Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Where All Truths
Are Beautiful

and sometimes also

How Did We Get Here?
Asking the Right Questions is Difficult Enough, Finding Sources You Can Trust is Nearly Impossible.
No Ads, No Bias, No Tricks, No Tracking, No Distractions, No MSM Propaganda
No Reason Not to Investigate

“Before you go out trying to Fix-the-World, might want to try cleaning your room. But not just clean it up, you have to make it beautiful.”
-Jordan Peterson

Social Media for #TruthSeekers

They Can’t Censor Your T-Shirt, YET  

Make a Stand and Deliver some Laughs with our  Savage Cyber Punk Threads from the Future.

[wccs_showcase id='22416']
[wccs_showcase id='22417']

Anonymous Transmission
Time Jumper Charlie Chaplin Has A Message – Lets Play

The Elite Divide The Population With Never Ending Conflict

This Strategy Has Been Used For Generations

Humans are the only species on earth that must settle a debt simply to stay alive. Unlike others, Humans are also continually seeking fantastically inventive ways of destroying itself & habitat.

The Establishment Powers that Be do not want an empowered population

which could assemble as a single cohesive unit & use effective critical thinking in their daily lives in order to actually solve their own problems.  

We can break free from this self-limiting mind-control matrix of lies.

Everything we need, we already have. 




To really understand what that means,

we have to go down the rabbit hole ourselves.

You can’t be TOLD you are In-Love.

Nor can we be TOLD what is True,
we must understand Truth for ourselves.

of a
Time Pirate

Current Events, News Updates, Life Hacks and more .. all from the #Future

The Whole Truth About Coronavirus

Are you ready to understand whats really going on?
CovidTruth.infoDankest Memes

Human Trafficking of Women & Children

The Problem is Systemic & Global

Trafficking is the real problem – 800,000 Children per YEAR go missing 

Subject ArchiveImages & Proof

We Already Have Everything We Need

Only by having a full and complete awareness of what the body consumes, and the mind focuses upon, can one find ultimate balance and harmony and avoid the traps of corporate greed.

Open the mind to unlimited healing potential, and the possibility that hidden cures exist which could change the understanding of medicine as we know it.
The Human Mind has unlimited potential, with both its Physical and Non-Physical connection to the body, we exhibit the same holographic principles of the very universe around/within us. 
Being aware of profit exploitation in medicine, and taking advantage of this deeper mind body connection can only lead to a longer healthier life.

25 Characteristics of an Alpha Male

Fresh updates for 2020 – The Alpha Male, the real man, a man’s man, a warrior, a stand-up guy. It doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s a leader, the guy others look to for motivation, inspiration, and often with a hint of jealousy. He’s the man women want, without the intention of being the center of attention. He’s the guy, the man.

Autism Ideas – Part 3 – Kissinger’s Brice’s Mind Files

By Mary W Maxwell, PhD 6-5-11  The species Homo sapiens has a fantastic capacity to memorize information. Of course every mammal can remember some things, and so can invertebrates, but I'm talking major. I'm talking about being able to record every detail of what one...

EARTH: Space Station Orbit Timelapse

Editing: Michael König | Shooting locations in order of appearance: 1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night 2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night 3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia 4. Aurora...

Magic Mushroom’ Drug May Improve Personality Long Term

Many individuals who took a single dose of psilocybin -- the active ingredient in what the drug culture calls "magic mushrooms" -- showed alterations in personality characteristics, largely for the better, that persisted for more than a year, a prospective scientific...

Fluoride: A Toxic Chemical in Your…

Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), toothpaste and supplement tablets (including some vitamins) were never tested for safety before approval. Recent independent research by scientists not associated with dental trade organizations has shown the...

Science Faction II:  Does Monsanto Know the Secret of Soylent Green?   Science fiction novels and films, historically speaking, provide writers and directors with imaginative vessels for social commentary. And even though they are always a reflection of the idiosyncrasies and anxieties...

Study showing that humans have some psychic powers

Study showing that humans have some psychic powers caps Daryl Bem's career Bem By George Lowery It took eight years and nine experiments with more 1,000 participants, but the results offer evidence that humans have some ability to anticipate the future. "Of the...

