Richard Belzer Richard Jay Belzer has played the wise-head Munch on almost a dozen TV shows, ranging from “SVU” to such huge successes as “The X-Files,” “30 Rock,” “The Wire,” “Arrested Development” and even “Sesame Street.” That’s a record for any single fictional television character, says an NBC spokeswoman.
Richard Belzer Belzer made his 1999 debut in the field, a book entitled UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe, was conspiracy lite — footnote-free and sprinkled generously with humorous asides. In contrast, the two new books are more serious in tone and larded with footnotes and descriptions of “secret government” cover-up plots. Both have made The New York Times Best-Seller List, though Belzer doesn’t take full credit for that; he attributes much of their success to his recent spate of appearances on Jones’ Austin, Texas-based radio show.
Richard Belzer Richard Jay Belzer has played the wise-head Munch on almost a dozen TV shows, ranging from “SVU” to such huge successes as “The X-Files,” “30 Rock,” “The Wire,” “Arrested Development” and even “Sesame Street.” That’s a record for any single fictional television character, says an NBC spokeswoman.
Richard Belzer Belzer made his 1999 debut in the field, a book entitled UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe, was conspiracy lite — footnote-free and sprinkled generously with humorous asides. In contrast, the two new books are more serious in tone and larded with footnotes and descriptions of “secret government” cover-up plots. Both have made The New York Times Best-Seller List, though Belzer doesn’t take full credit for that; he attributes much of their success to his recent spate of appearances on Jones’ Austin, Texas-based radio show.
Richard Belzer Richard Jay Belzer has played the wise-head Munch on almost a dozen TV shows, ranging from “SVU” to such huge successes as “The X-Files,” “30 Rock,” “The Wire,” “Arrested Development” and even “Sesame Street.” That’s a record for any single fictional television character, says an NBC spokeswoman.
Richard Belzer Belzer made his 1999 debut in the field, a book entitled UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe, was conspiracy lite — footnote-free and sprinkled generously with humorous asides. In contrast, the two new books are more serious in tone and larded with footnotes and descriptions of “secret government” cover-up plots. Both have made The New York Times Best-Seller List, though Belzer doesn’t take full credit for that; he attributes much of their success to his recent spate of appearances on Jones’ Austin, Texas-based radio show.
Richard Belzer Richard Jay Belzer has played the wise-head Munch on almost a dozen TV shows, ranging from “SVU” to such huge successes as “The X-Files,” “30 Rock,” “The Wire,” “Arrested Development” and even “Sesame Street.” That’s a record for any single fictional television character, says an NBC spokeswoman.
Richard Belzer Belzer made his 1999 debut in the field, a book entitled UFOs, JFK, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe, was conspiracy lite — footnote-free and sprinkled generously with humorous asides. In contrast, the two new books are more serious in tone and larded with footnotes and descriptions of “secret government” cover-up plots. Both have made The New York Times Best-Seller List, though Belzer doesn’t take full credit for that; he attributes much of their success to his recent spate of appearances on Jones’ Austin, Texas-based radio show.