting and its’ fury can no longer be contained.

We are Anonymous. We are many. We do not forgive; we do not forget. We are legion, and we will be victorious.

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