Sept 15th, San Francisco, CA

Where All Truths
Are Beautiful

and sometimes also

How Did We Get Here?
Asking the Right Questions is Difficult Enough, Finding Sources You Can Trust is Nearly Impossible.
No Ads, No Bias, No Tricks, No Tracking, No Distractions, No MSM Propaganda
No Reason Not to Investigate

“Before you go out trying to Fix-the-World, might want to try cleaning your room. But not just clean it up, you have to make it beautiful.”
-Jordan Peterson

Social Media for #TruthSeekers

They Can’t Censor Your T-Shirt, YET  

Make a Stand and Deliver some Laughs with our  Savage Cyber Punk Threads from the Future.

[wccs_showcase id='22416']
[wccs_showcase id='22417']

Anonymous Transmission
Time Jumper Charlie Chaplin Has A Message – Lets Play

The Elite Divide The Population With Never Ending Conflict

This Strategy Has Been Used For Generations

Humans are the only species on earth that must settle a debt simply to stay alive. Unlike others, Humans are also continually seeking fantastically inventive ways of destroying itself & habitat.

The Establishment Powers that Be do not want an empowered population

which could assemble as a single cohesive unit & use effective critical thinking in their daily lives in order to actually solve their own problems.  

We can break free from this self-limiting mind-control matrix of lies.

Everything we need, we already have. 




To really understand what that means,

we have to go down the rabbit hole ourselves.

You can’t be TOLD you are In-Love.

Nor can we be TOLD what is True,
we must understand Truth for ourselves.

of a
Time Pirate

Current Events, News Updates, Life Hacks and more .. all from the #Future

The Whole Truth About Coronavirus

Are you ready to understand whats really going on?
CovidTruth.infoDankest Memes

Human Trafficking of Women & Children

The Problem is Systemic & Global

Trafficking is the real problem – 800,000 Children per YEAR go missing 

Subject ArchiveImages & Proof

We Already Have Everything We Need

Only by having a full and complete awareness of what the body consumes, and the mind focuses upon, can one find ultimate balance and harmony and avoid the traps of corporate greed.

Open the mind to unlimited healing potential, and the possibility that hidden cures exist which could change the understanding of medicine as we know it.
The Human Mind has unlimited potential, with both its Physical and Non-Physical connection to the body, we exhibit the same holographic principles of the very universe around/within us. 
Being aware of profit exploitation in medicine, and taking advantage of this deeper mind body connection can only lead to a longer healthier life.

Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets. At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly...

Infowars Hidden Camera – Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report

Tonight's Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the...

Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul

Sayer Ji November 4, 2011 The Discovery Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed:...

Modern Science Confirms Yoga’s Many Health Benefits

There is evidence in the archeological record that yoga has been practiced by humans for at least 5,000 years. Whereas this would constitute sufficient evidence for most folks to consider it a practice with real health benefits, as its millions of practitioners widely...

Food Activists Now Labeled Terrorists by FBI

(NaturalNews) The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -- an act which allows for the government of the United States to indefinitely imprison citizens without any access to due process -- has been signed in accordance with a Congress that represents Corporate...

Survival Food: 56 Food & Supplies Must Have Items

Survival Food that makes life easier: These four foods can be stored for over 10 years and can add some flavor to your cooking. If stored properly they can probably last indefinitely. Salt Sugar – Brown or White Honey Alcohol – Whiskey, Vodka, etc… Hard Grains: Stored...

Magic Mushroom’ Drug May Improve Personality Long Term

Many individuals who took a single dose of psilocybin -- the active ingredient in what the drug culture calls "magic mushrooms" -- showed alterations in personality characteristics, largely for the better, that persisted for more than a year, a prospective scientific...

Tunnel-Realities and Imprints

Let's try Dr. Leary's perspective on these mysteries. To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or "gears," or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are...

The Heart’s Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy

Book Description Publication Date: April 6, 1999 A fascinating synthesis of ancient wisdom, modern medicine, scientific research, and personal experiences that proves that the human heart, not the brain, holds the secrets that link body, mind, and spirit.You know that...

