Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA


According to all United States federal government organizations, chemtrails do not exist and/or are a conspiracy theory. They claim that the white lines in the sky stretching from horizon to horizon are normal jet contrails. Somehow, I assume using theoretical...

The Human Body: 49 Fascinating Youtube Videos

There is a lot to learn about the body and how it works, as well as how its different systems interact to create a larger system. Here are 49 interesting YouTube videos that can help you learn about the human body: Brain Your brain directs the rest of the body’s...

Beautiful Space: Antennae Galaxy.. or Quantum Mirror?

Are we looking at beautiful space-dust….?  Or could it be the depth of one’s own mind? The Ultimate Secrets of Reality Graphic based on Menger Sponge by Paul Bourke NEW WEBSITE: Video Presentation by...

Beast1333: Templars of Hip Hop Present – Anonymous Distributed denial of Service the Barbs are Stacheldrat When DOS attacks Suits without a Head Get scared and shit they Slacks See what we lacks A Sense of Compassion our Justice must be Swift Hal Turner hurting the pockets of...

Anonymous: A Message to NATO Good evening, NATO. We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that a NATO draft report has classified Anonymous a potential „threat to member states’ security”, and that you seek retaliation against us. It is...

Anonymous: Message to Monsanto – We Fight for Farmers To the free-thinking citizens of the world: Anonymous stands with the farmers and food organizations denouncing the practices of Monsanto We applaud the bravery of the organizations and citizens who are standing up to...

Timelapse: A Satellite’s Trip Around the World

A time-lapse taken from the front of the International Space Station as it orbits our planet at night. This movie begins over the Pacific Ocean and continues over North and South America before entering daylight near Antarctica. Visible cities, countries and landmarks...

NASA Secret Space Missions Exposed 2011 Ever wonder why the United States never commissioned another expedition to the Moon? Stanton Friedman discusses the possibilities and the new movie Apollo 18 that is based on the conspiracy theories why NASA never...

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica

Posted by Mark Sircus – Director on 28 July 2011 | Filed under World Affairs We only believe what we see with our own eyes and then even then, if we do not want to see something, we will not see it even if it’s there. Lately I have been taking virtual journeys...

Torsion, the Aura and Long Range Healing

AUTHOR(S) Claude Swanson, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Descriptions of the human aura go back thousands of years in Chinese medicine and Hindu yoga. Its existence and general properties are universally acknowledged by energy healers, who say that assessing and manipulating the...