Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Rap News 12: Yes We KONY

Rap News 12: Yes We KONY

Rap News Episode 12: YES WE KONY. It’s March, and the Internet delivers 2012’s first globe-consuming meme: the unstoppable, Stop-Kony 2012 video, which has highlighted the plight of African child soldiering like never before. But is it really good? Is it...
The Stargate Project : Psychic Warriors and the CIA

The Stargate Project : Psychic Warriors and the CIA

Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia. ESP, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis and Astral traveling have all been relegated to the back seat of mainstream, accepted belief systems in spite of an extensive...
August 3, 2012 – DCMX Radio: Re-cap Week’s Alternative News, Intro to CyberWar: Viruses, Hacking, & Black Security Breaches, Protecting Your Computer, Securing Your Internet Connection & Maintaining Privacy Online

August 3, 2012 – DCMX Radio: Re-cap Week’s Alternative News, Intro to CyberWar: Viruses, Hacking, & Black Security Breaches, Protecting Your Computer, Securing Your Internet Connection & Maintaining Privacy Online

Cyber Security Industry Explosion, Intelligence Spying, Data-mining, Black-Hats, White-Hats, Gray-Hats abound. Alphabet Agencies, Corrupt Globalist Corporations exploiting your info. Micro Tutorial on Protecting Your Computer, Securing Your Internet Connection,...
Mind Control and the New World Order

Mind Control and the New World Order

On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. He was identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist with the US Army Research Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He had...
Secrets of the CIA: Full Documentary

Secrets of the CIA: Full Documentary This  documentary explains how CIA pioneered, developed, manipulated prisoner abuse, sold drugs, changed regimes and killed millions of people worldwide Secrets of the CIA documents exactly what the title suggests it would.  With $50...
Calling out the CIA: Secrecy Killings

Calling out the CIA: Secrecy Killings

Today Andrew Rosenthal of The New York Times published a thoughtful columndiscussing the untenable position taken by the government in response to the ACLU’s two Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking information about the CIA’s targeted killing drone...
CIA & Mossad Death Squads Exposed In Syria

CIA & Mossad Death Squads Exposed In Syria “We want the Syrian Army to come into Homs.” “We want the Syrian Army posted on the roofs of the houses, with helicopters and tanks.” “Stop these snipers from killing us.” ~ The Residents...
Nikola Tesla: Murdered by Otto Skorzeny?

Nikola Tesla: Murdered by Otto Skorzeny?

Otto Skorzeny’s  Deathbed Confession … edited by  Sir Vojislav Milosevic, Director, Center for Counter-terrorism & World Peace      Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most gifted men ever to have walked this Earth. A huge amount has been written about...