InfoGraphic: Where Does Gitmo Fit In? The Long, Winding History of Prison Camps
The history of prison camps dates way back to the dawn of time, with victorious battles leading to enslavement and eventual death for the defeated. In the middle ages, these practices moved to trades and ransoms. From those ancient times until now, civilizations have...
March 12, 2013 – Decrypted Matrix Radio: Brad Manning Audio Leak, Police State Expert Speaks, Prison Industry Profiting, GMO Vitamin Warning, Liar Cheney, Monsanto’s Bees
Bradley Manning Speaks! Leaked Audio from Trial An Interview with Police Militarization Expert Radley Balko:How Cops Became Soldiers Non-Violent Marijuana Arrests surpass Violent Crime Arrests- Prison Industry Profits Running Wild! GMO’s making it into...
November 28, 2012 – Decrypted Matrix Radio: Fluoride Removal, Security Cutlure, Goldman Corruption, CCA Prison Biz, Arafat Death, Heart-Mind Connection, Organic PB, OMG Drones
Scientists Discover New Technique to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water Security Culture: a handbook for activists Goldman Sachs: A Criminal Enterprise Corrections Corporation of America Used in Drug Sweeps of Public School Students Israel linked to death of Arafat:...
Gaza, The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison
A look at life under occupation. Gaza has the look of a Third World country, with pockets of wealth surrounded by hideous poverty. It is not, however, undeveloped. Rather it is “de-developed,” and very systematically so, to borrow the term from Sara Roy,...
November 7, 2012 – DCMX Radio: Corruption in Afghanistan, Obama’s Drones, Wikileaks Grand Jury, Gazan Prisoners, Rejecting the Police State & Negativity
Afghan corruption, and how the U.S. facilitates it 4 More Drones! Robot Attacks Are on Deck for Obama’s Next Term U.S. WikiLeaks Criminal Probe ‘Ongoing,’ Judge Reveals Gaza, The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison How to resist the federalization and militarization of...
Whistleblower Who Revealed CIA Torture Sentenced to Prison
Former CIA agent John Kiriakou pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to crimes related to blowing the whistle on the US government’s torture of suspected terrorists and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison. The Wall Street Journal reports that Kiriakou, 48, agreed...
Barrett Brown – Communiqué from Prison 9/20/12
It is hard for me to express how much I appreciate your letter, which is the first I have received here, along with the support I’ve reportedly gotten from others so far. Before I forget, let me request that you also send a tweet of support to Jenna, @ElviraXMontana...
September 6, 2012 – DCMX Radio: Prisons For Profit: Introduction to the Prison Industrial Complex, Slave Labor Camps, Privatization, & USA’s Explosive Incarceration Figures
Prison Industrial Complex Explained: Learn how Corporations are outsourcing & privatizing labor costs to the Prison Industry and how there are massive profits exploding from within this corrupted Incarceration System. Slave Labor Camps, Return of the Debtor...
Rep Cynthia McKinney: DoD shot 5,000 prisoners during Katrina
Cynthia McKinney tells CR 10 about 5,000 mostly men executed in N.O. post Katrina ...
Germans & Russians Used Fluoride to Make Prisoners ‘Stupid & Docile’
“To whom it may concern: I, Oliver Kenneth Goff, was a member of the Communist Party and the Young Communist League from May 2, 1936 to October 9, 1939. During this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats and the number 18-B-2. My testimony...
30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison
If you live in the United States of America, you live in a giant prison where liberty and freedom are slowly being strangled to death. In this country, the control freaks that run things are obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording virtually...
Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan seeks prison release
November 26, 2011|By Michael Martinez, CNN Sirhan Sirhan is taken into custody after the fatal shooting of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in 1968. Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of the 1968 assassination of presidential candidate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, should be freed from prison...
US States Continue Allowing Prisons For Profit
State using area prisoners to answer DMV calls COXSACKIE – Inside a converted dormitory is a set-up that could pass for any typical office until you notice that all the workers are wearing prison jump suits. When New Yorkers place calls to DMV’s general...Freedom
THE COMMERCE MATRIX Everything is a Contract.All contracts must be consensual.Knowledge of US Code, UCC, Trust & Common Law…Sets us Free. FACEBOOK YouTube 2025 Subscribe to Monthly Email Blast UpdatesSubscribeWe won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any...
Mask & Vaccine Laws Are Officially Recognized War-Crime Violations
Nuremberg trials are now regarded as a milestone toward the establishment of a permanent international court, and an important precedent for dealing with later instances of genocide and other crimes against humanity.

Ronald Regan American Hero Bush Sr. Tried to Assassinate
this is the issue of this election, whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon, the american revolution and confess that
a little intellectual elite
in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves?

Pedos in our Politics: Republicans & Democrats Now Implicated in Pedophilia
#GiselleMaxwell’s list became unsealed some time yesterday and here’s what happened WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORED COMPLETELY Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on...
Human Trafficking
Its horrible, its unbelievable, its grotesque and insane that something like this could actually happen. But that stops now, because the light is on them like never before.

El Chapo Guzman Didn’t Escape, He Was Released
El Chapo Guzman’s Release So I’m certain you’ve seen the news non stop, Chapo escaped, again. Happened on a Saturday night, he disappeared from the view of a surveillance camera in his cell and went underground into a tunnel under the Altiplano maximum security...
Cops Worse than Ever at Solving Crimes, Here’s Why
If you were murdered today, there’s only a 60% chance of police catching the person who did it. That number drops to 3% if you’re raped. 50 years ago, that number was much higher. What happened? Despite overwhelming disapproval from the public, the war on drugs wages...
Adam Bennett Anon
Anonymous radio host know as Lorax aka Adam Bennett Anon was arrested (full article). Everybody who has known Adam ‘Lorax’ Bennett aka Adam Bennett Anon knows he’s an awesome anon. Furthermore, the article now let us know he was also involved in his local...
Matt DeHart – Military, Programmer, Activist
The case of Matt DeHart, a former U.S. drone pilot turned hacktivist, is as strange as it is disturbing. The 29-year-old was recently denied asylum in Canada, having fled there with his family after — he claims — he was drugged and tortured by agents of the FBI, who...
Aaron Swartz – Programmer, Activist
Aaron Swartz was a computer programmer and Internet activist who is often referred to as the third founder of Reddit. “”I don’t think I have any particular technical skills. I just got a really large head start.”” -Aaron Swartz Early Years Aaron...