Dolphins May Be Math Geniuses

Complex, nonlinear math appears to explain a primary dolphin hunting technique. The math involves addition, subtraction, multiplication and ratio comparisons. It is possible that dolphins possess remarkable inborn math skills. Dolphins may use complex nonlinear...

Psychic Protection: Immunise Yourself Against Negative Energy

Have you ever entered an empty room, or office, and felt “uncomfortable”? Feeling perhaps quite happy to get out of that room, or office, as soon as possible? Maybe you have found somewhere that feels “bad” at one time yet feels “okay” at another time? This could be...

Marijuana Cannabinoids Found to Help Combat Autism

The cannabinoid compounds naturally found in many varieties of cannabis, also known more commonly as marijuana, may help children with autism spectrum disorders experience dramatic behavioral improvements, and potentially even full recovery from their symptoms. These...

5 Ways to Stop Being Average Now

No one wants to be average but by definition most people fall into that category. Break out of the mold and do work that separates you from the rest of the pack through these five strategies. 1. Retrain Your Brain As long as you as an individual… can convince yourself...

Photosynthesis: Plants Performing Quantum Computation

GREEN COMPUTING: Photosynthetic plants appear to employ quantum computing to efficiently capture the energy of the sun. Plants soak up some of the 1017 joules of solar energy that bathe Earth each second, harvesting as much as 95 percent of it from the light they...

ORGANIC: Consumer Archive Articles

  Monsanto Attempts to Lockout Socially Responsible Shareholder at Annual Meeting Organic Bytes #313: Poison Food, Occupy Monsanto, and Organic Corruption Bill Gates Cheerleads for Modified Foods Don't Let Occupy Be Occupied: 6 Ways to Fight the Creep to...

10 Most Popular Alternative Medicine Treatments

  Modern Medicine Image Gallery It can complement or replace medical care, but it's best to let your family doctor know about alternative medicine choices. Many work with you, such as medical student Jimmy Wu, who spent a summer in Beijing observing traditional...

How to Increase Serotonin in the Human Brain Without Drugs

Dr. Simon N. Young, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University For the last 4 decades, the question of how to manipulate the serotonergic system with drugs has been an important area of research in biological psychiatry, and this research has led to advances in the...

The Heart’s Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy

Psychologist Pearsall had a personal experience with "energy cardiology" when he had hip cancer. His logical, directing brain struggled over his disease and what it meant to him with his sensitive, more accepting heart. He began to study the heart and learned about...

Medicinal Herbs Guide

Medicinal Herbs are in use for thousand of years and are renowned for their effectiveness in many diseases. These natural herbs are very effective in boosting the immune system, increasing the body resistance to infections, healing the allergies, and raising and...

THE “THIRD-EYE” MAY BE MORE THAN WHAT YOU THINK IT IS Many folks have a misconception about the anatomical-third-eye of Man...It is not the Pineal gland alone but consists of the pituitary, pineal and optic-thalamus " God-Man, Word Made Flesh" for moor insight into your Brain and...

September 18, 2012 – DCMX Radio: The Infinite YOU – Part IV: The Feedback Loop, Event Neutrality, Assigning Definitions, Observing Synchronicity

The Infinite Human is a concept that dates back millennia. Somehow, we have become experts at 'limitation', and applying it wherever possible. This episode is the first of a multi-part series of which is dedicated to YOU, the listener. Tune in to understand how...

Facts on Honey and Cinnamon:

It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a 'Ram Bam' (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side...

Bucky Balls Could Double Your Lifespan

Buckminster fullerene molecules, the naturally occurring spheres made up of 60 carbon atoms, have long been suspected to have biological benefits. Now, a study that set out to establish if they were toxic when administered orally has proven quite the opposite—they...

Other Researchers & Activists Risking It All

Everyone has the power to do something.  No matter what understanding a person has about the world, the ability to exhibit change exits in all of us.  Truth is like a tiny candle in a very dark room.  Only the smallest spark is needed to illuminate every distant corner. Never underestimate the power of this same light inside you.

Eminem – Rapper

Eminem has hinted that his story-telling talents ended up being a curse in recent albums, such that he has been forced into becoming a slave and pawn of the music industry mega corporations.  Rapping now about a multitude of...

