Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Is Anonymous The Internet’s Most Powerful Mirage?

Is Anonymous The Internet’s Most Powerful Mirage?

You may have noticed it last week. Anonymous claimed the scalp of yet another a major government agency. Supporters of the the online movement of activists and internet trolls said they’d stolen 1.7 GB of data from an agency within the Department of Justice that...
Help A True Hero: The Bradley Manning Support Network

Help A True Hero: The Bradley Manning Support Network

To support Bradley Manning visit Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Bradley Manning, a 24-year-old Army intelligence analyst, is accused of releasing the Collateral Murder video, that shows the killing of unarmed civilians and two Reuters...
FBI Escalates War On Anonymous

FBI Escalates War On Anonymous

The Feds raid the home of unofficial Anonymous spokesperson Barrett Brown. They’re after his Twitter records, chat logs, IRC conversations, his computer, and apparently everything else, according to the search warrant obtained by BuzzFeed. Last month, the FBI...
Anonymous: Message to the NEW WORLD ORDER

Anonymous: Message to the NEW WORLD ORDER

This is a message going out to you, the Holders. We are Anonymous. You know who you are. The men behind the curtain, the overlord pulling at the strings of your puppets. You hide and you plan and you scheme in the dark alleys; in the vehement anticipation that your...
Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust and Die..

Anonymous to the Machine: You Will Rust and Die.. A POWERFUL MESSAGE This is an exert from the movie The Great Dictator starring Charlie Chaplin. Statements made then, Should be held true today. Stand up and fight my brothers and sisters. Raise up your arm to those who...
Leak Site Directory

Leak Site Directory

Contents 1 Whistle blower leaking Sites 1.1 WikiLeaks-Like Whistle blowing Sites 1.2 New Concept Leak Sites 1.3 Established Leak Sites 1.4 Mainstream Media Whistle blowing Sites 1.5 Environmental Protection Whistle blowing sites 1.6 National Security or Serious Crime...


So you want to join Anonymous?

You can not join Anonymous. Nobody can join Anonymous.
Anonymous is not an organization. It is not a club, a party or even a movement.

NAZI FlashBack: The Courage To Say No

NAZI FlashBack: The Courage To Say No

The photo was taken in Hamburg in 1936, during the celebrations for the launch of a ship, the’Horst Wessel’. In the crowd, one person refuses to raise his arm to give the Nazi salute. That man was August Landmesser. He had already been in trouble with the...
Report: Worldwide Opposition to Monsanto Growing

Report: Worldwide Opposition to Monsanto Growing

“Farmers worldwide are resisting for food sovereignty, but the rest of the world must join us.” – Common Dreams staff A report released today shows that worldwide opposition to the biotechnology giant Monsanto and “the agro-industrial model that it...