Where All Truths
Are Beautiful

and sometimes also

How Did We Get Here?
Asking the Right Questions is Difficult Enough, Finding Sources You Can Trust is Nearly Impossible.
No Ads, No Bias, No Tricks, No Tracking, No Distractions, No MSM Propaganda
No Reason Not to Investigate

“Before you go out trying to Fix-the-World, might want to try cleaning your room. But not just clean it up, you have to make it beautiful.”
-Jordan Peterson

Social Media for #TruthSeekers

They Can’t Censor Your T-Shirt, YET  

Make a Stand and Deliver some Laughs with our  Savage Cyber Punk Threads from the Future.

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Anonymous Transmission
Time Jumper Charlie Chaplin Has A Message

TimePirates.io – Lets Play

The Elite Divide The Population With Never Ending Conflict

This Strategy Has Been Used For Generations

Humans are the only species on earth that must settle a debt simply to stay alive. Unlike others, Humans are also continually seeking fantastically inventive ways of destroying itself & habitat.

The Establishment Powers that Be do not want an empowered population

which could assemble as a single cohesive unit & use effective critical thinking in their daily lives in order to actually solve their own problems.  

We can break free from this self-limiting mind-control matrix of lies.

Everything we need, we already have. 




To really understand what that means,

we have to go down the rabbit hole ourselves.

You can’t be TOLD you are In-Love.

Nor can we be TOLD what is True,
we must understand Truth for ourselves.

of a
Time Pirate

Current Events, News Updates, Life Hacks and more .. all from the #Future

The Whole Truth About Coronavirus

Are you ready to understand whats really going on?
CovidTruth.infoDankest Memes
The Fall of the Cabal – 10 Part Documentary

The Fall of the Cabal – 10 Part Documentary

This documentary was made by researcher and author Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands with the aid of countless anons across the world. It Contains thousands of hours of research. Accept nothing as the truth. DO your own research, and double-check everything presented. This is the only way we become independent thinkers.

The Maxwell Files – Court Documents Unsealed

The Maxwell Files – Court Documents Unsealed

The documents stem from a 2015 civil action brought against Maxwell by the Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, who has claimed that Maxwell lured her into Epstein’s orbit at 15 years old, under the guise of offering work as a masseuse. They include personal emails between Epstein and Maxwell as well as information from a discussion between Giuffre and her lawyer.

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?

Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy?

In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded.

Human Trafficking of Women & Children

The Problem is Systemic & Global

Trafficking is the real problem – 800,000 Children per YEAR go missing 

Subject ArchiveImages & Proof

We Already Have Everything We Need

Only by having a full and complete awareness of what the body consumes, and the mind focuses upon, can one find ultimate balance and harmony and avoid the traps of corporate greed.

Open the mind to unlimited healing potential, and the possibility that hidden cures exist which could change the understanding of medicine as we know it.
The Human Mind has unlimited potential, with both its Physical and Non-Physical connection to the body, we exhibit the same holographic principles of the very universe around/within us. 
Being aware of profit exploitation in medicine, and taking advantage of this deeper mind body connection can only lead to a longer healthier life.

The Effects of Compact Fluorescent Lights on Emotions

There are three scenarios under which some compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) may affect emotions. CFL bulbs contain mercury. If a bulb breaks and the mercury inside the bulb enters the body, mercury poisoning can affect the emotions. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)...

Life After Death: Teen Experiences Life Changing Event Before Finally Passing Away

CHICAGO — A week before Ben Breedlove died of a heart attack, the Texas teenager posted a remarkable video describing the peace and bright lights he’d found the other times his heart stopped. Breedlove, 18, tells his story with simple note cards and the occasional...

How to Increase Serotonin in the Human Brain Without Drugs

Dr. Simon N. Young, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University For the last 4 decades, the question of how to manipulate the serotonergic system with drugs has been an important area of research in biological psychiatry, and this research has led to advances in the...

Mass Animal Deaths – Alaska feeling Fukishima?

Why are huge numbers of dead birds dropping dead and washing up along the coastlines of Alaska?  It is being reported that many of the carcases of the dead birds are “broken open and bleeding”.  The photo of some of these dead birds at the top of this article was...

Holistic Medicine Resource

  Healing and Wellness Articles How To Get The Most Out Of The Holistic Healing Web Page! What Is Holistic Medicine? Holistic Healing Fundamentals Web Page   Important Fundamentals Food & Nutrition Stress Relief Strategies (Part 1) Yoga Article (Part 2)...