Photosynthesis: Plants Performing Quantum Computation

GREEN COMPUTING: Photosynthetic plants appear to employ quantum computing to efficiently capture the energy of the sun. Plants soak up some of the 1017 joules of solar energy that bathe Earth each second, harvesting as much as 95 percent of it from the light they...

September 19, 2012 – DCMX Radio: The Infinite YOU – Part V: Following Excitement, Movie Truths, Harnessing the Power of Frequency

The Infinite Human is a concept that dates back millennia. Somehow, we have become experts at 'limitation', and applying it wherever possible. This episode is the first of a multi-part series of which is dedicated to YOU, the listener. Tune in to understand how...

Channeling Essassani Philosophy: The 4 Universal Laws

This is an "informal" concentrated summary of some of the core concepts of Bashar, based on innumerable recordings of his talks, and reading his two books "Quest for Truth" and "Bashar: Blueprint for Change". Bashar is a male member of a 5th dimensional civilization...

Torsion, the Aura and Long Range Healing AUTHOR(S) Claude Swanson, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Descriptions of the human aura go back thousands of years in Chinese medicine and Hindu yoga. Its existence and general properties are universally acknowledged by energy healers, who...

Dolphins at Sea ‘Greet’ Each Other

THE GIST Bottlenose dolphins appear to engage in formal greeting ceremonies while at sea. The ceremonies involve exchanges of signature whistles, which likely contain information such as name, sex, age, health status, intent and more. Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops...

Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research

A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into...

Unbelievable Events in Antarctica

Posted by Mark Sircus - Director on 28 July 2011 | Filed under World Affairs We only believe what we see with our own eyes and then even then, if we do not want to see something, we will not see it even if it’s there. Lately I have been taking virtual journeys down to...

Survival Food: 56 Food & Supplies Must Have Items

Survival Food that makes life easier: These four foods can be stored for over 10 years and can add some flavor to your cooking. If stored properly they can probably last indefinitely. Salt Sugar – Brown or White Honey Alcohol – Whiskey, Vodka, etc… Hard Grains: Stored...

57 Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Vegans are frequently misunderstood as fringe eaters with an unnatural passion for animal rights. While many vegans do feel passionately about animals, its time for others to see that a vegan diet and lifestyle go way beyond animal rights. Following a healthy,...

‘Incognito: The Secret Lives Of The Brain’

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain By David Eagleman Hardover, 304 pages Pantheon List price: $26.95 Chapter 1: There's Someone In My Head, But It's Not Me Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. Beneath your dashing good looks churns a hidden universe of...

Beauty in Nature: Bunda Cliffs Australia

The vast Nullarbor Plain is the world’s largest limestone karst landscape covering an area of 270,000 square km, extending 2,000 km between Norseman and Ceduna. Two thirds of the Nullarbor is within Western Australia and one third is in South Australia. The...

Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers

A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever. "It took us about 20 years...

Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project

"Discoveries and inventions are not terminals; they are fresh starting points from which we can climb to new knowledge." - Dr. Willis R. Whitney, founder of General Electric Laboratories After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely...

ORGANIC: Consumer Archive Articles

  Monsanto Attempts to Lockout Socially Responsible Shareholder at Annual Meeting Organic Bytes #313: Poison Food, Occupy Monsanto, and Organic Corruption Bill Gates Cheerleads for Modified Foods Don't Let Occupy Be Occupied: 6 Ways to Fight the Creep to...


We are all here to become better prepared for all disasters of every kind, be they natural or otherwise. We can each contribute information to share with the other members of this group pertaining to ways we can deal with particular situations that may arise due to...

Tracking photons through the classic double-slit experiment

By Chris Lee | Published 7 months ago Tracking photons through the classic double-slit experiment This week, an exciting new experiment has been published in Science. Funnily enough, it repeats an experiment that is over 200 years old, and I am not certain that it...

Audio: A Planet Versus The Psychopaths

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:25 pm    Post subject: Audio: A Planet Versus The Psychopaths Quote: The Beautiful Truth Show - 24th May, 2011 Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath LISTEN: Mp3 Audio

Other Researchers & Activists Risking It All

Everyone has the power to do something.  No matter what understanding a person has about the world, the ability to exhibit change exits in all of us.  Truth is like a tiny candle in a very dark room.  Only the smallest spark is needed to illuminate every distant corner. Never underestimate the power of this same light inside you.