Tila Tequila – Entertainer, Blogger, Activist

Tila Exposing the Illuminati and NWO on Twitter: 1. “If you protest against the GOV…theyll put you in jail and charge you for being Anti-American, when really, you had the right to.” 2. “One World Order isn’t too far away folks. Everything happening now is part of the...

Edgar Mitchell – Astronaut

Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell, Sc.D., is an American retired naval officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, and NASA astronaut who"walked on the moon" and says aliens have visited earth many times.    

Norman Finkelstein – Politics, Activist

Norman Finkelstein Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust.Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political...

Philip Schneider – Military, Underground Bases, UFOs

Philip Schneider was born April 23, 1947 and died (many assume murdered) in January 1996. Now Philip Schneider claimed to be an ex-government geologist and structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around the United States (possessing...

Joe Rogan – Martial Arts, Free Thinker, Blogger

Joseph James "Joe" Rogan (born August 11, 1967) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, martial artist, and UFC color commentator.[4] He is best known for playing Joe Garrelli on the NBC sitcomNewsRadio, commentating for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, as...

David Lynch – Entertainer, Activist

Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Musician, Actor "The Things that bother me is the hole in the Pentagon being too small for a plane, the lawn isn't mussed up, and the government is not showing the plane hitting when many cameras photographed it. At the WTC, 3 buildings...

Sacrificed Entertainers – Doorknob Suicides as an Occult Ritual

It would seem that June 2018 culminated a lengthy ritual involving the sacrificing of 12 well-known celebrities and members of royal families. Whereas this will only be news to normies, there has definitely been a lack of coverage on the occultic aspects of...

Wu Tang Clan – Rap Group

The Wu-Tang Clan is an elite group of ninja revolutionaries and mind control cult, under the leadership of reverend Bob Diggs, that arose in the early 1890s to challenge the authority of the various secret societies ruling the world, including the Illuminati,...

Bob Dean – Military, UFOs, Contact

Military Intelligence Officer, ET Contactee, Author, UFOlogist Bob Dean Robert O. Dean has been engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on active duty in the US ARMY where he served for 27 years. He retired as Command...

Julian Assange – Hacker, Activist

Julian Assange Julian Paul Assange is an Australian publisher and journalist. He is known as the editor-in-chief of the website WikiLeaks, which he co-founded in 2006 after an earlier career in hacking and programming.Julian Paul Assange is an Australian publisher and...

Ronald Regan American Hero Bush Sr. Tried to Assassinate

this is the issue of this election, whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon, the american revolution and confess that

a little intellectual elite

in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves?

Kerry Cassidy – Journalist, Investigator, Filmmaker

Kerry Cassidy In 2006 Kerry ran across Bill Ryan, a dude with a nice line in broad-brimmed hats, and they shacked up for a while at the Camelot Castle Hotel in Tintagel. Project Camelot grew out of their post-coital conversations, conceived as an open-ended series of...

K-Rino – Rapper, Activst

Rapper, Entertainer, Social Justice Activist. Storytelling is a lost art in rap. Not many do it anymore. Storytelling is a testament to a writer's creativity, all great writers have a great imagination. So you have to be able to create a plot that people can...

LowKey – Rapper, Activist

Iraqi from the United Kingdom. Social Justice Activist. Anti-Obama, Anti-Drone, Anti-War. Pro-Palestine. Political activism (wikipedia) Lowkey is a vocal opponent of Zionism and has been become well known for his pro-Palestinian activities as a patron of the Palestine...

Edward Loomis – Intelligence, Leaker

Edward Loomis worked as an NSA cryptologist from 1964 to 2001. Prior to the 9/11 attacks, Loomis unsuccessfully lobbied the agency to adopt a sophisticated data-collection program -- nicknamed "ThinThread" -- to monitor foreign Internet traffic going through the...

The Paypal 14 – Activists

The PayPal 14 are a group of defendants allegedly connected with the hacktivist group Anonymous, thirteen of whom pled guilty in a San Jose court in California, United States in December 2013, to charges of conspiring to disrupt access to the PayPal payment...

