Sep 24, 2014 | Enlightened Influences
Comedian Eddie Griffin Talks The Truth On China & Americas Covert War Through Afghanistan’s Opium. TV ‘Programming’. Freedom, Thinking, Control Sysmtems, Total Collapse – The Build up to World War III & The New World...
Sep 23, 2014 | Black Technology, News
Scores of former members of Israeli military intelligence’s very secret and quite elite Unit 8200 have publicly refused to collect information that is “used for political persecution” or “driving parts of Palestinian society against...
Sep 21, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Abuses of Power, Video, WAR: By Design
There are very few news stories about government overreach that shock me these days, but this week there were two — both in California. Each came and went with barely a whisper in the media, even from the “liberty” news. Perhaps we’re so...
Sep 21, 2014 | Abuses of Power, Black Technology, Leaks
When we first learned about NSA metadata collection, we wondered how readily the biggest tech companies acquiesced to the government. Today we start to find out. This is the story of how Yahoo was coerced into PRISM, as told by court documents cited by the Washington...
Sep 21, 2014 | Extra-Dimensional, News
Sep 10, 2014 | Hollywood Programming
George A. Romero’s Vital Role in Paving the Road for Today’s Zombie Film The first feature length film to employ zombies as a vehicle for social commentary was Abel Gance’s J’Accuse (1919), which is also memorable for featuring authentic footage from the...
Sep 4, 2014 | Scientists Re-Booted
Martin John Rogers was found with his wrecked car down an embankment in western Maryland on Thursday, September 4, 2014, after disappearing on August 21, 2014 when he left home for work at the world-renowned research center near Washington, D.C. No word yet on the...
Sep 1, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Enlightened Influences
Tila Exposing the Illuminati and NWO on Twitter: 1. “If you protest against the GOV…theyll put you in jail and charge you for being Anti-American, when really, you had the right to.” 2. “One World Order isn’t too far away folks. Everything happening now is part of the...
Aug 15, 2014 | Globalist Corporations, News
In less than 15 years, the United States’ airline industry has shrunk from ten airlines in the sky to just the big four that are left today. (Photo via Shutterstock) There’s a stunning lack of choice for American consumers today, and nowhere is that more...
Aug 15, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Black Technology, Leaks
–[ 1 ]– Introduction I’m not writing this to brag about what an 31337 h4x0r I am and what m4d sk1llz it took to 0wn Gamma. I’m writing this to demystify hacking, to show how simple it is, and to hopefully inform and inspire you to go out...
Aug 14, 2014 | Abuses of Power
The history of prison camps dates way back to the dawn of time, with victorious battles leading to enslavement and eventual death for the defeated. In the middle ages, these practices moved to trades and ransoms. From those ancient times until now, civilizations have...
Jul 30, 2014 | Activism, Quotes, Video
Israel is under an obligation to terminate its breaches of international law; it is under an obligation to cease forthwith the works of construction of the wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, to dismantle...
Jul 23, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Satire, Video
We partnered with “Weird Al” to create this music video for his new album, “Mandatory Fun.” Also featuring Patton Oswalt, Tom Lennon, and Robert Ben Garant. “Weird Al” Yankovic’s new album Mandatory Fun out now:...
Jul 23, 2014 | Activism, DCMX Radio, Video
Max Maverick breaks down everything we know, don’t know, and should be asking about this mainstream media ‘circus’ that has become of the Snowden NSA Leak Disclosure. Major Players – Hidden Hands Past NSA Leaks & Leakers Advanced...
Jul 19, 2014 | Activism, News
Answer: Not if Your Life is at Stake By Bill Blunden, July 16, 2014 In the ongoing drizzle of Snowden revelations the public has witnessed a litany of calls for the widespread adoption of online anonymity tools. One such technology is Tor, which employs a network of...
Jul 17, 2014 | Scientists Re-Booted
Glenn Thomas, AIDS and Ebola expert and spokesperson for the World Health Organization. Ebola expert Glenn Thomas was among the 298 people who were killed when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down and crashed in Ukraine. It is understood he was one of more than...
Jul 15, 2014 | Government Agenda, WAR: By Design
Gaza (along with the West Bank and East Jerusalem) is occupied Palestinian territory under international law, determined by the vast majority of the world, as well as the highest court in the world, the UN’s International Court of Justice. Gaza cannot commit...
Jul 13, 2014 | News, Video
Today Israel carried out aerial strikes in Gaza targeting a mosque it claims was hosting rockets, a disabled care center and a geriatric urgent care hospital, where international volunteers have since rushed to shield patients. In the deadliest strike yet, the home of...
Jul 12, 2014 | Government Agenda, Survivalism
We’ve all been part of these discussions, and we’ve all read a ton of them on forums and blogs over the years: “if you could have only one gun for TEOTWAWKI, what would it be?” A more enlightened-seeming variant on this same theme are discussions that start with, “if...
Jul 12, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, News
Statistically speaking, Americans should be more fearful of the local cops than “terrorists.” Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the community, the sad reality is that police...
Jul 12, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, WAR: By Design
The militarization of police is harming civil liberties, impacting children, and transforming neighborhoods into war zones. The “war on terror” has come home–and it’s wreaking havoc on innocent American lives. The culprit is the militarization of the police....
Jul 12, 2014 | Government Agenda, News, Video
Conspiracy fact and witnesses to the dark side of aliens, reptilians, illuminati and personal links to the pleiadians are all discussed with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. We discuss the silver star, illuminati, and many of the connections between the higher orders...
Jul 12, 2014 | Abuses of Power, News
Shortly after the Snowden leaks began exposing the NSA’s massive collection efforts, the New York Times uncovered the DEA’s direct access to AT&T telecom switches (via non-government employee “analysts” working for AT&T), from which it...
Jul 11, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Nature Body Mind
No one wants to be average but by definition most people fall into that category. Break out of the mold and do work that separates you from the rest of the pack through these five strategies. 1. Retrain Your Brain As long as you as an individual… can convince yourself...
Jul 11, 2014 | 2020 Relevant, Nature Body Mind
Our personality affects many things in our own life. The way we communicate with others, the way we live, the way we walk and talk, all makes our personality. Our personality influences our relationships with friends and family. It is also important for us to maintain...