Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Inside Job: Anonymous Leader Flipped Into FBI Informant?

Inside Job: Anonymous Leader Flipped Into FBI Informant?

As reported by Fox News yesterday, LulzSec “mastermind” and Anonymous hacker Sabu (real name: Hector Xavier Monsegur) was flipped by the FBI. Big surprise. Give the FBI a cookie. There has been a widespread belief that Sabu was a rat for quite some time within the...
Anonymous reveals Haditha massacre emails

Anonymous reveals Haditha massacre emails

Anonymous have unveiled their second major release for this week’s installment of FuckFBIFriday. Their target this time around is Frank Wuterich, the US Marine that admitted to killing Iraqi civilians — and received no jail time for his crime. Early Friday afternoon,...
Anonymous To NATO: You Mad Bro?

Anonymous To NATO: You Mad Bro?

  Hello This Is Anonymous… This Message Is For You North Atlantic Treaty Organization… In Recent News On Your Report… Information and National Security” from General Rapporteur Lord Jopling of the UK discusses the potential good of social...

Once We Were Few, Now We Are Many, Expect Us

Heretic Productions brings you an extraordinary piece of Poetry by Bill Allyn. “Expect Us.” Expect Us Once we were weak; but now we stand tall. Millions of citizens, heeding the call. Demanding our freedom, the birthright of all. The Arab Spring turns to...
86 Senators that voted for SOPA

86 Senators that voted for SOPA

Here are all 86 Senators who voted for NDAA. Let them know how you feel about it! Akaka, Daniel K. – (D – HI)     Class I 141 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6361 Web Form: Alexander,...

INTERNET: Your Connection Is Tapped

Governments turn to hacking techniques for surveillance of citizens Surveillance firms that recently attended a US conference are accused of offering their services to repressive regimes Italy’s Hacking Team offers ‘an offensive solution for cyber...

Beast1333: Templars of Hip Hop Present – Anonymous Distributed denial of Service the Barbs are Stacheldrat When DOS attacks Suits without a Head Get scared and shit they Slacks See what we lacks A Sense of Compassion our Justice must be Swift Hal Turner hurting the pockets of...

Anonymous: A Message to NATO Good evening, NATO. We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that a NATO draft report has classified Anonymous a potential „threat to member states’ security”, and that you seek retaliation against us. It is...

Anonymous: Message to Monsanto – We Fight for Farmers To the free-thinking citizens of the world: Anonymous stands with the farmers and food organizations denouncing the practices of Monsanto We applaud the bravery of the organizations and citizens who are standing up to...

User Guide: Online Anonymity

The act of keeping your identity hidden online by using connection methods and encryption methods, to make yourself untraceable to a person, website, company, school or whatever else you are doing/connecting to. Stay hidden when investigating a website, or scanning it...