Dave Chappelle – Entertainer, Activist

Dave Chappelle has never joined the dark side of the entertainment industry and refused to play the game, like Katt Williams his career has suffered because of it. Remember when the mainstream media told us he was a crackhead who lost his mind when he ran away to...

Willie Nelson – Entertainer, Activist

Willie Nelson Willie Hugh Nelson Musician, Singer, Songwriter, Veteran, Activist, Actor, Author, Poet 2/4/08 "I saw one fall and it was just so symmetrical. I said, wait a minute, I just saw that last week at the casino in Las Vegas...and you see...

Dead Prez – Rappers, Activists

When revolutionary rap duo Dead Prez released their classic 2000 opening salvo, Let’s Get Free, the outspoken hip-hop tandem of and M-1 were lauded and criticized for their two-fisted rebuke of systematic racism in all its forms. Nearly two decades later,...

Stewart Swerdlow – Intelligence, Mind Control, Healing

  Stewart Swerdlow A gifted Hyperspace Intuitive, Stewart A. Swerdlow moves his consciousness beyond time and space to determine your foundational mind-pattern upon which all your life experiences are based. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first...

Rob Schneider – Entertainer, Humanitarian

Rob Schneider Robert Michael Schneider Actor, Comedian, Screenwriter, Director, Activist "I'm for parental rights, not for government coercion telling us what we can do and can't do with our kids...It's illegal...You can't make people do procedures that they don't...

NAS – Rapper, Activist

NAS - Rapper Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones Rapper, Actor, Activist "Watch what you're watching, FOX keeps feeding us toxins, stop sleeping, start thinking outside of the box, and unplug from the matrix doctrine, but watch what you say big brother is watching""Watch what...

MC Yogi – Rapper, Free Thinker

MC Yogi is the stage name of Nicholas Giacomini, an American hip hop musician and yogi. His music style characteristically contains themes promoting Hindu philosophy and many of his songs are bhajans. In 2012, MC Yogi produced a video in celebration of Gandhi Jayanti...

LEAKED: Monsanto Internal Study/Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use

Reference No.: 2 Monsanto April 1998 CONFIDENTIAL -- OFFICIAL USE ONLY Internal Study/Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use *    Of all insecticides used globally each year, the amount used on cotton: 25%. *    Number of pesticides presently on the market that were registered...

Inside Anonymous’ Secret War Room

Dissident members of the internet hacktivist group Anonymous, tired of what they call the mob's "unpatriotic" ways, have provided law enforcement with chat logs of the group's leadership planning crimes, as well as what they say are key members' identities. They also...

Statement from Jeremy Hammond, alleged Anonymous hacker, July 23 2012

23 July 2012 - Statement from Jeremy Hammond, alleged Anonymous hacker - read in Foley Square, NYC Thanks for everybody coming out in support! It is so good to know folks on the street got my back. Special thanks to those who have been sending books and letters, and...

Alicia Keys – Entertainer, Activist

Alicia Keys aka 'Alicia Augello Cook' Singer, Musician, Actress, Activist Alicia Keys "'Gangsta rap' was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. `Gangsta rap' didn't exist" [prior to the 'elites' creating and promoting it for sinister purposes]. The bi...

Inside Par-AnoIA: The Anonymous Intelligence Agency

Paranoia is reputed to destroy you. But if you’re a whistleblower in search of a safe, neutral outlet, it just might save you instead. Par:AnoIA, short for Potentially Alarming Research: Anonymous Intelligence Agency, is a website designed to collect leaks, allow...

Stanley Kubrick – Filmmaker, Activist

Stanley Kubrick. This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, placed symbols and hidden anecdotes into his films that tell a far different story than the films appeared to be saying. In...

FlashBack: Belgian SuperCop Exposes Elite Sex Orgies

Punch-drunk Belgium is reeling from a new shock after a senior police officer confirmed last week what has long been rumoured: that some of the country's leaders indulge in sex parties, known ironically as "ballets roses". Amusing and appalling in turn, the testimony...

Wu Tang Clan – Rap Group

The Wu-Tang Clan is an elite group of ninja revolutionaries and mind control cult, under the leadership of reverend Bob Diggs, that arose in the early 1890s to challenge the authority of the various secret societies ruling the world, including the Illuminati,...