Photograph via Reddit   The vast Nullarbor Plain is the world’s largest limestone karst landscape covering an area of 270,000 square km, extending 2,000 km between Norseman and Ceduna. Two thirds of the Nullarbor is within Western Australia and one third is in...

The Human Body: 49 Fascinating Youtube Videos

There is a lot to learn about the body and how it works, as well as how its different systems interact to create a larger system. Here are 49 interesting YouTube videos that can help you learn about the human body: Brain Your brain directs the rest of the body’s...

Top 5 Deathbed ‘Regrets’

By Bronnie Ware (who worked for years nursing the dying) For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People...

Timothy Leary’s Eight Circuits of Consciousness

Tunnel-Realities and Imprints Let's try Dr. Leary's perspective on these mysteries. To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or "gears," or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually...

Imagining the 10th Dimension

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjsgoXvnStY This is the full, annotated version of the animation illustrating the concepts found in chapter one of the book "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" by Rob Bryanton. For more info: www.tenthdimension.com

Infowars Hidden Camera – Fluoride Treatment Facility: Nightly News Report

Tonight's Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the...

WORLD MAP: Population Density Per Square Km

Population density of over 15 people per square kilometer below:   SOURCE:http://www.dwtkns.com/density/

Miso Helps Protect the Body Against Atomic Radiation and Heavy Metal Poisoning

It may have been our fear of fallout from the impending nuclear holocaust or from nuclear power plant meltdowns that first attracted Westerners to miso. During the 60's, students of macrobiotics and Zen began hearing about Dr. Shinichiro Akizuki, director of Saint...

Matrix Breakthrough: Self Correcting ‘Computer’ Code Discovered in Depths of String Theory

http://youtu.be/q1LCVknKUJ4   "Doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code," first invented by Claude Shannon in the 1940's, has been discovered embedded WITHIN the equations of superstring theory! Why does nature have this? What errors does...

Scientists discover evidence of ‘morality’ in the Animal Kingdom

Fairness: Dominant wolves learn from a young age to play down their strength Until recently it was thought that only humans had the ability to experience complex thought and emotions. However in recent years it has been uncovered by ecologists that animals do have a...

Learn the Health Benefits of Ginger for a Great Immune System Boost

Ginger and the Immune System strong antioxidant Antimicrobial (kills bacteria - including salmonella) - internally and topically as an antiseptic two natural antibiotics are found in ginger contains anti-inflammatory agents helps eliminate congestion contains...

H1N1 FLU VACCINE: Deaths Actually Caused By MRSA

Truth comes out: 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic 'deaths' of children were actually caused by MRSA (NaturalNews) Remember two years ago when every news show featured hysterical reports about the so-called H1N1 pandemic and how the supposed killer flu was striking down healthy...

10 Most Popular Alternative Medicine Treatments

  Modern Medicine Image Gallery It can complement or replace medical care, but it's best to let your family doctor know about alternative medicine choices. Many work with you, such as medical student Jimmy Wu, who spent a summer in Beijing observing traditional...

Holistic Cancer Research

In a recent interview, Dr. Leonard Coldwell stated 'all cancer'can be cured in less than 12 weeksthrough holistic cancer remedies. HolisticCancerResearch is dedicated to uncovering holistic cancer research results along with helping people to discover alternative...

Creating Your Reality: All You Need Is Your Mind

In my consulting practice, I constantly hear people complain about how they rarely get what they want in life. They claim that when they do receive an answer to a wish or prayer, it falls short of the expected goal. Very frustrating, indeed! Many researchers state...

Breatharianism: Life Without Eating

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3e5wueoN4U Wiley Brooks, spiritual teacher and founder of the Breatharian Institute of America. Wiley believes we don't need to eat. Instead everything we need to live can come from the air.

Why Walking through a Doorway Makes You Forget

  Turn the handle and leave the past behind.Image: iStock/Robert Vautour The French poet Paul Valéry once said, “The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.”  In that spirit, consider a situation many of us will...

Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto

Lawsuit Filed To Protect Themselves from Unfair Patent Enforcement on Genetically Modified Seed Action Would Prohibit Biotechnology Giant from Suing Organic Farmers and Seed Growers If Innocently Contaminated by Roundup Ready Genes NEW York: On behalf of 60 family...

The Unstoppable Awakening of Humanity: Symptoms of the Shift

By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World We’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and...

