10 Reasons Why Reality Is A Collective Dream

10 Reasons Why Reality Is A Collective Dream

 The government beast to the people: sleep now, little child. Everything is going to be alright. Mommy and I are not going to let anyone hurt you. 1. The Western media is keeping mainstream Western consciousness in a state of sleep. It is doing this in order to...
Calling out the CIA: Secrecy Killings

Calling out the CIA: Secrecy Killings

Today Andrew Rosenthal of The New York Times published a thoughtful columndiscussing the untenable position taken by the government in response to the ACLU’s two Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking information about the CIA’s targeted killing drone...
The Way of the Drone: Emblem for an Empire of Cowards

The Way of the Drone: Emblem for an Empire of Cowards

A few months back, I reposted here an article that I wrote 10 years ago, before the invasion of Iraq: a fictional scenario of how the Terror War would play out on the ground of the target nations — and in the minds of those sent to wage these campaigns. I was...
Conned 2012: Joseph Kony Is A CIA Contractor

Conned 2012: Joseph Kony Is A CIA Contractor

 According to former European MP, journalist, and author Richard Cottrell, the Lord Resistance Army is backed by the CIA and Mossad. The author of the blog aangirfan writes: “In Uganda, Joseph Kony is the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, ‘which...
Pentagon Wants Spy Troops Posing as Businessmen

Pentagon Wants Spy Troops Posing as Businessmen

If the Pentagon gets its way, the gentleman doodling on his notepad as your next overseas business trip goes on endlessly could be a soldier, sailor, airman or marine in disguise. This extraordinary redefinition of the U.S. military’s authorities for clandestine...
CIA & Mossad Death Squads Exposed In Syria

CIA & Mossad Death Squads Exposed In Syria

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuWItcSRrM8 “We want the Syrian Army to come into Homs.” “We want the Syrian Army posted on the roofs of the houses, with helicopters and tanks.” “Stop these snipers from killing us.” ~ The Residents...
The Massacre of the Afghan 17 and the Obama Cover-Up

The Massacre of the Afghan 17 and the Obama Cover-Up

When the extreme measures have run their course there will be nothing to fall back on and nothing can save the president of a collapsing empire from the revolt of its citizens and soldiers.   by Prof. James Petras   The March 11 Massacre of the 17 Afghan...