Apr 9, 2014 | Government Agenda, News, Video, WAR: By Design
Videos have sprung on YouTube alleging that the US private security service formerly known as Blackwater is operating in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Western press is hitting back, accusing Russia of fabricating reports to justify “aggression.”...
Feb 1, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
War on the Horizon – Russia ready for War?? North Korea’ Martial Law!? More Evidence that Fluoride lowers IQ in children! Prepping without Fear! Biometric ID Technology Push to combat ‘Illegal Immigration’ Gun Control RESISTANCE growing...
Dec 12, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See Jacintha Saldanha’s Family Says She Told Them Nothing About Hoax Call – Queen Prank Suicide Manning wins Person of Year 2012 in landslide Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in U.S US...
Oct 12, 2012 | Black Technology
http://youtu.be/fQG3YO9RrmQ Military and technology analyst Andy Lightbody talked about the mind-altering ‘zombie’ gun being developed by Russia and North Korea’s failed missile testing. Andy Lightbody was the Military & Aerospace Editor for CBS Radio, the Gulf...
Oct 11, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
Obama’s Former Classmate: “He Told Us That His Father Was An Indonesian King, That He Was A Prince & Would Be A Ruler” John Moore Whistleblower – Courts Are Spying! Incredible Leaked Alien Footage?! FEMA Mass Fatality Planning – Executive...
Sep 11, 2012 | DCMX Radio, WAR: By Design
Osama Bin Laden Background & History: CIA Puppet Code Named Tim Osmond, OBL Death in late 2001 – As Reported in Multiple Foreign/Arabic Newspapers, Known Kidney Issues, Mysterious Tapes Showing Bin Laden Growing YOUNGER, His Personal Statements on 9/11...
Jun 25, 2012 | News, Video
Last week, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez showcased his country’s first unmanned drone. It seems that an international race to dominate the sky has gone underway and the South American country has become a player in the game of drones with the help of Iran,...
Jun 19, 2012 | Central Banking Elite, Government Agenda
Hammering the USSR’s Economy In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the...
Jan 27, 2012 | Extra-Dimensional, Leaks, Video
Originaly uploaded by Ivan0135. THIS VIDEO IS LEAKED FROM THE KGB TOP SECRET ARCHIVE. Date format: YY/MM/DD Time passed: HH:MM:SS From the first contact in 1942, a series of diplomatic visits to discuss matters of mutual concern were planned. Under the treaty...
Jun 21, 2011 | Scientists Re-Booted
Andrei Tropinov, Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Valery Lyalin died in a Russian plane crash. The five scientists were employed at the Hydropress factory, a member of Russia’s state nuclear corporation and had assisted in the development of...
Jun 8, 2005 | Scientists Re-Booted
Leonid Strachunsky died on June 8, 2005 after being hit on the head with a champagne bottle. Strachunsky specialized in creating microbes resistant to biological weapons. Strachunsky was found dead in his hotel room in Moscow, where he had come from Smolensk en route...
Dec 26, 2002 | Scientists Re-Booted
Roman Kuzmin died in December of 2002. The 24-year-old Russian surgeon studying in Connecticut was fatally struck by a car as he fled a store with three stolen rolls of film, police said. He was studying to be an orthopedic surgeon. Doctors who worked with Roman...
Feb 12, 2002 | Scientists Re-Booted
Dr. Ian Langford, age 40, died on February 12, 2002. He was found dead at his blood-spattered and apparently ransacked home A Russian who was a Senior Research Associate in CSERGE, UK. He was a leading university research scientist working on Global Environment,...
Feb 9, 2002 | Scientists Re-Booted
Dr. Vladamir “Victor” Korshunov, age 56, died on February 9, 2002. He was found dead on a Moscow street with his head bashed in. Korshunov was head of the microbiology sub-facility at the Russian State Medical University. He was found dead in the entrance...
Jan 27, 2002 | Scientists Re-Booted
Dr. Alexi Brushlinski died in January of 2002. He was a Russian Microbiologist and was murdered in Moscow after a bandit attack. He was well-known around the world and was a member of the Russian Academy of Science.
Jan 27, 2002 | Scientists Re-Booted
Dr. Ivan Glebov died in January 2002. Russian Microbiologist. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack. He was well-known around the world and was a member of the Russian Academy of Science.
Oct 4, 2001 | Scientists Re-Booted
Five Unnamed Microbiologists died on October 4, 2001. Four of Five unnamed microbiologists on a plane that was brought down by a missile near the Black sea on the Russian border. Traveling from Israel to Russia; business not disclosed. 3 scientists were experts in...