How Israel’s “Smart” Weapons Killed a Disabled Gaza Teen
Israel’s “Smart” Weapons Kill Sabah Abu Jayab, known to her family and friends as Um Ahmad, walked through her home pointing out everything that had to be replaced after Israel’s 2014 assault on the besieged Gaza Strip. “This is all new,” Um Ahmad, a...
Isreal is Getting Away with Murder of UN Peacekeepers & Humanitarians
Isreal is Getting Away with Murder On January 28th a barrage of Israeli artillery fire struck near the South Lebanese village of Ghajar, killing United Nations peacekeeper Francisco Javier Soria. Soria, 36, was a Spanish citizen deployed with the United Nations...
ISIS aka CIA Proxy Freedom Fighters: The Beheading Psy-Ops
Western Foreign Policy Based on Sheer Propaganda By Vivian Lee With a rash of “beheadings” sweeping the world, a horrified public is asked to see this depraved barbarity as The New Normal. First we had the August “murder” on video of U.S. journalist James Foley, shown...
The Covert Origins of ISIS
Evidence exposing who put ISIS in power, and how it was done. The Islamic militant group ISIS, formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and recently rebranded as the so called Islamic State, is the stuff of nightmares. They are ruthless, fanatical, killers, on a mission,...
Here Come the Raids: Contractors Seek to Legalize Private Police in the U.S.
There are very few news stories about government overreach that shock me these days, but this week there were two — both in California. Each came and went with barely a whisper in the media, even from the “liberty” news. Perhaps we’re so...
Critical Facts All US Citizens Should Know Abut Israel & Palestine
Gaza (along with the West Bank and East Jerusalem) is occupied Palestinian territory under international law, determined by the vast majority of the world, as well as the highest court in the world, the UN’s International Court of Justice. Gaza cannot commit...
11 Shocking Facts About America’s Militarized Police Forces
The militarization of police is harming civil liberties, impacting children, and transforming neighborhoods into war zones. The “war on terror” has come home–and it’s wreaking havoc on innocent American lives. The culprit is the militarization of the police....
Blackwater Threatens to Kill State Dept Investigator, Trying to Investigate
Even the mightiest have their come-uppance when their internal logic spews out destructiveness returning on the self—“blowback” in a way perhaps not seen before. I refer to James Risen’s extraordinary article in the New York Times, “Before Shooting in Iraq, a Warning...
Palantir 101: InfoSec Gov Deployed Malware Explained
War For those who are completely new to the Palantir Platform or could simply use a refresher, this talk will start from scratch and provide a broad overview of Palantir’s origins and mission. A live demonstration of the product will help to familiarize...
Who are the Mercenaries in Eastern Ukraine?
Videos have sprung on YouTube alleging that the US private security service formerly known as Blackwater is operating in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Western press is hitting back, accusing Russia of fabricating reports to justify “aggression.”...
U.S. Forces, Intelligence Agents and American Security Agents (MERCs) clandestine war in Yemen
Saudi militants were behind the massive car bombing and assault on Yemen’s military headquarters that killed more than 50 people, including foreigners, investigators said in a preliminary report released Friday. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack, saying...
SEAL Team 6 Families Force Congress To Investigate Mysterious Chopper Crash
Led by firebrand Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), Congress is to launch an official investigation into the mysterious helicopter crash that killed several members of the Navy SEAL team 6 in Afghanistan in 2011. Back in May, the families of the SEALs went public with...
Understanding The Militarized Internet
If twitter is any gauge, a lot of people think this article in Wired about General Keith Alexander is just all kinds of kewl: General Keith Alexander, a man few even in Washington would likely recognize. Never before has anyone in America’s intelligence sphere come...
85yr old Austrian-American Describes Hitler’s Police State
“If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries. “As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80 percent of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families.

US-Israel Alliance: Obama’s “Green Light” to Israel Attack on Gaza
A short interview broadcast by CNN late last week featuring two participants – a Palestinian in Gaza and an Israeli within range of the rocket attacks – did not follow the usual script. For once, a media outlet dropped its role as gatekeeper, there to mediate and...
Tears of Gaza: The War They Don’t Show You
“Disturbing, powerful and emotionally devastating, Tears of Gaza is less a conventional documentary than a record — presented with minimal gloss — of the 2008 to 2009 bombing of Gaza (dubbed ‘Operation Cast Lead’) by the Israeli military. Filmed by several Palestinian...
4 More Drones! Robot Attacks Are on Deck for Obama’s Next Term
When Barack Obama took office, drone strikes were a once-in-a-while thing, with an attack every week or two. Now, they’re the centerpiece of a global U.S. counterterrorism campaign. Obama institutionalized the strikes to the point where he could hand off to the next...
Gaza, The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison
A look at life under occupation. Gaza has the look of a Third World country, with pockets of wealth surrounded by hideous poverty. It is not, however, undeveloped. Rather it is “de-developed,” and very systematically so, to borrow the term from Sara Roy,...
Afghan Corruption, and How the U.S. Facilitates It
When it comes to corruption in Afghanistan, the time may be now for the United States to look in the mirror and see what lessons can be learned from contracting out parts of that war. On Sept. 30, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CBS’s “60 Minutes” that the...
Rogue U.S. General Arrested for Activating Special Forces Teams; Ignoring Libya Stand-Down Order
The official story surrounding the events of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya which left four Americans dead, has now officially fallen apart. After numerous flips and flops by the Obama administration, which originally attempted to paint the incident as a Muslim...
Journalist Glenn Greenwald Speech on “Humanitarian” Wars
http://youtu.be/MMirTxSlhBA Greenwald is that increasingly rare commodity in the US, a true journalist. I don’t agree with him on a lot of things, but he is definitely correct here in debunking the hogwash about “humanitarian” wars. Nobody goes to...
What If Mitt Romney Inherits Obama’s Killer Drone Fleet?
Andrew Sullivan says he’ll use it less scrupulously than the president. But based on what evidence? Current policy is plenty unscrupulous already. Asked about drone strikes during Monday’s foreign policy debate, Mitt Romney basically said that President...
Ex-Marine who threw back his medals, Jon Michael Turner, speaks the raw hard truth about merciless & indiscriminate killing PROMOTED by Staff Sgts and other Top Military Brass during modern war and middle eastern conflict....