K-Rino – Rapper, Activst

Rapper, Entertainer, Social Justice Activist. Storytelling is a lost art in rap. Not many do it anymore. Storytelling is a testament to a writer's creativity, all great writers have a great imagination. So you have to be able to create a plot that people can...

Aaron Swartz – Programmer, Activist

Aaron Swartz was a computer programmer and Internet activist who is often referred to as the third founder of Reddit. “"I don't think I have any particular technical skills. I just got a really large head start."” -Aaron Swartz Early Years Aaron Swartz was born on...

Charlie Sheen – Entertainer, Activist

Charlie Sheen Carlos Irwin Estevez Actor, Activist "I am an American citizen that loves my country and as a citizen with my passion for this great country I demand that I be challenged on the [9/11 conspiracy] facts, not on immature behavior from twenty years...

Alfred L. Webre – Politics, Exopolitics, Author

Alfred Lambremont Webre is an American author, lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.    

Woody Harrelson – Entertainer, Activist

What is impressive about Woody Harrelson is his obvious compassion. For the animals, for the planet and now – for the trees. It is evident in most everything he does, on and away from the silver screen that he is passionate. Harrelson is a vegan and long time...

LowKey – Rapper, Activist

Iraqi from the United Kingdom. Social Justice Activist. Anti-Obama, Anti-Drone, Anti-War. Pro-Palestine. Political activism (wikipedia) Lowkey is a vocal opponent of Zionism and has been become well known for his pro-Palestinian activities as a patron of the Palestine...

Conscious Rap – Why it Matters

Conscious rap is a sub-genre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge. Conscious rappers traditionally have decried violence, discrimination, and other ailments of society. Conscious rap is propelled by the conviction that radical social change comes through knowledge of self and personal discovery.

Matt Damon – Actor, Humanitarian

Matt Damon – “Things Are All Upside Down” Speech In this video actor Matt Damon speaks publicly on the New World Order and the Illuminati in a powerful speech. He mentions the “topsy turvy world”we’re living in where the wrong people are in jail and the wrong people...

Kenneth O’Keefe – Military, Humanitarian

Kenneth O’Keefe Kenneth Nichols O'Keefe is an Irish-Palestinian citizen and activist and former United States Marine and Gulf War veteran who attempted to renounce US citizenship in an Irish-Palestinian citizen and activist and former United States Marine and...

Pink Floyd – Entertainers, Activists

Pink Floyd are an English rock band formed in London. They achieved international acclaim with theirprogressive and psychedelic music. Distinguished by their use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, and elaborate live shows, they are one of the most...

Jesse Ventura – Military, Entertainer, Investigator

James George Janos Governor, Veteran, Actor, Author, Wrestler, Activist  Jesse Ventura 3/10/10 "I would say the biggest one to me was the killing of John F. Kennedy because of what happened after that. Imagine if you can kill the president and get away with...

John Kiriakou – Intelligence, Leaker

John Kiriakou is a former CIA analyst and case officer, former senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and former counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, blogger for Huffington Post, and author.former CIA analyst and case officer, former...

Wu Tang Clan – Rap Group

The Wu-Tang Clan is an elite group of ninja revolutionaries and mind control cult, under the leadership of reverend Bob Diggs, that arose in the early 1890s to challenge the authority of the various secret societies ruling the world, including the Illuminati,...

Jeremy Hammond – Hacker, Activst

Jeremy Hammond is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago. He was convicted and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistleblowing website...

Bruce Willis – Entertainer

Bruce Willis 'Walter Bruce Willis' Actor, Singer, Songwriter Bruce Willis Vanity Fair 5/5/07 "They still haven't caught the guy that killed [President] Kennedy...I'll get killed for saying this but I'm pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form...The...

Beast 1333 – Rapper, Activist

Beast 1333 is a well known underground Hip Hop rapper of Puerto Rican descent with a huge global cult like following, born in Brooklyn NY (Jan.13,1982).  Anti-NWO Storyteller leaves no conspiracy stone un-turned. UFO's, Aliens, Cover-Up, Genetic Engineering, Space...

Ed Snowden – Intelligence, Leaker

Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden is an American computer professional who leaked classified information from the National Security Agency, starting in June 2013.Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden is an American computer professional who leaked classified information from the...

