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Journalist Glenn Greenwald Speech on “Humanitarian” Wars Greenwald is that increasingly rare commodity in the US, a true journalist. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but he is definitely correct here in debunking the hogwash about "humanitarian" wars. Nobody goes to war for humanitarian...
What If Mitt Romney Inherits Obama’s Killer Drone Fleet?
Andrew Sullivan says he'll use it less scrupulously than the president. But based on what evidence? Current policy is plenty unscrupulous already. Asked about drone strikes during Monday's foreign policy debate, Mitt Romney basically said that President Obama is right...
MARINE – JON MICHAEL TURNER SPEAKS THE TRUTH Ex-Marine who threw back his medals, Jon Michael Turner, speaks the raw hard truth about merciless & indiscriminate killing PROMOTED by Staff Sgts and other Top Military Brass during modern war and middle eastern conflict.
DARPA And Navy Reveal Advanced Technology For Naval Warfare
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) new director, Dr. Arati Prabhakar, will share her vision Oct. 22 at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) 2012 Naval Science and Technology Partnership Conference and ASNE Expo. Prabhakar, who took the helm...
Still Classified: Terror Suspects’ Own Accounts of Their Abuse
In a motion unsealed last week, the government proposed new ground rules for classified information in the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others charged with planning the 9/11 attacks. The new order says the accused can't talk about their "observations and...
Banned in USA: Interview of Iranian President Amadinejad “We Want Peace for Humanity, Not Bombs”
Kim Bildsoe Lassen, a Danish journalist from the Public Service TV station Danmarks Radio interviewed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shortly before he was to arrive in Copenhagen for the COP15 summit. English subtitles not part of original broadcast. Full transcript in...