How to secure your computer and surf fully Anonymous BLACK-HAT STYLE

This is a guide with which even a total noob can get high class security for his system and complete anonymity online. But its not only for noobs, it contains a lot of tips most people will find pretty helpfull. It is explained so detailed even the biggest noobs can...

Activist Barrett Brown Raided by FBI During Online Video Chat For the second time this year, self-proclaimed Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown was raided by the FBI. The latest dramatic incident occurred late Wednesday evening while Brown and another woman identified by some as his girlfriend were...

Information Technology – Higher Education… or?

Information security, especially at schools that provide training on the subject, in for-profit higher education should not be a premium. It would make a really great story to send an "undercover" technician to DeVry and Rasmussen campuses to observe their incredible...

John Kiriakou – Intelligence, Leaker

John Kiriakou is a former CIA analyst and case officer, former senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and former counterterrorism consultant for ABC News, blogger for Huffington Post, and author.former CIA analyst and case officer, former...

Eddie Griffin – Entertainer, Activist

    Comedian Eddie Griffin Talks The Truth On China & Americas Covert War Through Afghanistan's Opium. TV 'Programming'. Freedom, Thinking, Control Sysmtems, Total Collapse - The Build up to World War III & The New World Order....

Top Secret America: Network of Gov’t Contractors

"Top Secret America" is a project nearly two years in the making that describes the huge national security buildup in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. When it comes to national security, all too often no expense is spared and few questions are...

Anonymous reveals Haditha massacre emails

Anonymous have unveiled their second major release for this week’s installment of FuckFBIFriday. Their target this time around is Frank Wuterich, the US Marine that admitted to killing Iraqi civilians — and received no jail time for his crime. Early Friday afternoon,...

ANONYMOUS: Behind the mask, inside the Hivemind

Obeying the rules is up to you Outside of a handful of the most permissive corners of the internet, absolute uncensored freedom of speech isn't seen as a sacred right. If an Anon says or does something to offend the powers that be, that is their own fault. The result...

NASA Scientists And Astronauts Tell The World Aliens Do Exist (Video)

Recently, I published an article titled Proof Aliens Do Exist, Two Leaked Videos, following up on this topic, I have compiled a few videos in this post that show staff from NASA who say they will testify in front of congress that they personally saw pictures of UFOs...

Decrypt the Matrix on Spotify – Conscious Entertainers

Conscious rap is a sub-genre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge. Conscious rappers traditionally have decried violence, discrimination, and other ailments of society. Conscious rap is propelled by the conviction that radical social change comes through knowledge of self and personal discovery.

RELEASE: Anonymous Hands Over Stratfor Emails to Wikileaks

   LONDON--Today WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings...

Protect Yourself from FBI Manipulation (w/attorney Harvey Silverglate) Learn how the FBI can manipulate what you say and use it against you, and how to prevent them from doing so! With civil liberties and civil rights attorney Harvey Silverglate. Remember: if the FBI asks to speak with you, you do not have to...

Abraham Lincoln – Activist Quotes

This country belongs to the people who inhabit it. They can exercise their constitutional right of amending the existing government, or their revolutionary right to overthrow it.

Norman Finkelstein – Politics, Activist

Norman Finkelstein Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, professor, and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust.Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American political...

Gary Busey – Entertainer, Activist

Actor, Musician, Activist "It's time for American citizens to stand up and pay attention to what we're here for, and what this country was founded upon...and where it could be going if we, each one of us, does not stand up and write our congressman and senators and...

Inside Job: Anonymous Leader Flipped Into FBI Informant?

As reported by Fox News yesterday, LulzSec “mastermind” and Anonymous hacker Sabu (real name: Hector Xavier Monsegur) was flipped by the FBI. Big surprise. Give the FBI a cookie. There has been a widespread belief that Sabu was a rat for quite some time within the...

DHS Insider ‘Rosebud’: “Coming This Spring, Life for the Average American is Going to Change Significantly”

SHTFplan Editor’s Note: The following interview is both informative and terrifying, and essential reading for anyone concerned about what comes next. What the DHS Insider suggests is about to happen is exactly what many of us fear – a police state takeover of America,...