Camelot Whistleblower John Doe: Off World Colonies, ETs, and Underground Bases

by | Jan 31, 2012 | Activism, Extra-Dimensional | 0 comments

Kerry Cassidy

The following is an overview of information given to me a few days ago by a source I have named John Doe.

Most, if not all, of this information covers previously released info however, this can be seen as up-to-date verification of much of that testimony gathered from various other whistleblowers and researchers. John Doe was recruited into the CIA at a young age and has been involved in many operations including Iran Contra.

He first described being taken to one of the underground bases in Colorado – dumb (deep underground military base). Says it allows for 100,000 people, has high ceilings massive rooms, something like a Mall. He said these bases are built for cataclysmic events coming anytime up to 6 years in the future. He said that people like him are told “you are going to have ticket” … not true. Most of them are being misled to believe that. He said the problem they are having now is that they realize that many facilities they have built won’t survive.. so they are hard at work retrofitting them and trying to bring them up to speed. He says he has been in 4 ..there are dozens.

While down in one of the bases he was introduced to a human looking ET — (the description best fits those known as Nordics- my label – Kerry). He says these human-looking visitors are all over the Pentagon and CIA… He describes them as being very handsome, around 6’3″ with very striking eyes. His impression is that they are not overly friendly with no obvious sense of humor. The one he met looked to be in his 30s.

This individual said that they are using and sharing technology with us that has been around for thousands of years. There’s life everywhere in the universe. However, the earth is one of a only a handful of planets that has everything… an extremely interesting and desirable planet. He said the diversity here is rare but not unique.

He said that real intel comes from the mid-level guys…. And this is where ‘information flows’. Interestingly, he said that the mid-level guys are not convinced these guys (the Nordics) are only here to help…He said they are in essence, intergalactic capitalists. They have been here for thousands of years… And that they never give without taking something.

The secret government is on a crash program to finish the facilities and to get the them up to snuff before the Earth changes. He said they had to escalate their work and correspondingly the influx of cash… To that end they have been using the drug trade to fund their endeavors and when they run out there they had to steal money off the people in order to complete the work in time.

He stressed there is a lot of mistrust on the mid-level who are not as convinced as those on the higher levels of management that the Nordics can be trusted… and also that their supervisors are telling them the truth… about anything.

John Doe talked about the technology we have received from the ETs and said, what people don’t realize is that along with what we have received, you also have to use terrestrial materials to make it work. And that there’s a lot of problems with converting the technology to get it to work here in this dimension and on Earth. You need to do a great deal of R&D to convert the technologies to get them to work here. When things don’t work, this adds to the mistrust.

In regard to the military/secret government, he said, that these guys have worked for 50 years in order to be prepared and to save a semblance of civilization.

Cataclysmic changes could happen anytime but not on a specific date like December 21, 2012… He said there will be an escalating of severity and will take from now up to the next 6 years. This, he said, is fairly agreed upon among the ranks.

There is a known object entering our solar system that is on an orbit coming through, that and the line-up of planets next year will cause massive disruptions and eventually, a polar shift. It’s in essence the Apocalypse like Bible speaks of… This incoming planet or actually star (dark star) is also stimulating the high activity of the sun. Things are ratcheting up every year and he can can only guess on the exact time frame.

In general, he talked about the recent revolutions and uprisings in the Middle East and said specifically that Tunesia was not spontaneous event.. He points to the placards in English as evidence of prior planning.

Referring to the Earth changes he said “this is going to be a bloodbath” with approximately a 25-30% survival rate worldwide. The changes will be a process that builds.

He said, while, given access to seeing and hearing about the secret projects they are involved in, that from his point of view they were aimed at destructive technologies and they seemed to have no compunction or conscience over the ultimate aim of the projects. Such as what human in their right mind would want to mess with the upper atmosphere and create destructive weapons… he said he can’t understand it.

He said he is sure that Obama has lost his ticket (to the underground bases) and that he is uninformed or doesn’t get it. He said Clinton however, has his ticket because most of the drug traffic went right through his state… and that he has
ingratiated himself with the CIA from the beginning. He said Pamela Harriman helped get him into office….

Reason for Coming Forward

Paraphrasing… he said, “I would love to get on top of my house and scream it but everybody’s going through their lives and they have got no idea. I want to protect my children and I can’t. I like to believe I have a soul. I would like to get forgiveness.” – John Doe

Note: this information is free to post around the net, all I ask is that you credit Project Camelot Productions. Thank you.

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