Jul 12, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, News
Statistically speaking, Americans should be more fearful of the local cops than “terrorists.” Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the community, the sad reality is that police...
Jun 2, 2014 | Government Agenda, News
The history of pilotless aircraft in the United States military stretches back to the days of the Wright brothers. It’s difficult to describe any good that emerges from warfare, but many modern technological advancements — computers, zippers, microwaves — can be...
Aug 27, 2013 | DCMX Radio
MUSIC: Samantha James – Waves of Change (Kaskade Remix) DEA Bans armored cars for Medical Cannabis Providers! Crazy Cellphone Technology – Batman Dark Knight ‘Sonar’ NSA Decoy Job? Hiding Advanced Spying tech? FACEBOOK FICO CONVERGENCE!?...
Jun 21, 2013 | DCMX Radio
Monsanto Exec Gets ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ of Food Video Game Casts Patriot Groups as Enemy Terrorists New Advanced UFO-Like Drone Technologies Monitor Tens of Thousands of Protestors In Brazil Conservation Director Warns ‘Unfounded Complaints About Water Supply...
Apr 9, 2013 | Government Agenda, News
Photographers are still being classified as potential terrorists in a newly released document from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. The “Roll Call Release,” dated November 13, 2012 and titled “Suspicious Activity Reporting: Photography,” gives a vague...
Feb 8, 2013 | DCMX Radio, News
Caught On Camera ~ Joe Biden Admits Gun Control Will Not Stop Mass Shootings Or Save Lives Prepping for Freedom Day Instead of “Doomsday” Disney UFO Documentary Admits Aliens Are Real, Prepares Humans For Contact DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for...
Dec 12, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See Jacintha Saldanha’s Family Says She Told Them Nothing About Hoax Call – Queen Prank Suicide Manning wins Person of Year 2012 in landslide Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in U.S US...
Nov 8, 2012 | Activism, Survivalism
About nine months before a Senate subcommittee for investigations report blasted DHS fusion centers as colossal wastes of money, redundant bureaucracies and threats to our liberty, the Department delivered testimony to the House Permanent Select Committee on...
Nov 4, 2012 | Government Agenda, Video
Strange deliveries to Deep Underground Military Bases, Large Pallets of Ammunition, Strange Troop Deployments, Border Activity,...
Nov 1, 2012 | Government Agenda
While the TSA can’t explain why invasive patdowns without probable cause are legal, that isn’t stopping TSA from future plans to track all your daily travels, anywhere you go, from work, to stores, or even when you go out to play. When the TSA was asked to...
Oct 29, 2012 | Activism, News
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” So begins the Oath of Enlistment for the U.S. military, but in an explosive interview with a National Guard whistleblower shown below,...
Oct 4, 2012 | DCMX Radio, News
Charlie Chaplan’s ‘Great Dictator’ Speech Anonymous Lays Down the Smack! #OpSweden – #OpPhillipines – #OpNDAA TrapWire Updates – Training Courses Uncovered, Links to Anti-Occupy’Tartan’ Program What is TERRORISM?...
Oct 4, 2012 | Abuses of Power, Government Agenda
The ranking Republican on a Senate panel on Wednesday accused the Department of Homeland Security of hiding embarrassing information about its so-called “fusion” intelligence sharing centers, charging that the program has wasted hundreds of millions of...
Oct 2, 2012 | Activism, News, WAR: By Design
Find Out If You Are Doing Things Which Might Be Considered Suspicious There have been so many anti-terrorism laws passed since 9/11 that it is hard to keep up on what kinds of things might get one on a “list” of suspected bad guys. We’ve prepared this quick checklist...
Sep 28, 2012 | Globalist Corporations
“Currently — as most of us know — TSA agents briefly examine government ID and boarding passes as each passenger presents their documents at a checkpoint at the end of a security line. Thom Patterson writes at CNN that under a 2008 Apple patent application that...
Sep 27, 2012 | Globalist Corporations
When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it’s not good news for Monsanto. People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market...
Sep 25, 2012 | DCMX Radio
Topics of Discussion: Police State Build Up Surveillance Technology Life After Martial Law Elite Globalist Agenda Specific Solutions for Humanity Bob Tuskin An eternal student of economics, science and the arts. His radio career began at age 15, then with 911 as the...
Aug 23, 2012 | DCMX Radio
Suspicious Words and Phrases Alert! Drug War Facts, DEA Corruption, CIA Conspiracy, Who’s Who in the Drug Running Business, Untraceable Cash and the Reason the War on Drugs is just another War-by-Design. Every Week Night 12-1am EST (9-10pm...
May 21, 2012 | Activism
One of the more extreme government abuses of the post-9/11 era targets U.S. citizens re-entering their own country, and it has received far too little attention. With no oversight or legal framework whatsoever, the Department of Homeland Security routinely singles out...
May 10, 2012 | Government Agenda, News
The Department of Homeland Security monitors your updates on social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, to uncover “Items Of Interest” (IOI), according to an internal DHS document released by the EPIC. That document happens to include a list of the baseline...
Apr 24, 2012 | Abuses of Power, Government Agenda
Glenn Greenwald has a horrifying look at the repeated harassment to which filmmaker Laura Poitras, who has made a series of powerful documentaries about the impact of the War on Terror, has been subject when she’s returned home to the United States from trips abroad:...
Apr 16, 2012 | Government Agenda, News
Now with moar National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center … Security unit targets ‘worst’ in world crime – John Lantigua, Palm Beach Post, Nov 26 2011 HSI is a new directorate within the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service. Formed in...
Apr 10, 2012 | News
The Department of Homeland security has just executed an order for enough rounds of 40 caliber ammunition to kill every man, woman and child in the United States. The Intel Hub alerts us to a shocking new defense contract entered by the Department of Homeland Security...