Jun 2, 2014 | Government Agenda, News
The history of pilotless aircraft in the United States military stretches back to the days of the Wright brothers. It’s difficult to describe any good that emerges from warfare, but many modern technological advancements — computers, zippers, microwaves — can be...
Jan 25, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Shocker – The Pope Applauds Gun Control, UN Support More GMO Truths Uncovered Awakening through the Pineal Gland CCTV Facial Recognition Disrupting ‘Glasses’ Every Week Night 12-1am EST (9-10pm...
Oct 22, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
THIRD NORTHWEST ACTIVIST IS IMPRISONED FOR REFUSING TO TESTIFY AT GRAND JURY Whistleblowers: gagged by those in power, admired by the public How sugar may make you stupid Congressional report warns drones could track faces, never leave sky George Carlin Lying...
Oct 4, 2012 | Black Technology, Government Agenda
How do you make matters worse for an elusive intelligence company that has been forced to scramble for explanations about their ownership of an intricate, widespread surveillance program? Just ask Cubic, whose troubles only begin with TrapWire. Days after the...
Sep 28, 2012 | Globalist Corporations
“Currently — as most of us know — TSA agents briefly examine government ID and boarding passes as each passenger presents their documents at a checkpoint at the end of a security line. Thom Patterson writes at CNN that under a 2008 Apple patent application that...
Sep 21, 2012 | Abuses of Power, Globalist Corporations
Book Description Publication Date: May 12, 2009 For the faction controlling the Pentagon, the military industry, and the oil industry, the Cold War never ended. They engineered an incredible plan to grab total control of the planet, of land, sea, air, space, outer...
Sep 7, 2012 | Government Agenda, News
The Next Generation Identification programme will include a nationwide database of criminal faces and other biometrics “FACE recognition is ‘now’,” declared Alessandro Acquisti of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in a testimony before...
Aug 13, 2012 | Anonymous, Video
In August 2012, Wikileaks revealed details about a system known as Trapwire that uses facial recognition and other techniques to track and monitor individuals captured on countless different closed-circuit cameras operated by cities and other insititutions. The...
Aug 10, 2012 | Leaks, News
Former senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology — and have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans, according to emails hacked by Anonymous. Every few...
Jul 23, 2012 | Black Technology, News
“If you’re concerned about it, maybe there’s a reason we should be flying over you, right?” said Douglas McDonald, the company’s director of special operations and president of a local chapter of the unmanned vehicle trade group....
Jul 14, 2012 | Black Technology, News
Most of us don’t think much about it, but the truth is that people are being watched, tracked and monitored more today than at any other time in human history. The explosive growth of technology in recent years has given governments, spy agencies and big corporations...
May 8, 2012 | WAR: By Design
A few months back, I reposted here an article that I wrote 10 years ago, before the invasion of Iraq: a fictional scenario of how the Terror War would play out on the ground of the target nations — and in the minds of those sent to wage these campaigns. I was...