Dec 7, 2012 | News, Taboo Terminology
vs. Which represents real (de jure) government in Australia? Which is seen on “government” literature ? Would you be surprised to find a company with the same name as your country registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC?...
Dec 7, 2012 | Globalist Corporations, News
FULL DOCUMENTARY by Scott Bartle A probing documentary that dares to ask vital questions: Is Luxury Car Tax lawful? Is Goods & Services tax lawful? Are they pretend laws? Which Parliament did those laws come from? Which Commonwealth do those laws belong to?...
Oct 13, 2012 | Events & Assassinations, Video The powerful and hard-hitting documentary, American Holocaust, is quite possibly the only film that reveals the link between the Nazi holocaust, which claimed at least 6 million Jews, and the American Holocaust which claimed, according to...
Jan 27, 2012 | Globalist Corporations, Taboo Terminology
Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). The UNITED STATES is a corporation U.S. Code 3002. Definitions . . (15) “United States” means- a Federal corporation; Obama is the President of the Corporation, and the citizens are the employees of the corporation America...