The #MarchAgainstMonsanto – A portrait of rebellion from around the world
Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs
Senate Shoots Down GMO Labeling Bill
Monsanto Hires Infamous Mercenary Firm Blackwater To Track Activists Around The World
Illinois illegally seizes bees resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens
A million Israeli landmines planted in occupied Palestinian West Bank
Cradle Turns Smartphone Into Handheld Biosensor; ‘Performs as Accurately as a Large $50,000 Spectrophotometer in the Laboratory’
Small, Hairy, Humanoid Creature Causes Hysteria in Classroom, Closes School
CLIP: Boston Commissioner Gets His Lines WRONG!!!!!!!!
Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy – Melinda Leslie – MILABS Super Soldiers Discussion ET/Military
911 Dispatcher tells caller they dont have any units to send “Can you ask the attacker to go away?”
Benjamin Fulford Update
High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Causing Addiction Similar To Cocaine