Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Occupy Wall Street Demands

The Sovereign People’s Movement, represented nationally through the people occupying the various Liberty Square locations across this great country, have laid out and democratically submitted and are currently voting on the list of following Demands to then be...

Molecular Visualizations of DNA

Amazing CGI visualization of molecular biology’s central dogma. It shows animations of DNA coiling, replication, transcription and translation. It was created by Drew Berry of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research...
Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived!

Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived!

Spontaneous Evolution Has Arrived!   by Gregg Prescott, M.S. . Spontaneous evolution has occurred in history at specific increments in time.  What causes these changes?    How do these changes affect...
How We Found the File That Was Used to Hack RSA

How We Found the File That Was Used to Hack RSA

RSA was hacked in March. This was one of the biggest hacks in history. The current theory is that a nation-state wanted to break into Lockheed-Martin and Northrop-Grumman to steal military secrets. They couldn’t do it, since these companies were using RSA...

Once We Were Few, Now We Are Many, Expect Us

Heretic Productions brings you an extraordinary piece of Poetry by Bill Allyn. “Expect Us.” Expect Us Once we were weak; but now we stand tall. Millions of citizens, heeding the call. Demanding our freedom, the birthright of all. The Arab Spring turns to...