Decrypting the Matrix

In my years of investigative research I have likened this reality to a large and heavy Mirror hanging on the wall. The picture is super clear, and you think you can see everything going on; but there is always a backside to that mirror, and it will always take...

Alicia Keys – Entertainer, Activist

Alicia Keys aka 'Alicia Augello Cook' Singer, Musician, Actress, Activist Alicia Keys "'Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap' didn't exist" [prior to the 'elites' creating and promoting it for sinister purposes]. The bi...

NAS – Rapper, Activist

NAS - Rapper Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones Rapper, Actor, Activist "Watch what you're watching, FOX keeps feeding us toxins, stop sleeping, start thinking outside of the box, and unplug from the matrix doctrine, but watch what you say big brother is watching""Watch what...

MC Yogi – Rapper, Free Thinker

MC Yogi is the stage name of Nicholas Giacomini, an American hip hop musician and yogi. His music style characteristically contains themes promoting Hindu philosophy and many of his songs are bhajans. In 2012, MC Yogi produced a video in celebration of Gandhi Jayanti...

Jiddu Krishnamurti – Free Thinker, Author

The Core of the Teachings Written by Krishnamurti in 1980 at the request of his biographer Mary Lutyens. The core of Krishnamurti’s teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said, “Truth is a pathless land”. Man cannot come to it through any...

Dead Prez – Rappers, Activists

When revolutionary rap duo Dead Prez released their classic 2000 opening salvo, Let’s Get Free, the outspoken hip-hop tandem of and M-1 were lauded and criticized for their two-fisted rebuke of systematic racism in all its forms. Nearly two decades later,...

Mos Def – Rapper, Activist

Mos Def Dante Terrell Smith  Rapper, Actor, Activist “I don’t believe it was bin Laden today. I don’t believe it was ever him…I’m sorry, I’m from the projects, I know danger. I don’t feel danger from that sh*t…Highly-educated people in all areas of science have spoken...

Phil Donahue – Politics, Media, Activist "Whistle-Blowers, Dissenters and Progressives Are the Patriots"  -Phil Donahue Well, I came to the realization that America has become, we are a nation of law unless we're scared. And we're scared. Nobody likes us. I think we've got our...

Recommendations for the Hacktivist Community

Statement of Purpose I have been observing the hacker and hacktivist communities, at times very closely, for many years. The exact definition of “hacker” and “hacktivist” varies from author to author, so I shall make my interpretation of these words very clear. Let us...

How LulzSec Hackers Outsmart Security Gurus

While the world argues whether the hacktivist group is more Robin Hood or terrorist, the big question is: how have the hacks been so successful? Security experts share some answers. Mischief makers, or hardened criminals? Cyber terrorists, or digital Robin Hoods? No...

Norman Finkelstein – Politics, Activist

Norman Finkelstein Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust.Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political...

Appeals Court: No Forced Decryption

Privilege Against Self-Incrimination Applies to Act of Decrypting Data San Francisco - A federal appeals court has found a Florida man's constitutional rights were violated when he was imprisoned for refusing to decrypt data on several devices. This is the first time...

FBI “Communities Against Terrorism” Suspicious Activity Reporting Flyers

The following collection of 25 flyers produced by the FBI and the Department of Justice are distributed to local businesses in a variety of industries to promote suspicious activity reporting. The flyers are not released publicly, though several have been published in...

Alicia Keys – Entertainer, Activist

Alicia Keys aka 'Alicia Augello Cook' Singer, Musician, Actress, Activist Alicia Keys "'Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap' didn't exist" [prior to the 'elites' creating and promoting it for sinister purposes]. The bi...

Phil Donahue – Politics, Media, Activist "Whistle-Blowers, Dissenters and Progressives Are the Patriots"  -Phil Donahue Well, I came to the realization that America has become, we are a nation of law unless we're scared. And we're scared. Nobody likes us. I think we've got our...

LowKey – Rapper, Activist

Iraqi from the United Kingdom. Social Justice Activist. Anti-Obama, Anti-Drone, Anti-War. Pro-Palestine. Political activism (wikipedia) Lowkey is a vocal opponent of Zionism and has been become well known for his pro-Palestinian activities as a patron of the Palestine...