Other Researchers & Activists Risking It All

Everyone has the power to do something.  No matter what understanding a person has about the world, the ability to exhibit change exits in all of us.  Truth is like a tiny candle in a very dark room.  Only the smallest spark is needed to illuminate every distant corner. Never underestimate the power of this same light inside you.

Dave Chappelle – Entertainer, Activist

Dave Chappelle has never joined the dark side of the entertainment industry and refused to play the game, like Katt Williams his career has suffered because of it. Remember when the mainstream media told us he was a crackhead who lost his mind when he ran away to...

Ice-T – Rapper, Entertainer

Tracy Marrow Rapper, Actor, Activist "I'll give up my guns when everybody else does...The right to bare arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny...not to hunt, it's to protect yourself from the police."Rapper, Actor, Activist "I'll give up my...

Ray McGovern – Intelligence, Activist

Ray McGovern Raymond McGovern is a retired CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990, and in the 1980s chaired National Intelligence Estimates and prepared the President's Daily Brief.Ray McGovern Raymond McGovern is a retired...

Richard Belzer – Entertainer, Investigator, Author

Richard Belzer Richard Jay Belzer has played the wise-head Munch on almost a dozen TV shows, ranging from “SVU” to such huge successes as “The X-Files,” “30 Rock,” “The Wire,” “Arrested Development” and even “Sesame Street.” That’s a record for any single fictional...

Vinnie Paz – Rapper, Activist

Vincenzo Luvineri (born October 5, 1977), better known as Vinnie Paz (formerly known as Ikon the Verbal Hologram), is an Italian-American rapper and the lyricist behind the Philadelphia underground hip hop group Jedi Mind Tricks. He is also the frontman of the hip hop...

Tila Tequila – Entertainer, Blogger, Activist

Tila Exposing the Illuminati and NWO on Twitter: 1. “If you protest against the GOV…theyll put you in jail and charge you for being Anti-American, when really, you had the right to.” 2. “One World Order isn’t too far away folks. Everything happening now is part of the...

Bob Dean – Military, UFOs, Contact

Military Intelligence Officer, ET Contactee, Author, UFOlogist Bob Dean Robert O. Dean has been engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on active duty in the US ARMY where he served for 27 years. He retired as Command...

Stuart Wilde – Self Help, Author, Lecturer

Author and lecturer Stuart Wilde is one of the real characters of the self-help, human potential movement. His style is humorous, controversial, poignant and transformational. He has written over a dozen books, including those that make up the very successful Taos...

Philip Schneider – Military, Underground Bases, UFOs

Philip Schneider was born April 23, 1947 and died (many assume murdered) in January 1996. Now Philip Schneider claimed to be an ex-government geologist and structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around the United States (possessing...

Ronald Regan American Hero Bush Sr. Tried to Assassinate

this is the issue of this election, whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon, the american revolution and confess that

a little intellectual elite

in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves?

Gary McKinnon – Hacker

Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the "biggest military computer hack of all time,"[2] although McKinnon himself – who has a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome – states that he...

Beast 1333 – Rapper, Activist

Beast 1333 is a well known underground Hip Hop rapper of Puerto Rican descent with a huge global cult like following, born in Brooklyn NY (Jan.13,1982).  Anti-NWO Storyteller leaves no conspiracy stone un-turned. UFO's, Aliens, Cover-Up, Genetic Engineering, Space...

Prodigy (Mobb Deep) – Rapper, Activist

Prodigy released an autobiography during spring 2011 entitled My Infamous Life: The Autobiography of Mobb Deep’s Prodigy. It was co-written with Laura Checkoway and was published by Touchstone Books. Prodigy was recently featured in the 2011 documentary Rhyme and...

David Lynch – Entertainer, Activist

Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Musician, Actor "The Things that bother me is the hole in the Pentagon being too small for a plane, the lawn isn't mussed up, and the government is not showing the plane hitting when many cameras photographed it. At the WTC, 3 buildings...

Sacrificed Entertainers – Doorknob Suicides as an Occult Ritual

It would seem that June 2018 culminated a lengthy ritual involving the sacrificing of 12 well-known celebrities and members of royal families. Whereas this will only be news to normies, there has definitely been a lack of coverage on the occultic aspects of...

Kerry Cassidy: One of the Internet’s biggest Conspiracy Researchers

She’s also one of the most popular. She claims to have interviewed hundreds of “above Top Secret” subjects; ex-military or government officials who are in the know about the way things really are. Kerry says that she’s seen or heard evidence of a veritable checklist...

Robbie Williams – Entertainer

Robbie Williams  Robert Peter Williams Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Activist "[I'm] mainly interested in conspiracy theories, and the hidden hand that's guiding everything! [I'm] fascinated by...all of this may be rubbish, or there may be something to it... I'm into the...

Rob Schneider – Entertainer, Humanitarian

Rob Schneider Robert Michael Schneider Actor, Comedian, Screenwriter, Director, Activist "I'm for parental rights, not for government coercion telling us what we can do and can't do with our kids...It's illegal...You can't make people do procedures that they don't...

Conscious Rap – Why it Matters

Conscious rap is a sub-genre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge. Conscious rappers traditionally have decried violence, discrimination, and other ailments of society. Conscious rap is propelled by the conviction that radical social change comes through knowledge of self and personal discovery.

Danny Casolaro – Journalist

Danny Casolaro Journalist, Freelance Writer Danny Casolaro Shortly before his death, Casolaro told people that he was nearly ready to reveal a wide-ranging conspiracy spanning the Inslaw case, Iran-Contra, the alleged October Surprise conspiracy, and the closure of...

Joe Rogan – Martial Arts, Free Thinker, Blogger

Joseph James "Joe" Rogan (born August 11, 1967) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, martial artist, and UFC color commentator.[4] He is best known for playing Joe Garrelli on the NBC sitcomNewsRadio, commentating for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, as...

Andrew D. Basiago – Secret Space Program, Mars

Andrew D. Basiago is a Vancouver, Washington lawyer of apparently high repute. As a side project, he runs Project Pegasus, a group dedicated to lobbying the government to release the secrets of teleportation and time travel for the benefit of mankind. Basiago also...

Randy Cramer – Secret Space Program, Mars

Randy Cramer-aka-Captain “Kaye”, a former supersoldier I Interviewed back in 2006, code named “Zed” (See:...

Mordechai Vanunu aka John Crossman – Science, Nuclear

Mordechai Vanunu, also known as John Crossman, is a former Israeli nuclear technician who, citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, revealed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

Anonymous – The Bankers Are The Problem

Bankers Are the Problem - Greed has become the driving force of systematic DEBT in throughout the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=013gL5AMZbE

Anonymous Releases How-to Instructions on Fooling Facial Recognition

http://youtu.be/mxgOn8ikQuQ New Tips and Tricks to Fool Surveillance Cameras now Known to be using advanced algorithm technology for automated Facial Recognition and profiling. With a few of the right LED lights, and a 9 volt battery on the brim of a hat, one can walk...

Make It Happen 2012: Second Transmission From ANONYMOUS

http://youtu.be/0i85_7wMzrY You can Make a Difference. Everyone Has An Opportunity To Affect Change During this Crucial Time on Earth.    

KRS One – Rapper, Activist

Lawrence Krisna Parker (born August 20, 1965), better known by his stage names KRS-One, and Teacha, is an American rapper from The Bronx, New York City, New York. KRS-One rose to prominence as part of the group Boogie Down Productions, which he formed with DJ Scott La...

Accidental Leak: UK Policeman’s Clipboard Reveals Julian Assange Arrest Tactics

Handwritten note detailing Met police strategy suggests there should be no escape, no matter how he leaves embassy A police officer holds notes on Julian Assange’s exile at the Ecuadorean embassy in London. The left side of the document has been pixellated due to...

ASYLUM GRANTED: Ecuador Gives Political Asylum to Julian Assange

The text below is translated from the official Spanish transcript of today’s press statement issued by Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño Aroca, explaining Ecuador’s decision to grant asylum to Julian Assange. Here is a backup text in case Ecuadorian govt....

Undercover Reporter Infiltrates Security Firm to Expose London Olympics

Highlights: Foreign troops drafted in; drug deals in training classroom; ineffective screening processes and detection technology; photographs of sensitive mock-up screening areas taken by un-screened trainees; 200k 'casket linings' delivered; uniforms being stolen;...

Robbie Williams – Entertainer

Robbie Williams  Robert Peter Williams Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Activist "[I'm] mainly interested in conspiracy theories, and the hidden hand that's guiding everything! [I'm] fascinated by...all of this may be rubbish, or there may be something to it... I'm into the...

Anonymous Press Release – The Recent Hack Of The FBI Cyber-Crime Division

  Greetings World -- On September 3, 2012 our comrades in AntiSec released a Press Release here --> http://pastebin.com/nfVT7b0Z In this release they disclosed the fact that they had hacked the laptop of an FBI agent in the Cyber-Crime division and among the...

NAS – Rapper, Activist

NAS - Rapper Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones Rapper, Actor, Activist "Watch what you're watching, FOX keeps feeding us toxins, stop sleeping, start thinking outside of the box, and unplug from the matrix doctrine, but watch what you say big brother is watching""Watch what...

David Lynch – Entertainer, Activist

Filmmaker, Director, Artist, Musician, Actor "The Things that bother me is the hole in the Pentagon being too small for a plane, the lawn isn't mussed up, and the government is not showing the plane hitting when many cameras photographed it. At the WTC, 3 buildings...

Inside Anonymous’ Secret War Room

Dissident members of the internet hacktivist group Anonymous, tired of what they call the mob's "unpatriotic" ways, have provided law enforcement with chat logs of the group's leadership planning crimes, as well as what they say are key members' identities. They also...

Russel Brand – Entertainer, Blogger, Activist

Anti-establishment 'freedom fighter' who mocks mainstream news practices and never-ending chase of trivial events.  Proponent of peace, love, unity, anti-war, enlightenment, metaphysics & higher-consciousness.        ...

Why Hillary Clinton Should Join Anonymous

The State Department and the online mob are both destroying “Internet freedom.”   It's hard to deny the intellectual ambiguity of “Internet freedom” when among its staunchest defenders are idealistic hacktivists from Anonymous and hard-nosed diplomats from the...

Decrypting the Matrix

In my years of investigative research I have likened this reality to a large and heavy Mirror hanging on the wall. The picture is super clear, and you think you can see everything going on; but there is always a backside to that mirror, and it will always take...


http://youtu.be/WR52NgUN41g For years Anonymous worked hard to protect our world and its peoples. NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY, This is an ALERT ABOUT SURVEILLANCE. Privacy of the people all over the world is suffering more and more outrages. We should not tolerate it....

The Edward Snowden guide to encryption: Secret 12-minute homemade video

Snowden made video to teach reporter how to speak with him securely It explains how to use Public Key Encryption to scramble online messages Privacy campaigners call on ordinary people to learn how to use the method +4 Whistleblower: The tutorial Edward Snowden made...

An Anonymous Message to NATO

World of Spycraft: NSA and CIA Spied in Online Games

This story has been reported in partnership between The New York Times, the Guardian and ProPublica based on documents obtained by The Guardian. Not limiting their activities to the earthly realm, American and British spies have infiltrated the fantasy worlds of World...

Hack Back: A DIY Guide for Those Without the Patience to Wait for Whistleblowers

  --[ 1 ]-- Introduction I'm not writing this to brag about what an 31337 h4x0r I am and what m4d sk1llz it took to 0wn Gamma. I'm writing this to demystify hacking, to show how simple it is, and to hopefully inform and inspire you to go out and hack shit. If you...

Obama Signed Secret Libya Order Authorizing Support For Rebels

First Posted: 3/30/11 05:21 PM ET Updated: 5/30/11 06:12 AM ET React Important Fascinating Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Infuriating Beautiful Follow   Libya ,   Libya News ,   Obama , Libya Obama , Obama Libya Rebels , Obama Secret Libya Order , Obama Secret Order...

The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation

written by a former music executive who says he witnessed a secret meeting in 1991 where the prison industrial complex encouraged the music industry to promote rap artists who glorify crime with the goal of encouraging listeners to get locked up in prison, so the private prisons could make more money

CIA Torture Pseudonyms

via Cryptome.org 11 December 2014 CIA Torture Pseudonyms Paulmd199 sends: CIA Torture Pseudonyms Update: The "Associates" of "Company Y" are now known, as is "CIA officer 2." Additional people and details have become known. The press has been hard at work uncovering...

Is Anonymous The Internet’s Most Powerful Mirage?

You may have noticed it last week. Anonymous claimed the scalp of yet another a major government agency. Supporters of the the online movement of activists and internet trolls said they’d stolen 1.7 GB of data from an agency within the Department of Justice that...

AntiSec Timeline: Created and Operated under FBI Supervision

From the very first release of 'AntiSec' related hashtags, Anonymous king-pin Sabu was under full control of the FBI.  It is clear this was a red-herring to help promote the cyber-surveillance police state currently undergoing rapid deployment. SOURCE:...