Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Top 10 Most Extreme Substances on Earth

10. The Darkest Substance Known to Man What do you get when you stack carbon nanotubes on their ends and sandwich them together? A material that absorbs 99.9% of the light that touches it. The microscopic surface of the material is rough and uneven, which breaks up...

Reality Creation: 10 Insights

  Insight #1 … Reality is consciousness manifest in electromagnetic grids of experience. We ONLY manifest physically by grid connection. Insight #2 … If you are emotionally balanced you will attract that which will keep you in balance. If you have...

The Journey & Map of the Soul

The spirit is the energy of light and within this light there is a unique pattern called the soul. The soul carries within it an electromagnetic holographic images of past experiences or other incarnations, but also within this pattern of energy there is an electronic...