Dec 9, 2014 | Taboo Terminology
sin·gu·lar·i·ty ˌsiNGɡyəˈlerədē/ noun the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular. “he believed in the singularity of all cultures” PHYSICSMATHEMATICS a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is...
Dec 9, 2014 | Taboo Terminology
A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection. In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed that an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin,...
Oct 28, 2012 | Nature Body Mind, Survivalism, Video
TRUE SKIN from H1 on Vimeo. Singularity reaches Humanity. Corporations deliver an Apocalyptic Transhumanist Cyborg Society. A brilliant and stunningly accurate short film. Must Watch! Written & Directed by: Stephan Zlotescu Director of Photography: H1 Original...
Oct 28, 2012 | News, Video
We’re used to thinking of robot swarms as consisting of lots and lots of similar robots working together. What we’re starting to see now, though, are swarms of heterogeneous robots, where you get different robots combining their powers to make each other more...
Oct 24, 2012 | Metaphysics, News, Taboo Terminology
A gathering of experts on artificial intelligence becomes a search for deeper meaning Hundreds of the world’s brightest minds — engineers from Google and IBM, hedge funds quants, and Defense Department contractors building artificial intelligence — were gathered in...
Oct 10, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
Anonymous reacts to Wikileaks Paywall restriction – Global Intelligence Stratfor DUMP! Reminding Your Children that Advertizing is Corporate Propaganda 11 Year old Explains the Dangers of GMO’s – TEDtalk Floating Cities for the Business Elite –...
Oct 4, 2012 | Black Technology, Government Agenda
How do you make matters worse for an elusive intelligence company that has been forced to scramble for explanations about their ownership of an intricate, widespread surveillance program? Just ask Cubic, whose troubles only begin with TrapWire. Days after the...
Sep 8, 2012 | Black Technology, News
The Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA) Autonomous Robotic Manipulation (ARM) program seeks to find ways to utilize different remote robotic manipulation systems that are controlled by humans. This program is divided into 3 aspects: • Hardware: to design...
Aug 15, 2012 | Activism, Black Technology Christopher Greene explains how thought crime will destroy the New World Order paradigm. GreeneWave is a completely independent alternative media channel focused on the economy and politics and dedicated to bringing controversial news and...
Aug 13, 2012 | Anonymous, Video
In August 2012, Wikileaks revealed details about a system known as Trapwire that uses facial recognition and other techniques to track and monitor individuals captured on countless different closed-circuit cameras operated by cities and other insititutions. The...
Aug 10, 2012 | Leaks, News
Former senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology — and have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans, according to emails hacked by Anonymous. Every few...
Aug 6, 2012 | Events & Assassinations, Leaks
Last night I had Nighthawk from Revolution Radio and Ghostwalker, an ex-special forces guy on my show discussing the Batman/Aurora Shooting. Update as of August 3, 3012 at 1pm: Nitehawkk just sent me the Aurora Police Scanner Transcription click here. (Incredible...
Jun 13, 2012 | Globalist Corporations, News
SAINT LOUIS, Mo. — Boeing is getting “very close to having what we’d say is a very capable design” to pitch for the Navy’s Unmanned Carrier-launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program, Chris Chadwick, president of the company’s military aircraft...
May 21, 2012 | Activism, Extra-Dimensional
What follows was sent to me by Michael Prince aka James Casbolt. I cannot confirm or substantiate this information at this time but publish it with the proviso to let the viewer decide… Kerry Lynn Cassidy Project Camelot Janary 29, 2012 SECTION TWO Life...
Oct 22, 2011 | Black Technology, WAR: By Design
New-age commandos with high-end weapons for NSG Gurgaon: The country’s elite NSG has embarked on an ambitious project to prepare new-age commandos equipped with high-end weapons to undertake specialised counter- terrorism and counter-hijack operations through...