Matt Damon – Actor, Humanitarian

Matt Damon – “Things Are All Upside Down” Speech In this video actor Matt Damon speaks publicly on the New World Order and the Illuminati in a powerful speech. He mentions the “topsy turvy world”we’re living in where the wrong people are in jail and the wrong people...

Jake Davis – Hacker

Jake Davis Topiary, real name Jake Leslie Davis, born October 27, 1992, is a former hacker. He has worked with Anonymous, LulzSec, and similar hacktivist groups.Topiary, real name Jake Leslie Davis, born October 27, 1992, is a former hacker. He has worked with...

Anonymous reveals Haditha massacre emails

Anonymous have unveiled their second major release for this week’s installment of FuckFBIFriday. Their target this time around is Frank Wuterich, the US Marine that admitted to killing Iraqi civilians — and received no jail time for his crime. Early Friday afternoon,...

Anonymous: Message to the NEW WORLD ORDER This is a message going out to you, the Holders. We are Anonymous. You know who you are. The men behind the curtain, the overlord pulling at the strings of your puppets. You hide and you plan and you scheme in the dark...

Decrypting the Matrix

In my years of investigative research I have likened this reality to a large and heavy Mirror hanging on the wall. The picture is super clear, and you think you can see everything going on; but there is always a backside to that mirror, and it will always take...

Mos Def – Rapper, Activist

Mos Def Dante Terrell Smith  Rapper, Actor, Activist “I don’t believe it was bin Laden today. I don’t believe it was ever him…I’m sorry, I’m from the projects, I know danger. I don’t feel danger from that sh*t…Highly-educated people in all areas of science have spoken...

Can the Bitcoin Foundation Build Legitimacy For an Outlaw Currency?

Bitcoin may have just gotten an upgrade. Bitcoin Gavin Andresen announced today on the Bitcoin Talk forums that he has launched a non-profit, modeled on the Linux Foundation, that will seek to “help people exchange resources and ideas [about Bitcoin] more freely.” If...

Dead Prez – Rappers, Activists

When revolutionary rap duo Dead Prez released their classic 2000 opening salvo, Let’s Get Free, the outspoken hip-hop tandem of and M-1 were lauded and criticized for their two-fisted rebuke of systematic racism in all its forms. Nearly two decades later,...

Anonymous helps lead Wall Street protests

Cyber activists associated with Anonymous have been in the forefront of helping to organize and conduct protests against Wall Street bankers in New York City. Rallying under the banner of #OCCUPYWALLSTREET, the demonstrators say they want to change America's financial...

Dave Chappelle – Entertainer, Activist

Dave Chappelle has never joined the dark side of the entertainment industry and refused to play the game, like Katt Williams his career has suffered because of it. Remember when the mainstream media told us he was a crackhead who lost his mind when he ran away to...

John Kiriakou – Intelligence, Leaker

John Kiriakou is a former CIA analyst and case officer, former senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and former counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, blogger for Huffington Post, and author.former CIA analyst and case officer, former...

Cell Phone Guide for Occupy Wall Street Protesters (and Everyone Else)

Occupy Wall Street has called for a global day of action on October 15, and protesters are mobilizing all over the world. In the United States, the Occupy Wall Street movement has already spawned sizeable protests in New York, Washington DC, Boston, Seattle, San...

The Fight for @YourAnonNews and the Missing $35,000

"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death." - John F. Kennedy Anonymous is just such an idea. However details about in-fighting, backstabbing and missing fundraising donations which were made public over the...

Jiddu Krishnamurti – Free Thinker, Author

The Core of the Teachings Written by Krishnamurti in 1980 at the request of his biographer Mary Lutyens. The core of Krishnamurti’s teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said, “Truth is a pathless land”. Man cannot come to it through any...

Anonymous: Occupy The Planet

Huey P. Newton – Activist, Equal Rights

Huey Percy Newton was an African-American political and urban activist who, along with Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party in 1966.  Many well educated activists would argue this group was ultimately undermined by FBI tactics and COINTELPRO, to destroy...

AnonPR On TrapWire: Cops And Feds Are Watching You At All Times   In August 2012, Wikileaks revealed details about a system known as Trapwire that uses facial recognition and other techniques to track and monitor individuals captured on countless different closed-circuit cameras operated by cities...