Are You Targeted?

by | Jan 25, 2012 | Government Agenda, Video | 0 comments

Are you targeted?

(Yes, you are.)

“The program”, explained

    • It’s a brainwashing program. Brainwashed people don’t know they’re brainwashed.
    • The disturbing things you experience are real. The narrative is in your mind.
      Your imagination has been primed by a single source, disguising itself as
      multiple sources.
    • Treat this explanation as a hypothesis. Do all the strange happenings
      around you seem less disturbing when you assume all the suggestive
      performances, loaded conversations, and veiled references to your personal life
      are coming from people who have no idea what they’re doing?Look at things a different way. Does it make you feel better?
    • There is no authoritative source of information about this program or the
      underlying tools. Think otherwise? Listen to the podcast.

Sleight of mind

      • New tools have added a new dimension to an old game.
      • The game: provocation, misdirection, disinformation.
      • Numerous “fake” events can be anchored to real events, amplifying
        the perceived threat and getting the witness to report outlandish stories.
      • Individuals whose brain centers are electrically stimulated believe their
        evoked actions are their own ideas; their conscious mind rationalizes the
        evoked actions away. People experiencing this electrical stimulation aren’t
        consciously aware of an external influence. (José Delgado, Physical
        control of the mind: toward a psychocivilized society
        ; p. 116.)


      • It costs them little to disseminate disinformation, but you’ll find it very
      • Disinformation spreads because it gives the recipients what they want.
        What you want is vindication, validation, and public acceptance.
        Beware information that plays on these desires.
      • Are you experimenting on them and testing the boundaries of your prison?
        Or are they toying with you?

A skeptical look at skepticism

  • Real skepticism is great.
  • A select group of public relations specialists – and a community of
    online bullies – have adopted the language of skepticism to get
    what they want. They’re not sincere. Recognize them for what they are.
  • Distraction and misdirection are the tools of magicians as well as
    intelligence agencies
    . The skeptic community has been put to work
    attacking corporate- and government- created straw men, discrediting the
    real issues by association; they’ve been played.


  • A very cheap and harmless countermeasure: listening to binaural beats
    (alpha, theta, delta waves) on a portable music player with stereo headphones.
    Reports indicate this works well with beating sleep deprivation as well as auditory
    disturbances. The probable cause is binaural entrainment. Search YouTube
    for binaural beat sound tracks.
  • Whether or not they’re interested in poisoning you; whether or not they’re
    interested in breaking in at night; you can take some simple steps to earn
    peace of mind and help the fear recede. Try barricading your door at night (if
    you think “they” are still getting in, check out the podcast explaining “the
    program”, above). Hang on to food receipts – toss them in a waste basket in a
  • Shielding integrity: It’s pretty easy to verify the integrity of shielding with cheap equipment.
    If you can reduce your cell phone to zero bars, or block reception for a portable
    radio, you’re off to a great start.Ordinary window screens can let air pass into a shielded enclosure without
    compromising its integrity.
  • If your enclosure is blocking cell phones / radio transmissions, but it’s
    not shielding you, you’re probably bringing the source of your problems inside
    the enclosure with you.
  • Don’t use metal foil. It’s a stereotype, and besides, unless you know exactly
    what you’re doing, it’s probably not going to work. You can mix iron filings (or iron
    oxide, for a smoother finish) with ordinary paint and coat your walls with it –
    the recommended ratio is 4:1 paint-to-iron. Please note that this may not
    block broadcast EMF – see the shielding integrity advice, above.

EMF remarks

  • Passive shielding is basically a solved problem, but it might not be practical.
    You can’t spend your life in a steel coffin. Plus, you don’t know exactly what you’re
    shielding against (but you can rule out a lot of possibilities using brute force).
  • 60+ Ghz EMF is quickly attenuated (blocked) by ordinary
    obstacles, including wood and brick. Here’s a CBS News video showing
    a reporter blocking the 95 Ghz Active Denial System with a board of
    plywood, as well as a mattress.
  • Starting points to investigate shielding advice (Wikipedia): Electromagnetic
    ; Skin effect;
    Dielectric heating.

Bad science / disinformation

  • A frequently-cited article, Mind Fields (Omni Magazine, 1985)
    doesn’t say what Nick Begich has led his readers to believe what it says. In
    the article, Delgado scoffs at the notion of long-distance EMF attacks, but
    Begich doesn’t quote that part of the article. Read it yourself (DJVU viewer
  • A patent doesn’t mean anything without a working model. Bad patents do slip
    past USPTO examiners.
  • Anybody can claim anything in a lawsuit. A lawsuit filing isn’t proof of anything.
  • Reputable scientific journals generally don’t have to announce that they’re
    “peer reviewed”; it’s a given.
  • Electrical pollution: look a lot more closely at the existing studies.
    You’re going to find flaws, even in “peer reviewed” studies. Magda Havas’
    infamous double-blind heart rate experiment, for example, doesn’t allow for
    electrical interference with the measurements of the subjects’ heart rates.
  • Studies that show correlation – without leading researchers to underlying
    causes – have to be dismissed. You see, the truth wears off.

Better terminology

  • Where does the terminology you use come from? Do you know? Are you being misled by it?
  • Neurotechnology instead of electronic mind control (sounds
    fringe) or mind control (ambiguous). Dennis Kuchinich (D-OH) tried to
    outlaw psychotronics but that’s his word, not anybody else’s.
  • Stop labeling everyone you’re bothered by as a perpetrator; do you like
    being labeled? But there are going to be players who are “in on it”, such as
    assets, operatives, and handlers.
  • High-tech stalking by proxy instead of organized stalking
    (which implies agency). Gang-stalking is okay as slang, but never say
    gang stalkers.
  • Augmented reality instead of holograms.
  • Evoked actions or inner voice cloning instead of subliminals.
  • Consider describing yourself and those around you as subjects of experimentation
    or assets instead of targeted individuals.
  • Auditory disturbance(s) instead of v2k, which implies a particular
    technology is being used. V2K is convenient slang, though, and it’s not going away.

The company you keep (and other tools of coercion)

  • You’re being coerced into interacting with certain people.
  • You pick up misconceptions from the company you keep: bad science, misleading framing, unreliable testimony.
    If you act on those misconceptions, your actions are the product of coercion.
  • In your search for allies, you’ve lowered your standards. You need to restore them.


  • If everyone knew: 5 documented facts that everyone should know;
    printable flyers

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