Jan 25, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Shocker – The Pope Applauds Gun Control, UN Support More GMO Truths Uncovered Awakening through the Pineal Gland CCTV Facial Recognition Disrupting ‘Glasses’ Every Week Night 12-1am EST (9-10pm...
Dec 11, 2012 | News, Secret Societies
The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order. In a speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on Monday December 3 2012, the Pope called for the “construction of a...
Nov 26, 2012 | DCMX Radio, Events & Assassinations, Secret Societies
Max Interviews guest Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits Part IV Topics Covered: Assassinations Throughout History! 14 American Presidents Vatican Popes Mexican Leaders Russian Leaders Iranian Leaders Ireland Leaders Bolshevick Leaders and other Various opponents of the...
Nov 5, 2012 | Activism, DCMX Radio, News, Secret Societies
Click Here: Revealing Talk Radio Eric Jon Phelps, noted Jesuit expert, author of the book Vatican Assassins: Wounded In The House Of My Friends, lecturer and talk show host, will be our exclusive guest on November 5, 2012 on the Decrypted Matrix Radio Show on...
Aug 28, 2012 | DCMX Radio, Secret Societies
Secret Societies Decrypted: Exploring the all-seeing vertex which sits atop the Pyramid-of-Control. Understand the ‘known’ Power-Cults, Illuminati/NWO Control Groups – Bilderbergs, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Opus Dei, Orodo Templi Orientis, Club of...
May 31, 2012 | Secret Societies
Catholic Bishops giving the NAZI salute in honor of Hitler, future Pope Benedict in the Center brown suit NAZI Pope Benedict XVI Wearing the NAZI Swastika As A Member Of The Hitler Youth But where is the pope in the chain of command…? The most comprehensive list...
Apr 10, 2012 | Activism, Secret Societies
Update January 2009: It seems that Svali is alive and safe. Please click here for more details. In these unusual circumstances, however, we have decided to retain her tribute here, as her story is so extremely important and she has demonstrated such exceptional...
Feb 23, 2012 | Events & Assassinations
“The perfunctory trials of the Titanic, a pale imitation of the Olympic’s, were followed by an outbreak of fire in bunker number ten. It could have been dealt with at Southampton, with all a great port’s fire-fighting facilities and without affecting sailing...
Nov 3, 2011 | Central Banking Elite
Vatican urges economic reforms, condemns collective greed * Document also calls for “Central World Bank” * Condemns “idolatry of the market” * Urges Wall Street to examine its impact on humanity * Says reform should start under U.N. auspices...
Oct 31, 2011 | Abuses of Power
EVERY politician has access to this, and they abuse it regularly. Yet Silvio is coming under fire by the mainstream. Hmm… could this be the result of yet another puppet, not doing as he’s told? Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has...
Aug 25, 2011 | Extra-Dimensional, Video
The Vatican has just completed a five day conference astrobiology where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest...