To Serve or Not to Serve.
I’m submitting my story because I feel it’s one a lot of people need to hear. I have been getting some negative feedback on CopBlock’s Facebook page from the cops that visit it, so here we go. I was a member of the united states marine corps for 14 years, I joined in 1996 and […]

Report describes investigation of abusive UMass Lowell officer
This article was cross-posted at Massachusetts Cop Block In October of last year, UMass Lowell student Brendan Brown was threatened by a campus police officer for video-recording a group of police officers who were responding to a fight that had taken place outside an apartment. Brown was approached by UMass Lowell Police Officer Noberto Melendez […]

Buy a Ladies shirt, 50% of proceeds go to Ademo’s legal defense
If you’ve been following Copblock closely, you know that Ademo has (ridiculously) been charged with felony wiretapping, while merely seeking to place pressure upon police for their lack of accountability. For more details, please read more here. He will require substantial funds for a defense, particularly if he chooses to seek counsel (which I have […]

Actually yes, ignorance of the law is an excuse
There are countless laws. Literally. Maybe not in the mathematical sense – it is technically possible to count the laws in existence, but based on a colloquial and general use of the term “countless” it is not really feasible for someone to count every law. Just this year, 40,000 laws were passed and are set […]

Reconstructing Leviathan: Academics Outline Harm of Growing Security State
There is no (direct) total war but rather the never ending ‘wars’ on crime, terrorism, illegal immigrants and anti-social behaviour. There is no formal abolition of civil rights, just their hollowing out. In short, there is a need for a new politics of law and order. The old problematic of how to perfect and refine […]
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UPDATE: Wiretapping Fundraiser – One Week Mark
Added on 30 January 2012
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UPDATE: Just Say “NO!!” 4th & 14th Amendments
30 January 2012
This post is an update to “Just Say “NO!!” 4th & 14th Amendments.” These are links about Peter Cloutier violating my civil rights on January 18, 2012 in Augusta Maine. The first link is the raw mp3 of the violation. The second link is the raw mp3 of my meeting with the internal investigator, Sgt. […]
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CopBlocking Grows in the “Shire”
30 January 2012
One of the most common statements I hear about CopBlocking (monitoring the police) is, “we don’t have enough people.” If that is the case where you live, considering moving to the Shire (aka New Hampshire). Liberty minded folks are moving here daily to live better lives, one where the government isn’t always sticking its nose in […]
Posted in Allies, Educational5 Comments

FACT: Police Will Violate Your Rights and Lie/Omit to Cover It Up
30 January 2012
On 07/02/11 I crossed from Nogales, Mexico into Nogales, AZ and when I did I, as usual, I refused to answer questions unrelated to a legally required customs and citizenship declaration. The result was my being manhandled into the back room, yelled at, threatened, arrested, handcuffed, and placed in a cell. I remained in the […]
Posted in Articles, Educational8 Comments

Denver Police Tourist Trap
28 January 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDU5rvYNfGo (Sorry, the first part is pretty shaky) I was dropping off a rental car 1/19/11 in Denver. There are thousands of rental cars in a section of Denver airport. This thug in a blacked out unmarked pickup was targeting visitors and tourists dropping off rental cars. The roads around the area are quite confusing […]
Posted in Guest Posts3 Comments

Police Refuse To Charge Assault Caught On Film
28 January 2012
Liberty activist Adam Kokesh was in New Hampshire covering the primaries when he was confronted and assaulted by a Gingrich security guard. After catching this on film and attempting to report the assault, the police said they “don’t care” and only after multiple requests did they even agree to “take down information,” while still refusing […]
Posted in Allies, Guest Posts8 Comments

Just Say “NO!!” 4th & 14th Amendments
28 January 2012
Patrol Officer Peter Cloutier of Augusta, Maine Police Department knowingly, willfully, and intentionally violated my civil and common law rights as guaranteed by the 4th and 14th Amendments, as well as criminally trespassing on my private home through the use of intimidation, force, coercion and threat of kidnapping and bodily injury. After Officer Cloutier and […]
Posted in Guest Posts35 Comments

My Squirt Gun Almost Got Me Shot
27 January 2012
This story takes place when I was still a teenager. At the time I worked at the local Pizza Hut. I had just left work, literally having just turned out of the parking lot, when the lights and sirens of a police car appear behind me. I diligently pulled over and waited for the officer […]
Posted in Guest Posts, Quick Hits12 Comments

Don’t Stop Recording: Meet James Brown
27 January 2012
By Ian Freeman, blogger at FreeKeene.com: Back in 2010, on a visit to the NH Attorney Genital’s office, we met “investigator” Dick Tracy. More recently, Copblock’s Ademo and I were in the area so we dropped in again with some more questions, this time meeting “investigator” James Brown. Neither man was interested in speaking on the record and […]
Posted in Allies, Articles4 Comments